Life School Secondary Campus

Physical Education - 9-12th Grade

Coach Berumen -

Course Materials:

The students are to bring the following materials to class unless otherwise informed:

1.  Physical education uniform

2.  Running/activity shoes

3.  Combination Lock

Classroom Rules:

1.  Instant obedience

2.  Respect for others

3.  Respect for property

4.  Diligence to duty

5.  LLP (Listening Learning Position)

Classroom Procedures:

As the students enter the classroom, they should prepare for the class by:

1.  Change quickly into your physical education clothes.

2.  Proceed to your assigned area and designated spot and wait for class to begin.

Class Time and Teaching:

Students are expected to dress out everyday unless otherwise directed. Students will receive a grade for dressing out and participating in the Physical Education class.

Grading Scale:

100% Participation-Dressing out, following directions, activites, tests, etc…

The final grade for each 6-weeks will consist of a 50% Daily Average and a 50% Test Average.


If a student is absent, it is the Student’s responsibility to get with the teacher on any missed work.

Teacher Philosophy:

There are a significant number of benefits of physical activity. Providing students with physical activities reduces the risk of premature mortality, coronary heart disease, hypertension, colon cancer and diabetes. Physical activity also improves mental health and is important for the health of muscles, bones and joints. There are also health and cognitive related benefits. As a teacher, I attempt to implement activities that will hold the students' interest while benefiting them physically and mentally. I will introduce students to the activities that will enable them to participate in the lifetime activity that promotes, supports and maintains wellness.

Conflict Resolution:

If a student receives a tally, tardy, or dress code infraction and feels they did not earn it, there is a proper way to discuss the problem. The student may discuss it with me before or after school. Class time will not be used to discuss the problem. The student is to come to me in a calm, respectful manner. This will not be a time to argue, but rather a time to discuss the problem. If we have a discussion, it does not mean the offense will be taken away.

Physical Education Guidelines


A. Only school approved t-shirts, school approved shorts, and athletic shoes may be worn. Shoes must be designed for activity on a gym floor, no black soles that will mark the gym floor.

***NO JEWELRY: this includes earrings, bracelets, necklaces, etc.

B.  Physical Education lockers are furnished for each student for use in their period only. They must bring their own lock to secure their possessions. They must remove their lock after every class or they will be removed with lock cutters. Do not use your P.E locker as your school locker.

C.  Students will only be allowed in the locker room during their class period.


Daily: Suiting out & Participation = 100% Test: Suiting out, Participation, Skill, and/or test = 100%

Failure to suit out/participate offenses:

1st offense: warning / zero 2nd offense: zero / parent phone call 3rd offense: zero / tally system begins


A.  Parent note: The student WILL suit out for class but does not participate in physical activity. Paper work on related material may be issued to the student to read and answer questions. The grade made on this work will be the grade earned for that day. A parent note is good for the day only unless stated otherwise. If the student is unable to participate for more than two consecutive class periods, then the student must bring a doctor’s note stating their problem. The note must state the number of days excused.

B. A medical excuse signed by a doctor will be valid for the designated number of days. It should state the problem and give any limitations the doctor feels are necessary. The student may receive a sports related packet to complete in order to receive their daily grade/s.

C. A student may be excused from participation by the school nurse. The nurse shall send a note stating the problem. The student may receive a packet for a daily grade. The student must dress out before they go to see the nurse!


IV. Please read carefully and sign. This indicates that you have read the Physical Education Guidelines and Course Syllabus and understand what is expected of all students in this class. I understand the requirements of the course and I agree to hold myself accountable for its content

Parent/Guardian PRINTED NAME: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Student’s PRINTED Name: ______

Student’s Signature: ______

Contact 1st Printed Name: ______Relation: ______

Phone #: ______

Cell Phone #: ______

Email: ______

Contact 2nd Printed Name: ______Relation: ______

Phone #: ______

Cell Phone #: ______

Email: ______

Please return this form to Coach Berumen no later than Friday, August 16th, 2013.