Gender Past Question
Gender concepts
1. Outline what is meant by the term gender. (2 marks) (Jan 07)
AO1 Two marks for an appropriate definition of the term.
Possible answer: Gender refers to the social role/cultural attributes (AO1, 1) associated withmasculinity and femininity (AO1, 1).
2. Explain the difference between sex and gender. (3 marks) June 08
AO1 One mark for knowledge of each term.
Possible answer: Sex refers to the biological differences between males and females (AO1, 1). Gender refers to the social/cultural attributes associated with the two sexes (AO1, 1).
AO2 One mark for an appropriate difference.
Possible answer: Although gender can change, sex does not (AO2, 1).
Up to 3 marks may be credited for candidates who provide valid differences.
3. Distinguish between the terms sex and gender. (3 marks)June 04
AO1 One mark for identification of each term. For example, sex refers to the biological differencesbetween males and females (AO1, 1). Gender refers to the social role/cultural attributesassociated with the two sexes (AO1, 1).
AO2 One mark for distinction between the terms. For example, where gender can change, sex does not(AO2, 1).
Alternatively credit candidates who provide three valid distinction points.
4. Explain what is meant by androgyny. In your answer, give an example of how a person mightshow androgynous behaviour. (3 marks) Jan 04 & Jan 07 & Jan 06
AO1 One mark for brief recognition of the term.AO2 One mark for explanation of the term plus one mark for an appropriate example.
Example: Androgyny is a term used to describe an individual who possesses traitsregarded as both typically masculine and feminine (AO1, 1). They have noproblem in accepting their sexual identity but accept masculine and femininetraits that form their personality (AO2, 1) for example, a female may beaffectionate and caring as a mother, but also forceful and ambitious within herwork-role (AO2, 1).
AO1 One mark for definition of the term.
Possible answer: Androgyny is used to describe an individual who possesses traits/attitudes/behaviours regarded as both typically masculine and feminine.
AO2 Two marks for an appropriate example.
For example: a woman may be aggressive in her work-role (AO2, 1) but sympathetic as amother (AO2, 1).
AO1 One mark for definition of the term but brief or slightly muddled account.
Two marks for definition and elaboration of the term.
Androgyny is used to describe an individual who possesses a balance of masculine and femininetraits/attitudes/behaviours.
AO2 One mark for any relevant example, eg a man may be forceful within his work-role, but alsoempathic and caring as a father (AO2, 1).
Gender role / Stereotypes
9 (i) State what is meant by a sex-role stereotype. (1 mark) June 06
AO1 One mark for correct identification of the term, eg a belief about what is considered appropriate and typical behaviour for males and females.
9 (ii) Briefly describe how the birthday card above (Figure 2) might influence a five-year-oldgirl’s understanding of gender roles. (2 marks)June 06
AO1 Two marks for an appropriate description, eg a girl of five years may identify with the female stereotype in the card (AO1, 1) and believe that this is how she/other females should behave as a girl (AO1, 1).
Credit references to male stereotypes who do not behave in this way.
10. Outline what is meant by the term sex-role stereotype. (2 marks) Jan 04
AO1 Two marks for recognition of the term.
Example: A sex-role stereotype is a belief about what is typical and appropriate behaviour for males and females (AO1, 1). This forms an over-simplified expectation of behaviour from members of that group (AO1, 1).
Credit outline that may be implicit in relevant example.
11. Using an example, outline what is meant by a sex-role stereotype. (3 marks) June 07
AO1 Two marks for recognition of the term.
Possible answer: A sex-role stereotype is a belief/attitude/view (AO1, 1) about what is typical and appropriate behaviour for males or females (AO1, 1).
AO2 One mark for an appropriate example.
For example, the role of a male is to work and provide for his family (AO2, 1).
12. In preparation for a careers interview, a class of students were asked to provide at least one traitthat would characterise their personality. Persons A, B and C described themselves as.forceful., .sympathetic. and .intelligent. respectively.
In your answer book, identify which trait is stereotypically
(i) masculine;
(ii) feminine. (2 marks) June 04
AO2 Two marks for each trait correctly identified.
(i) forceful
(ii) sympathetic.
13. Give one example of a sex-role stereotype associated with
(i) men;
(ii) women. (2 marks) Jan 03
AO2 One mark each for a stereotype about men and women. Accept any plausible example. Theimportance is that each statement demonstrates a stereotype rather than a statement of fact.
Examples: Men better at driving (than women), more aggressive, good at DIY
Females are caring, good with children, cannot read maps.
14. Using an example, state what is meant by the term sex role. (2 marks) (Jan 08)
AO1 One mark for the correct identification of the term.
Possible answer: Sex role refers to a part which males and females might expect to playin a given situation (AO1, 1).
AO2 One mark for an appropriate example.
Possible answer: An example of a male sex role is head of the family (AO2, 1).
15. Jason received a model train set for his fifth birthday.
His sister, Lisa, said, “When I grow up, I want to be a train driver.”
Jason replied, “No, you can’t. Girls don’t drive trains.”
Explain what is meant by a sex-role stereotype. Refer to Jason and Lisa’s conversation in your answer. (4 marks) (Jan 05)
AO1 Two marks for recognition of the term, eg a sex-role stereotype is a belief about what isconsidered typical behaviour for a male or female. It is an oversimplified, general attitude ofhow males and females are expected to behave.
AO2 Two marks for reference to the stimulus material that illustrates aspects of the term identified.
The application to the stimulus material should be detailed to gain two marks. For example,
Jason has observed only boys playing/driving trains and therefore sees this form of behaviouras appropriate for boys and not girls.
What is meant by the term gender role? Give an example. (2 marks) Jan 09
AO1 One mark for correct definition of the term.
Possible answer: A part which a man or woman might expect to play in a given situation (AO1, 1).
AO2 One mark for an appropriate example, eg the role of the male is to go to work andprovide financial security for his family.
Amelia was watching a medical drama on television. It showed a female nurse saving a patient’s life. Amelia said to her mummy, “I am a girl. When I grow up,I want to be a nurse like the lady on the television.”
Outline what is meant by the term gender role. Refer to the example of Amelia. (2 marks) (Jan 06)
AO1 One mark each for correct definition of the terms.
Possible answer: Role refers to a part which a person might expect to play in a given situation (AO1, 1).
AO2 One mark for reference to the stimulus material which illustrates the term. Role refers toAmelia stating to her mummy that she would like to be a nurse/lady on the television when shegrows up (AO2, 1).
Cross cultural research
Using an example, outline what is meant by cross-cultural research in relation to gender.(3 marks) June 03
AO1 One mark for brief or slightly inaccurate description. Two marks for accurate and detailed description which must relate to gender.
Example: Cross-cultural research is a method of investigation where two or more cultures are investigated for the purpose of comparison to consider the universality of gender roles.
AO2 One mark for an appropriate example which could be a reference to a specific study such as Mead (1935) or Williams and Best (1990), or any two cultures.
Identify and briefly describe one reason for conducting cross-cultural research.(3 marks) (Jan 06)
AO1 One mark for identification of a relevant reason.
Two marks for description of the reason but brief or slightly muddled account.
Three marks for clear identification and elaboration of the reason.
Possible answer: Cross-cultural research is useful for investigating the nature/nurture debate (AO1, 1). If behaviour is found to be similar across different cultures, then these characteristics must be genetically determined (AO1, 1). However, if behaviour is found to be different,then characteristics are suggested to be due to the environment (AO1, 1).
Explain how the study of cultural diversity helps psychologists understand gender roles/stereotypes. (3 marks)June 05
AO1 One mark for basic outline. Two marks for outline with brief and/or muddled reference to gender. Three marks for outline with appropriate reference to gender.
Possible answer: Cultural diversity refers to the difference in values, beliefs and behaviours which exist between groups or communities of different ethnicity (AO1, 1).
Different groups within society may hold norms and values which differ according to their perception of gender appropriate behaviour and social roles (AO1, 1). Therefore, cultural diversity may help psychologists to understand the differences in gender roles/behaviours by comparing males and females in different societies/cultures (AO1, 1).
Credit answers which refer to the role of cultural diversity in relation to nature/nurture.
Outline one strength and one limitation of using cross-cultural research to investigate gender differences. (4 marks) (Jan 05)
AO1 Two marks for an outline of the strength identified.
Two marks for an outline of the limitation identified.
Strength: The importance of discovering innate, universal behaviours (AO1, 1).
If behaviour is found to be similar across different cultures, then these characteristics must begenetically determined (AO1, 1).
Limitation: Researchers may misinterpret an action during their observations (AO1, 1).
This may be due to the researchers. own cultural biases which produce expectations andtherefore alter what is .observed. (AO1, 1).
Briefly discuss one strength of using cross-cultural research to study gender. (3 marks) Jan 09
AO1 One mark for identification of a strength.
One further mark for elaboration of the strength.
Likely answers: importance of discovering innate, universal gender behaviours; comparison to Western culture allows for a greater understanding of cultural diversity, etc.
AO2 One mark for analysis and evaluation. This may be in the form of justification, illustrationor counter-criticism.
With reference to the study of gender, briefly explain one ethical issue that mightarise when conducting cross-cultural research. (2 marks) Jan 08
AO1 One mark for identification of a plausible ethical issue in relation to cross-cultural research.
AO2 One mark for explanation of the issue in relation to gender/cross-cultural research.
Likely answers: invasion of privacy, eg Mead; cultural bias, eg ethnocentrism on part of researcher/researcher uses own values in interpreting gender differences.
Nature nurture
5. Explain the difference between nature and nurture in relation to gender. (3 marks) June 03
AO1 Correct identification of the terms nature and nurture, nature relating to innate factors, nurture relating to environmental factors.
AO2 Correct application of the terms to gender, explaining whether gender differences between men and women, such as sex roles, are the product of biological rather than social or cultural factors.
6. In relation to gender, describe what is meant by nature and nurture. (4 marks)(Jan 08)
AO1 Two marks each for correct description of the terms in relation to gender.
Possible answer: Nature refers to the belief that gender differences in behaviour areinnate (AO1, 1) and determined by genetic and biological factors (AO1, 1). Nurturerefers to the idea that gender differences are learned (AO1, 1) and a result of sociallearning and cultural factors, i.e. the environment (AO1, 1).
Credit candidates who provide a good description of one term (up to three marks).Credit evidence of candidates’ knowledge of the debate.Maximum 2 marks if no reference to gender.
7. Billy is having a conversation with his sister, Sadie. Billy says that he is much better than her atplaying football because he is a boy. Sadie disagrees. She says, .It.s nothing to do with youbeing a boy. It.s because you go to football training every Saturday morning..
State what is meant by nature and nurture in relation to gender. Refer to Billy and Sadie.sconversation in your answer. (4 marks) June 06
AO1 One mark each for correct identification of the terms in relation to gender. For example, nature refers to the belief that gender differences in behaviour are determined by genetic and hormonal factors (AO1, 1). Nurture refers to the idea that gender differences are a result of social and cultural factors, ie the environment (AO1, 1).
AO2 Two marks for reference to the stimulus material that illustrates aspects of the terms identified.
The application to the stimulus material should be detailed to gain two marks. For example, Billy thinks he is good at football because of nature . he is a boy. However, Sadie thinks Billy is good at football because he goes to football training every Saturday morning . nurture.
8. Hayley and Charlotte were discussing their friend Joe, who is very good at mending cars.Hayley commented, “I think boys are naturally good at that sort of thing.”State what is meant by nature and nurture in relation to gender. Refer to the example of Joe in your answer. (4 marks) June 05
AO1 One mark each for correct identification of the terms in relation to gender.
Possible answer: Nature refers to the belief that gender differences in behaviour are determined by hormonal and genetic factors (AO1, 1). Nurture refers to the idea that gender differences are a result of social and cultural factors – the environment (AO1, 1).
AO2 Two marks for reference to the stimulus material that illustrates aspects of the terms identified.
The application to the stimulus material should be detailed to gain two marks. For example, Hayley thinks Joe is very good at mending cars as a result of nature – he is a boy/male. However, Joe may have acquired his ability to mend cars as a result of nurture – the acquisition of the skill.
‘Nature’ can be credited in terms of inheritance as well as the biological fact of Joe being a male.
A primary school teacher asked her pupils to write a short story about themselves and what they wanted to do in the future.
One girl wrote, “My name is Tanya and I am a girl. I like to help my mummy with thecooking. When I grow up I am going to have two children and stay at home and cookmeals for them.”
Outline what is meant by the terms identity and role. With reference to the girl’s story, give anexample of gender identity and a gender role. (4 marks) June 03
AO1 One mark for each correct outline of the terms. Role refers to a part which a person mightexpect to play. Identity refers to the sense someone has of what kind of person he/she is.
AO2 Correct application of stimulus to the terms. Gender identity is reference to Tanya being agirl. Role is reference to that of carer or reference to domestic role (cooking).
Hassan is four years old. His nursery teacher has noticed that he likes to play withbuilding blocks and construction toys. When Hassan was asked by his nursery teacherwhat he would like to be when he grows up, Hassan replies, “I want to be a builder ’cos
I’m a big, strong boy.”
Outline what is meant by the terms gender identity and gender role. Refer to thecomments made by Hassan in your answer. (4 marks) June 07
AO1 One mark each for correct identification of the terms.
Possible answer: Gender identity refers to the sense that males and females have of whether they are masculine or feminine/they can label their own sex (AO1, 1). Genderrole refers to a part which males and females might expect to play in a given situation(AO1, 1).
AO2 Two marks for reference to the stimulus material which illustrates the terms.
Gender identity refers to Hassan stating that he is a boy (AO2, 1). Gender role refers toHassan stating that he wants to be a builder (AO2, 1).
Below are three definitions often used in the study of gender:
A the sense that someone has of either being male or being female;
B attachment to a male or female model who possesses qualities seen as rewarding;
C a part which a man or woman might expect to play in a given situation.
In your answer book, write down which definition (A, B or C) refers to
(i) gender role;
(ii) gender identity.
Label your answers clearly. (2 marks) June 08
(i) C
(ii) A
Amelia was watching a medical drama on television. It showed a female nurse saving a patient’slife. Amelia said to her mummy, “I am a girl. When I grow up, I want to be a nurse like the ladyon the television.”
Outline what is meant by the terms gender role and gender identity. For each term, refer to theexample of Amelia. (4 marks) Jan 06
AO1 One mark each for correct definition of the terms.
Possible answer: Role refers to a part which a person might expect to play in a given situation (AO1, 1).
Identity refers to the sense that someone has of what kind of person they are (AO1, 1).
AO2 Two marks for reference to the stimulus material which illustrates the terms. Role refers to
Amelia stating to her mummy that she would like to be a nurse/lady on the television when she grows up (AO2, 1). Identity refers to Amelia stating that she is a girl (AO2, 1).
Gender explanations
Chromosome patterns
Give the typical sex chromosome pattern for the following:
• a male;
• a female. (2 marks) June 05
AO1 One mark each for the correct typical chromosome pattern.
A male – XY
A female – XX
Give one typical sex chromosome pattern. (1 mark) June 07
AO1 One mark for a correct typical sex chromosome pattern.
Likely answers: XY (Male)
XX (Female)
Give one atypical sex chromosome pattern. (1 mark) June 05
One mark for correct atypical sex chromosome pattern.
Possible answer: XXY – Klinefelter’s syndrome (male)
XO – Turner’s syndrome (female)
Identify one atypical sex chromosome pattern and describe the effect that it may have on an individual. (3 marks)Jan 04 & Jan 05
AO1 One mark for correct identification of atypical sex chromosome pattern. Accept name ofcondition. Two marks for appropriate description of the effect on behaviour.
Examples: XO [Turner’s syndrome] (AO1, 1). Girls tend to display higher than average verbal ability (AO1, 1) but lower than average mathematical skills, spatial ability and visual memory (AO1, 1).