Welcome to the First Pack meeting of the year! A special welcome to all the new Scouts joining Pack 673 during our recent recruitment drives. Also, welcome to those who are here tonight to see if they would like to join. We hope to see you throughout the rest of the year. Many thanks to all the adults who ran the summer activities, as well as to all the scouts and their families who participated. Due to the full agenda for tonight’s meeting, we will recognize participation in summer activities in October. Please let us know if your son has completed all three activities during the summer so that he can receive a special recognition badge. Finally, tonight’s program is a SURPRISE so keep your eyes open!

Fall Camping

We will be camping at Joseph Citta the weekend of October 7th8th. This is the same location as our Fall 2005camping trip. Directions and further information will be available at the planning meeting.

All scouts, including new Tiger Cubs, are invited for this weekend camping activity. The cost is $8 per person. There is a general sign up form available during this Pack meeting to give us an idea of who might be interested in attending. On Monday night, October 2, at 7:30 p.m. at Jefferson in the Library, there will be a planning meeting for the campout. This meeting is mandatory for all those who wish to attend. During the meeting the registration forms and medical forms will be collected. We will also be volunteering for food and activities during the trip. A medical form is required for each individual (this means parents too) attending the campout. Forms are available at this Pack meeting and the planning meeting on the 2nd.

No knives are allowed to be carried by scouts at the campground and may only be used under adult supervision. Only adult family members may sleep in the same tent with the scouts.

Ray Kostyack and future coordinators will be available after the Pack meeting to answer any questions.

Popcorn Sales

The 2006 Pack 673 popcorn fundraiser, which benefits our Pack, as well as our local Boy Scout Council—is starting today.

Please be sure to take the order form home with you. You may sell popcorn from now until the October 16th Pack meeting. All order forms must be turned in by October 16th. Popcorn will be available for pickup after November 8th. Our goal this year is for each scout to sell at least one unit of delicious Trails End Popcorn!! Please provide payment by check rather than cash. Checks should be made out to “Pack 673”.

As a reminder, this is our Pack’s ONE AND ONLY fundraiser. The 36% commission our Pack receives from this sale helps to defray the considerable costs of running our Pack. These costs include, but are not limited to; the registration and training of all Den Coordinators and uniformed adult Pack Leaders, Pinewood Derby kits for every scout, advancement charts and kits for each Den, pack meeting supplies, entertainers’ fees, and trophies, patches and other awards earned by the scouts throughout the year. Without the popcorn sale proceeds, we could not do these things without requiring each family to pay a much higher Pack fee. WITH YOUR SUPPORT, we will be able to continue keeping the Pack fees low, while providing our members with the quality program that Pack 673 families have come to expect!!!If you are interested in volunteering to help out with the Popcorn Sale, contact Tom Detrano at .

Popcorn Sales Incentives

The council has new incentives for our popcorn sellers. You can redeem the sales for a gift or Scout Bucks which can be spent at a council run store. A patch or pin is awarded for selling one unit. There are many prizes available for even small orders. Be sure to review your order forms. There is only one prize available per individual. Please call Tom Detrano (518-9310) if you have any questions.

Halloween Pack Meeting

Our next pack meeting on October 18th will have a Halloween theme. The activities will include such things as ghost bowling and the mummy wrap. To make this exciting for the Scouts we need volunteers to help with the planning and running this Pack activity. Please sign up in the back after the Pack meeting. You can also call DaveCollum to volunteer. (928-9705)

Volunteers Needed to Help Make the Pack Go!!

Volunteers are needed to help plan and run the Pack meetings every month. We need volunteers for this year’s programs and to take over for the people leaving next year.Without your help it is difficult to put on the quality programs that all the Scouts look forward to. Activities requiring help are: Halloween Night, Service Night, Pinewood Derby, Blue & Gold Dinner, Sports Night, Spring Family Camping, and the November Food Drive. Sign-up sheets are available in the back of the gym tonight and will be available after each Pack meeting. Let's lead by example, please volunteer!

A “thank you” to the parents who came to the Pack Committee meeting this past Sunday.There were 9 in attendance; thanks to Ray Kostyack, Steven Lee, Anna Macik, Dave Collum, Lou DePinto, Tom Detrano, Donna Maher, and Bob Model.

Committee meetings are held Sunday before each Pack meeting, at 7:30 p.m., at Kostyack residence (438 Poe Ave.). Our nextmeeting is October 15th.All interested parents are invited. Leaders and Committee members need to attend.At least one member from each Den mustattend. The Pack needs you! See one of the uniformed pack leaders after tonight’s meeting, or call Ray Kostyack(317-4994), if you can help!

Training / CubScoutUniversity

On October 28ththere will be training at the CubScoutUniversity in Randolph. This is an all day training event and it covers many facets of scouting. ALL Adult Leaders and Committee members MUST be trained. See Ray Kostyackfor dates anddetails (Essentials, Specifics, Youth Protection & Risk Zone).

Training is not only required but will help make your scouting years more rewarding. A car pool can be arranged if enough individuals are interested in attendingPOWWOWUniversity. Registration forms can be obtained at the Patriots Path Council website () or please check with the Ray Kostyack after the meeting.

Summer Activities

A special “Thank You” to our Summer activities Coordinators;Ray Kostyack (Memorial Day Parade), Sven Migot (Picnic), Andy Zidel (Pool Party) and Dave Collum (Patriots Baseball Game).

Summer Time Activities Badges: Nicholas DePinto (Wolf – Den 5), Eli Zidel (Wolf – Den 5).

Pack 673 Website

For additional information, you can visit our Pack website at

All Den leaders, please verify email and telephone address for each Cub Scout in your den and submit to the Cub Master before the next meeting.Advancements /Awards

Wolf – Achievements
Den 5 / Completed Badges/Arrow Points /
Belt Loops/Pins
Noah Bram / Soccer Belt Loop
Den 5 / Completed Badges/Arrow Points /
Belt Loops/Pins
Skylar Migot / Soccer Belt Loop
Zachary Model / Soccer Belt Loop
Webelos I – Achievements
Den 8 / Completed Badges/Arrow Points /
Belt Loops/Pins
Zachary Bram / Soccer Belt Loop
Joseph Detrano / Archery Belt Loop
BB Shooting Belt Loop
Matthew Gaudin / Archery Belt Loop
BB Shooting Belt Loop
Webelos II – Achievements
Den 12 / Completed Badges/Arrow Points /
Belt Loops/Pins
Gideon Lee /
Archery Belt Loop
BB Shooting Belt Loop
Golf Belt Loop
Fishing Belt Loop
Swimming Belt Loop

Mark Your Calendars

September 18th – Tiger Den Planning/Formation

(parents only, Jefferson Library, 7:30 p.m.)

September 19th – Wolf Den Planning/Formation

(parents only, Jefferson Library, 7:30 p.m.)

September/October – POPCORN Sale

October 2nd – Fall Camping Mtg.

October 6th, 7th & 8th – Fall Camping (Joseph Citta)

October 28th – POW WOW University (Den and Pack leader training)

November – Scouting for Food (bag drop off)

November – Pick-up & Delivery to Food Pantry

December – Service Projects and Service Night packs

Next Pack Meeting: October 16th

Flag Ceremony - Webelos II, Den 11

Craft – Bear Dens 9 & 14

Performance – Dens 6 &12