Association of Advanced Nursing Practice Educators
Committee meeting. : Friday 17 November 2006. 1:30 - 3:30
Present: Dave Barton (Chair), SwanseaUniversity
Helen Ward (Deputy Chair), LondonSouthBankUniversity
Katrina Maclaine, London South Bank University
Mike Walsh, St MartinsUniversityCollege
Lesley Bridges, BCUC
Heather Griffith, BournemouthUniversity
Yvonne Cappa, University of Derby
Janette Palmer, Glasgow Caledonian University
Jane Bickerton, CityUniversity
Linda Dunn, Council of Deans
Chris Inman, University of CentralEngland
- Apologies: Douglas Allan, Jenny Kell, Melanie Rogers, Carol Cox, Donna McConnell, Clare Moran (RCN Nurse Practitioner Association representative), Caroline Carlisle
- Minutes: The revised minutes from the 5th May 2006 meeting and the minutes from the 7th September 2006 meeting were approved.
- Introduction:Dave Barton welcomed members who had not been before and summarised the purpose of AANPE and how it is currently set up. The committee is made up of a fluid cohort of interested parties at the present time with only the key role of Chair, Dave Barton, Deputy Chair, Helen Ward and treasurer, Douglas Allan being formalised.
- Finances: We now have over 40 HEIs who have expressed an interest in the AANPE and have 36 who have paid a membership fee to date. Interest in the association has increased over the last few months.
Janette Palmer updated the members on the financial status of the Association in the absence of Douglas Allan :
- Currently we have £1491.27 in the current account, with planned expenditure of approx £500 as the annual fee payable to US NONPF, and sponsorship of £300 each to two committee members for attendance at next years NONPF conference (April 2007).
- This leaves a balance of approx £391; however, annual subscriptions are due to be collected from all of the members in January 2007.
A committee discussion on the annual subscription fee resulted in an agreement to increase the fee to £60per HEI from January 07in line with the increase in cost of living. (Action: Douglas Allan)
It was also agreed that only those HEIs that are paid-up members will be listed on the website under membership list would from January 2007. Core material explaining the nature and purpose of AANPE, such as the terms of reference, etc and consultations responses would be available to public viewing. However Dave Barton will create a members only area on the web-site to provide minutes of meetings, NMC documents etc. This would give benefits to being a member of AANPE.
5. Sponsorship applications: After careful consideration the committee members present decided to award a sponsorship of £300 each to Douglas Allan and Lesley Bridges for attendance at the NONPF conference in April 2007. They will be required to attend the conference and deliver a paper that has been submitted by Katrina Maclaine on the adaptation of the US NONPF Nurse Practitioner competencies for use in the UK.
The committee members discussed the use of a specific application form to be developed prior to next year’s application for sponsorship, with criteria such as whether the applicant had been before, that they had submitted an abstract to NONPF that had a wide UK advanced nursing practice/education focus. (Action: Committee members).
- Responses to major consultation documents: Dave Barton has responded on behalf of AANPE to 3 major consultations on Emergency Care Practitioners (ECPs), Medical Care Practitioners (MCPs) and the Foster (non-medical professions) report. There has only been one acknowledgment of these responses so far to the MCP response. A lively debate ensued around these issues and their implications of new roles and policy developments for Advanced Nursing Curricular. It was agreed that the AANPE needs to keep a focus around the issues of curriculum and in particular Advanced Practice programmes with a multi-professional approach. Dave Barton encouraged other committee members to respond to policy documents and media issues in the future. If members wanted to write on behalf of AANPE in response to an article / letter, the committee would be happy for them to do so, as long as they sent the proposed letter to the Chair for approval.
- Organisation of national meeting:FRIDAY 9th FEBRUARY 2007. The meeting will take place in at the RCN Headquarters and will be offered at another larger venue in the future to avoid restriction of numbers. An invitation, with a provisional programme will be drawn up and sent via email to all members next week (Action : Helen Ward and Dave Barton to put on web-site). Speakers will be contacted (Action : Helen Ward and Katrina Maclaine), and final details and programme will be sent nearer the time. Numbers will be restricted to two per HEI on a first come first served basis as the capacity for the venue at the RCN is 50. (Action : Helen Ward to co-ordinate names and numbers) .
- Action plan for 2007: The need for an action plan for the year ahead was proposed. Action : Dave Barton agreed to write this to include :
- A constitution needs to be developed (Action DB)
- Publicising AANPE
- Continuing to suppor NMC Advanced Nurse Practitioner regulation activity
- Monitor mentor and practice teacher developments at NMC to appraise application to Advanced Nursing programmes and lobby as appropriate
- The development of a list of resources to be put on the web-site with members publication details, research currently being undertaken and recently completed research projects, Conference paper. Members will be invited to submit details to Dave Barton. (Action DB).
- AANPE development and recent activities to be presented as a paper for the RCN NP Association conference in September 2007.
- AOB: Dave Barton suggested that the tenure of Chair and Deputy Chair should be decided at the AGM, a suggestion of 3 years was agreed.
Katrina Maclaine reminded the committee that in 2008 there are two major conferences: the ICN Advanced Nurse Practitioner / Practice Nurse conference in Toronto (September)and the NONPF conference (April) AANPE will need to consider how to support representation at both.
- Date of next meeting:
- National meeting February 9 2007, RCN Headquarters.
- Committee meeting: to be arranged