STEVE KROFT: Thank you again so much Mr. President for having us here and allowing us to do this interview. I understand you want to make a statement before we begin.

PRESIDENT HASSAN ROUHANI: I, too, am happy about this opportunity that has arrived for us to have a conversation about issues that are important, both in our region as well as the whole world. I think peace, security, and stability are the most important aims that if the region and the world experience them, it’ll be grounds for progress and development, and this progress and development will be good for all of humanity.

KROFT: What do you think of the agreement?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: A very difficult agreement to reach, with lots of ups and downs. But it's the right path we have chosen. I am happy that we have taken extremely important steps on this issue and are in the process of taking the final steps.

KROFT: What has been gained?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: The achievement itself of the understanding and agreement means a great success for both sides. What we achieved were in reality the goals that we have been pursuing from day one, which was that we are able to, without problems, maintain our peaceful activities, the sanctions be removed, and the unjust resolutions that were passed against Iran, these resolutions are removed and cancelled.

KROFT: Were you surprised by the ferocity of the debate in the United States and the outcome?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: It was predictable. An issue of this significance cannot be resolved without its opponents. One is surprised by the commentaries and the commentaries are not very pleasant. Some groups and political parties may be against it, but the governments of the world, all together, welcomed this deal.

KROFT: Opponents have argued that the U.S. has given away too much for very little in return from Iran. Agreeing to lift the sanctions on Iran in exchange for, what they call, a temporary 15-year freeze on nuclear operations --after which Iran would be free to resume or begin work on a nuclear bomb, with far more resources than they have now.

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: If a country wanted, with the technical resources it has, to gain an atomic bomb, this deal would have been a very bad deal for it. Because the deal creates limitations from all sides to getting an atomic bomb. But if a country has been after peaceful technology from the beginning, then it has lost nothing. We wanted this incorrect accusation, that Iran is after nuclear weapons, corrected and resolved and that the goal of Iran is peaceful activity. In his deal, we have accepted limitations for a period of time in order to create more trust in the world.

KROFT: It all boils down to a matter of trust between two countries that have been enemies for a long time. People in the United States, many of them are convinced that Iran has worked hard to develop the capability to build nuclear weapons and that they are concerned or have been concerned that in the past Iran has had a spotty record, they say, withinternational organizations like the IAEA in terms of compliance and allowing inspections of various facilities and answering questions about the program.How do you change that perception?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: The topic of trust between Iran and the United States, that this trust has not existed, and today also does not exist, is an obvious issue. But regarding the issue that you raised, in any event, the IAEA conducted many inspections, from 2003 to 2005, specially from the time, in 2003, when Iran voluntarily accepted the Additional Protocol.After hundreds of hours of inspections and many reports, in any event, in the resolution of the Board of Governors in November 2004, it was clearly stated that Iran’s activities did not have any diversion. In all the reports of the IAEA throughout the past 12 years, the IAEA has consistently stated, in the declared sites, it has not observed any diversion.

KROFT: The IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency said in 2011 that it had credible information that Iran had experimented with detonators, high explosives, and hydrodynamic experiments that are the first steps towards testing a nuclear bomb, suggesting that Iran’s program may have not have been in 2003 entirely peaceful, and they said they’re still trying to get answers to those questions, and this is part of the agreement, correct?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: Iran and the IAEA agreed to bring this issue to a final resolution and conclusion.The IAEA has certain questions in this area, and we are in dialogue with the IAEA to answer these questions.

KROFT: The United States seems to have its hardliners and Iran seems to have its hardliners. The opponents say essentially that -- they think Iran has given up too muchcontrol over their nuclear program to the U.S. and other foreign countries, and to the IAEA. Do you see similarities between the United States and Iran in terms of the opposition to this?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: There are similarities. It’s natural that opponents always look for the maximum possible outcome. In an agreement, neither achieves the maximum. Both sides must always concede a little bit from the maximum to get an agreement. Therefore the person who seeks the maximum complains. The result of this agreement benefits everyone -- benefits both sides because we have been able to reach an understanding, an agreement, on a very complicated issue at the negotiating table and be able to prevent misunderstandings, and take the first step towards trust. Of course, for reaching trust between the U.S. and Iran, there is need for a lot of time.

KROFT: Some of the opponents are very powerful. The commander of the Revolutionary Guards, for example, has condemned the deal. How do you deal with that? That’s an important political force in this country.

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: It’s clear that some will be opposed…some will be in favor, will express their opinions, but at the same time after the agreement is approved by the responsible institutions, everyone will comply with that. The Revolutionary Guards also, when the deal is approved by responsible institutions, they too, will respect this agreement.

KROFT: Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader, your boss, has supported these talks all the way through. But he has not, to my knowledge, supported this agreement in particular. Does he believe in this agreement? Does he support it?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: The principle of the negotiations were endorsed by the Supreme Leader, and he has said many times that I accept the negotiations, that the two sides negotiate with each other. He has relegated the final decision regarding this deal to the responsible institutions. Therefore, when the responsible institutions, in their final decision, accept this deal, it means that the Supreme Leader also accepts it and will endorse it.

KROFT: And do you think that that will be a positive decision for the agreement?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: The majority of our people, in opinion polls, have a positive view of the agreement. And usually institutions like the parliament and the Supreme National Security Council are usually not far-removed from public opinion and move in that direction.

KROFT: The debate is expected to be very heated in the parliament. Do you think that there’s a chance that the agreement could be rejected? Either by the Parliament or the Security Council or by the Ayatollah?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: In any event, in the world of possibilities, every possibility exists. But I believe the logic of those who are in favor of the deal, is a very strong logic.

KROFT: You have been very temperate in your statements about these negotiations. You have been trying to encourage a sense of good will between the United States and Iran, but some of this – some of the success has been undercut by very harsh statements from both sides. Since the deal, the Ayatollah Khamenei has endorsed, even praised, the chanting of “death to America” and “death to Israel” at the Friday prayers by demonstrators…and he continues to call the United States the “Great Satan.” Do you believe the United States is the great Satan?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: The enmity that existed between the United States and Iran over the decades, the distance, the disagreements, the lack of trust, will not go away soon. What’s important is which direction we are heading? Are we heading towards amplifying the enmity or decreasing this enmity? I believe we have taken the first steps towards decreasing this enmity.

KROFT: Do you think the United States is the “Great Satan?”

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: Satan in our religious parlance is used to refer to that that power that tricks others and whose words are not clear words, do not match reality. What I can say is that the U.S. has made many mistakes in the past regarding Iran, and must make up for those mistakes.

KROFT: I’m sure you realize that it is difficult for many Americans to get past the fact that President Obama has signed an agreement with a country that says, “Death to America, death to Israel.” How do you explain this? What are they to make of it? Are they to take it literally? Is this for domestic, internal Iranian political consumption? What are Americans to make of it, the language?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: This slogan that is chanted is not a slogan against the American people. Our people respect the American people. The Iranian people are not looking for war with any country. But at the same time the policies of the United States have been against the national interests of Iranian people. It’s understandable that people will demonstrate sensitivity to this issue. When the people rose up against the Shah, the United States aggressively supported the Shah until the last moments. In the eight year war with Iraq, the Americans supported Saddam. People will not forget these things. We cannot forget the past, but at the same time our gaze must be towards the future.

KROFT: “Death to America” is very simple concept. Three words, not much room left for interpretation. Not very conciliatory. Do you see the day when that language will not be used? You yourself have encouraged both sides to try and lower the temperature.

PRESIDENT ROUHANI:If America puts the enmity aside, if it initiates good will, and if it compensates for the past, the future situation between the United States and Iran will change.

KROFT: The United States has just signed an agreement with Iran to lift the sanctions, is that not a sign of goodwill?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: It hasn’t been implemented yet…the lifting of the sanctions must be initiated.

KROFT: Despite the success, there are still many pitfalls ahead. There will be disagreements, no doubt, over the next 25 years over how these agreements and issues are interpreted. There are already some disagreements about whether Iran will allow the inspection of military sites if the IAEA feels that there are suspect nuclear activities going on there. There are people who say this deal could fall apart next week. How committed do you think Iran and the United States are to this agreement?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: Two countries that, in the course of two years were at the negotiating table, bargained, discussed every word and line of this deal with each other, reached an agreement, it means that they have the political will to implement this deal. I can speak for Iran that whatever commitments we made in the past, whatever commitment that we signed and declared, we’ve been faithful to it. Iran will implement this deal, will hold up its obligations, and also the framework of the Additional Protocol, will work with the IAEA; and the IAEA, in the framework of these international treaties, can carry out its inspections in Iran.

KROFT: Republican leadership in Congress has indicated that it’s going to try to undermine the agreement, continue to try and undermine the agreement, perhaps even try to pass new sanctions. Would that break the deal? Or is Iran prepared to stay the course? I’m not saying that’s going to happen, I’m saying that it’s possible that it will be tried.

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: In any event, the deal has two sides. We’re committed to all sections of the deal as long as the other side is also committed and implements the deal. If the deal is to be broken by the other side, it’s natural that a one way agreement does not make any sense. Breaking the agreement is not to anyone’s benefit; it’ll be to everyone’s detriment. The continuation of this agreement will also be to everyone’s benefit.We must be more careful in the initial months.If we cross the first few months, I think the foundations of this deal will become stronger day by day.

KROFT: Do you think the level of trust between Iran and the United States has improved because of this treaty?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: Relative to the past, it’s improved. But this does not mean that all disagreements are resolved, or all the distrust removed, in one case, on one issue, yes, we have managed to overcome the problem.

KROFT: There has been speculation and hope, both inside and outside Iran and in the United States, that this nuclear deal could be a catalyst for some broader, if limited, cooperation between the two countries where there are mutual interests.

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: Many areas exist where in those areas it’s possible that common goals, or common interests, may exist. But what is important is that in the nuclear agreement, we see how the two sides behave in action. Enacting this deal in a good way will create a new environment.

KROFT: You have said that you are willing to sit down with any country, friend or enemy, to discuss the situation in Syria in order to stop the bloodshed. What does Iran see as a possible, workable, acceptable solution to the situation in Syria?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: Look, in a county where a large segment of the country has been occupied by terrorists, there is bloodshed inside the country, millions of people have been displaced, how is it possible that we fight the terrorists of this country without supporting and helping the government of that country?How can we fight the terrorists without the government staying? Of course, after we have fought terrorism and a secure environment is created, then it is time to talk about the constitution, or the future regime, to talk and discuss,opposition groups and supporters sit at the table, but during a situation of bloodshed and during an occupation of the country, what options exist?

KROFT: This agreement was a big political victory for youpersonally. You were elected president based on the idea that you wanted to open up Iran to the outside world, that you wanted to get the sanctions lifted, that you wanted to bring prosperity back to the country, so Iran can take its place among the great nations of the world and not be isolated. There are still some things in that agenda that are still unfulfilled: freedom of speech, more access to the internet, and personal freedoms.

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: I think relative to the two years I’ve been in office, I have been successful – not 100 percent of course, but successful. Our relations with other countries have improved. There is more freedom at the universities, lively debates and greater freedom of the press, compared to the past. Of course, there are some issues that are not in control of the government.

KROFT: As we sit hereand speak, right now, there is a dual American/Iranian citizen, a journalist for the Washington Post, Jason Rezaian, in prison for more than a year on unspecified charges. There has been talk among leaders in the last few weeks that there might be a prisoner exchange. Is there anything you can say to clarify the situation?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI:We have Iranians who are imprisoned in the United States, Iranians who are being pursued and most of them are being pursued for circumventing the sanctions. And you know that from the beginning we considered the sanctions to be wrong, and we encouraged everyone to circumvent them. We consider all of those prisoners to be innocent, and consider it wrong that they are in prison.

KROFT: Would you support a prisoner exchange?

PRESIDENT ROUHANI: I don’t particularly like the word exchange, but from a humanitarian perspective, if we can take a step, we must do it.The American side must take its own steps.

KROFT: The hotels are filled, the last two times I’ve been here,filled with Europeans looking to do business when the sanctions are finally lifted. What are the possibilities for Iran and what do you hope will happen and are you getting interest from people in the United States about investing here?