NAME: Mark P. McGovern
WORK ADDRESS: Department of Psychiatry
Dartmouth Medical School
2 Whipple Place, Suite 202
Lebanon, New Hampshire 03766
Telephone: (603) 448-0263
Facsimile: (603) 448-3976
HOME ADDRESS: 229 Barrett Road
New London, New Hampshire 03257
Telephone: (603) 526-6539
DATE OF BIRTH: November 29, 1955
EDUCATION: Fellowship in Clinical and Emergency Psychology
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Northwestern University Medical School
Chicago, Illinois
Residency in Clinical Psychology
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Northwestern University Medical School
Chicago, Illinois
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
Department of Psychology
Temple University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
B.A. in Psychology
Department of Psychology
LaSalle College
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
American International Program
University of Fribourg
Fribourg, Switzerland
Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry
Department of Community and Family Medicine
Dartmouth Medical School
Lebanon, New Hampshire
Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Northwestern University Medical School
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Northwestern University Medical School
Department of Psychiatry
Dartmouth Medical School
Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center
Lebanon, New Hampshire
Dartmouth Center on Addiction, Recovery and Education
Dartmouth College and Medical School
Hanover, New Hampshire
Independent Practice of Clinical and Consulting Psychology
Chicago and Lake Forest, Illinois
Director of Research
Section of Addiction Medicine
Department of Psychiatry
Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center
Chicago, Illinois
Director of Outpatient Services
Chemical Dependence Program
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Chicago, Illinois
Coordinator of Research & Training
Northwestern Institute of Psychiatry
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Chicago, Illinois
Staff Clinician
Psychological Services Center
Temple University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Associate Research Scientist
Mental Health Systems Research Unit
Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Psychological Services Associate
Department of Program Evaluation
Haverford State Hospital
Haverford, Pennsylvania
Staff Clinician
North Central Philadelphia Community Mental Health Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Staff Clinician
Behavior Therapy Unit
Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Director of Addiction Programs Research and Evaluation
Giuffre Medical Center/St. Luke’s Hospital
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Public Inebriate Program
St. Luke’s Hospital
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St. Gabriel’s Youth Rehabilitation Program
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
Licensed Psychologist
State of New Hampshire
Certification of Proficiency in the Treatment of Alcohol and Other
Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders
College of Professional Psychology
American Psychological Association
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
State of Illinois
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Lebanon, New Hampshire
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Chicago, Illinois
Lake Forest Hospital
Lake Forest, Illinois
American Psychological Association
College on Problems of Drug Dependence
Society for Psychologists in Addictive Behavior
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Editorial Board
Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, Consulting Editor
Ad hoc reviewer: Addiction, American Journal of Psychiatry, Archives of General Psychiatry, Canadian Medical Journal, Community Mental Health Journal, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Health Services Research, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Journal of Nervous & Mental Diseases, Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Psychiatric Services, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, and Schizophrenia Bulletin
AWARDS AND HONORS: Consulting Psychologist
Program for Alcohol and Drugs of Abuse
National Football League
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Group
Supervisor: Merton M. Gill
James Page Award for Outstanding Research in Psychopathology
Temple University
Graduate Student Travel Scholarship for Paper Presentation
Society for Psychotherapy Research Annual Meeting
Special Commendation for Community Service Award
Division of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology
Temple University
Clinical Psychology Training Fellowship
National Institute of Mental Health
Temple University
GRANTS & CONTRACTS: McGovern (PI). Making Change: A multi-state collaborative to enhance policy and implement evidence-based practices for co-occurring disorders in addiction treatment
Substance Abuse Policy Research Program
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
McGovern (PI). Cognitive behavioral therapy for posttraumatic
stress disorder in addiction treatment
K23 Career Development Award
National Institute on Drug Abuse
McGovern (PI). Evaluation of treatment process and outcomes for
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment funded - State of Vermont Effective Adolescent Treatment Services
New England Institute of Addiction Studies
McGovern (PI). Baseline characteristics of youth in court diversion programs
State of New Hampshire District Courts – Reclaiming Futures
GRANTS & CONTRACTS (continued):
McGovern (PI). Baseline assessment and treatment outcome data management for adolescents with substance use problems
Adolescent Treatment Initiative
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation – New Futures
McGovern (PI). Assessing and developing the dual diagnosis capability of the addiction treatment system
Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services
State of Connecticut
McGovern (PI). Implementing evidence-based practices in community addiction treatment
Division of Drug and Alcohol Prevention and Recovery
State of New Hampshire
McGovern (PI). Treatment services research with programs for
impaired and addicted physicians
Rush Behavioral Health Center
Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center
McGovern (PI). Design of evaluation research for services to children of adult patients in addiction treatment programs
L.N. Gaynor Trust
McGovern (PI). Evaluation research of routine chemical dependence treatment services
W.P. and H.P. White Foundation
1. McGovern, M.P. (1982). Alcoholism in Southeast Asia: Prevalence and treatment. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 28(1): 36-44.
2. McGovern, M.P. (1982) Alcoholismo en la Asia este de sud: Prevalencia y tratamiento. Noticias del Instituto Nacional Sobre Alcoholismo. Costa Rica.
3. Turner, R.M., McGovern, M.P., Doneson, G., Sandrock, D., Burnstein, D. (1982). A naturalistic
assessment of partial hospital treatment. International Journal of Partial Hospitalization, 1(4): 311-326.
4. McGovern, M.P., Caputo, G.C. (1983). Outcome prediction of inpatient alcohol detoxification.
Addictive Behaviors, 8: 167-171.
PUBLICATIONS (continued):
5. Turner, R.M., McGovern, M.P., Sandrock, D. (1983). Multiple perspective assessment of
schizophrenic symptomatology and community functioning. American Journal of Community Psychology, 11(5): 593-607.
6. McGovern, M.P. (1983). Comparative evaluation of medical versus social treatment of alcohol
withdrawal syndrome. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 39(5): 791-803.
7. McGovern, M.P. (1984). Medical versus social treatment of alcohol withdrawal. Digest of Alcoholism Theory and Application, 4(1): 60-68.
8. Kopta, S.M., Newman, F.L., McGovern, M.P., Sandrock, D. (1986). Psychotherapeutic orientations: A comparison of conceptualizations, interventions, and recommendations for a treatment plan. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54(3): 369-374.
9. McGovern, M.P., Newman, F.L., Kopta, S.M. (1986). Metatheoretical assumptions and
psychotherapy orientation: Clinician attributions of patients' problem causality and responsibility for treatment outcome. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54(4): 476-481.
10. Pomp, H.C., McGovern, M.P. (1987). The role of academic psychiatry in public mental health.
Contemporary Psychiatry, 6(2): 73-76.
11. Newman, F.L., McGovern, M.P. (1987). Simple measures of case mix in mental health services.
Evaluation and Program Planning, 10: 197-200.
12. McGovern, M.P. (1987). Emergency psychiatry comes of age. Contemporary Psychiatry, 6(4): 238-239.
13. Pomp, H.C., McGovern, M.P. (1988). On the integration of state hospital and community-based
services for the chronic mentally ill: A systemic case study. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 39(5): 553-555.
14. Marson, D.C., McGovern, M.P., Pomp, H.C. (1988). Psychiatric decision-making in the emergency room: A research overview. American Journal of Psychiatry, 145(8): 918-925.
15. Newman, F.L., Kopta, S.M., McGovern, M.P., Howard, K.I., McNeilly, C.L. (1988). Evaluating
the conceptualizations and treatment plans of interns and supervisors during a psychology internship. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56(5): 659-665.
16. Turner, R.M., McGovern, M.P. (1988). The impact of patient type upon the assessment of the
degree of concordance among patients', clinicians', independent evaluators' ratings of patient level of functioning in the partial hospital setting. International Journal of Partial Hospitalization.
17. Pomp, H.C., McGovern, M.P. (1988). The implementation of a single system model for psychiatric chronicity: The initial stage and its analysis. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 16(2): 79-87.
18. Marson, D.C., McGovern, M.P. (1989). Decision-making in the emergency room: A reply.
American Journal of Psychiatry, 146(2): 291-292.
PUBLICATIONS (continued):
19. Lyons, J.S., McGovern, M.P. (1989). Co-existing serious mental illness and substance abuse: Impact on hospital length of stay, rehospitalization, and aftercare linkage. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 40: 1067-1069.
20. Kopta, S.M., Newman, F.L., McGovern, M.P., Angle, T.S. (1989). The relationship between
years of psychotherapy experience and conceptualizations, interventions, and treatment plan costs. Professional Psychology, 29: 59-61.
21. McGovern, M.P., Pomp, H.C., Lyons, J.S. (1990). Capitation payment systems and public mental health care: Implications for psychotherapy with the chronic and severely disturbed. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 60(2): 298-304.
22. McGovern, M.P., Morrison, D.H. (1992). The Chemical Use, Abuse, and Dependence Scale (CUAD): Rationale, reliability, and validity. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 9(1): 27-38.
23. Pavkov, T.W., McGovern, M.P., Lyons, J.S., Geffner, E.S. (1992). Psychiatric symptomatology among alcoholics: Comparisons between African-Americans and Caucasians. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 6(4): 219-224.
24. McGovern, M.P. (1992). The clinician factor in addiction treatment: Implications for differential practices. Alcoholism and Drug Research, 3(3): 10.
25. Pavkov, T.W., McGovern, M.P., Geffner, E.S. (1993). Problem severity and symptomatology
among substance misusers: Differences between African-Americans and Caucasians.
International Journal of the Addictions, 28: 909-922.
26. McGovern, M.P., Kilgore, K., Melon, W.H., Golden, D. (1993). Object relations and social
functioning of schizophrenic and borderline patients: A cross-sectional developmental perspective. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 49(3): 319-326.
27. Appleby, L.W., Dyson, V., Altman, E., McGovern, M.P., Luchins, D.J. (1996). Utility of the
Chemical Use, Abuse, and Dependence Scale (CUAD) for screening patients with severe mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 47(6): 647-649.
28. Angres, D.H., McGovern, M.P., Leon, S. (1997). Treatment matching and the impaired physician: Assessment of substance use, psychiatric, and behavioral problems. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 16(2): 99.
29. McGovern, M.P., Angres, D.H., Leon, S. (1998). Differential therapeutics and the impaired
physician: Patient-treatment matching by specificity and intensity. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 17(2): 93-107.
30. McGovern, M.P., Angres, D.H., Uziel-Miller, N.D., Leon, S. (1998). Female physicians and
substance abuse: Comparisons with male physicians presenting for assessment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 15(6): 525-533.
31. McGovern, M.P., Angres, D.H. (1998). Triaging the impaired physician: Patient-treatment matching by specificity and intensity. Epikrisis, 9(6): 1-2.
PUBLICATIONS (continued):
32. Beedle, D., McGovern, M.P. (1998). Diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric comorbidity in alcoholics and drug addicts. Psychiatric Annals, 28(12): 705-708.
33. McGovern, M.P. (1999). Psychologist self-care, balance, and connectedness. Illinois Psychologist, 36 (3): 8.
34. McGovern, M.P. (1999). Self-care for lawyers. Newsletter of the Lawyers' Assistance Program of Illinois, 6(2): 3-4.
35. McGovern, M.P., Groberski, M.J., Gryll, S.L. (1999). Training in substance use disorders assessment and intervention: Design and implementation of a model within a traditional mental health clinic. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 30(4): 200-204.
36. McGovern, M.P., Angres, D.H., Leon, S. (2000). Characteristics of physicians presenting for assessment at a behavioral health center. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 19(2): 59-73.
37. McGovern, M.P. (2000). Self-care and balance are needed to avoid burnout. The Florida Bar News, 27(15): 24.
38. Angres, D.H., McGovern, M.P., Rawal, P., Shaw, M. (2002). Psychiatric comorbidity and physicians with substance use disorders: Clinical characteristics, treatment experiences, and post-treatment functioning. Addictive Disorders & Their
Treatment, 1(3): 89-98.
39. Angres, D.H., McGovern, M.P., Shaw, M., Rawal, P. (2003). Psychiatric comorbidity and physicians with substance use disorders: A comparison between the 1980s and 1990s. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 22(3): 79-87.
40. McGovern, M.P., Angres, D.H., Shaw, M., Rawal, P. (2003). Gender of physicians with substance use disorders: Clinical characteristics, treatment utilization, and post-treatment functioning. Substance Use and Misuse, 38(7): 993-1001.
41. McGovern, M.P., Carroll, K.M. (2003). Evidence-based practices for substance use disorders. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 26: 991-1010.
42. McGovern, M.P., Fox, T.S., Xie, H., Drake, R.E. (2004). A survey of clinical practices and readiness to adopt evidence-based practices: Dissemination research in an addiction treatment system. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 26: 305-312.
43. Shaw, M.F., McGovern, M.P., Angres, D.H., Rawal, P. (2004). A comparison of physicians and
nurses with substance use disorders: Clinical characteristics, treatment utilization, and post-treatment functioning. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 47(5): 561-571.
44. McGovern, M.P., Wrisley, B.R., Drake, R.E. (2005). Substance use relapse and it prevention: Implications for persons with co-occurring substance use and psychiatric disorders. Psychiatric Services, 56(10): 1270-1273.
45. Drake, R.E., Wallach, M., McGovern, M.P. (2005). Future directions in preventing relapse to substance abuse among clients with severe mental illnesses Psychiatric Services, 56(10): 1297-1302.
PUBLICATIONS (continued):
46. Hirschfeld, L.M., Edwardson, K.L., McGovern, M.P. (2005). A systematic analysis of college substance use policies. Journal of American College Health, 54(3): 169-176.
47. Mueser K.T., Drake, R.E., Turner, W., McGovern, M.P. (2006). Comorbid substance use
disorders and psychiatric disorders. In W.R. Miller, K.M. Carroll. (Eds.). Substance Abuse: What Science Tells Us, and What We Should Do About It. NY: Guilford Press, pp. 115-133.
48. McGovern, M.P., Xie, H., Segal, S.R., Siembab, L., Drake, R.E. (2006). Addiction treatment services and co-occurring disorders: Prevalence estimates, treatment practices and barriers.
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 31: 267-275.
49. Crouse E., Drake K.M., McGovern, M.P. (2007). Co-existing substance use and Axis II Personality disorders. In A. Baker, R. Velleman (Eds.). Clinical handbook of co-existing mental health and drug and alcohol problems. London UK: Brunner Rouledge, pp. 309-328.
50. McGovern, M.P., Matzkin, A.L., Giard, J.L. (2007). Development and application of an index to assess the dual diagnosis capability of addiction treatment services. Journal of Dual Diagnosis, 3: 111-123.
51. McGovern, M.P., Xie, H., Acquilano, S., Segal, S.R., Siembab, L., Drake, R.E. (2007). Addiction treatment services and co-occurring disorders: The ASAM-PPC-2R taxonomy of program dual diagnosis capability. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 26(3): 25-33.
52. McGovern, M.P., Clark, R.E., Samnaliev, M. (2007). Medicaid beneficiaries with co-occurring substance use and psychiatric disorders: A multi-state application of the quadrant model. Psychiatric Services, 58(7) 949-954.
53. Clark, R.E., Samnaliev, M., McGovern, M.P. (2007). Treatment for co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders in five state Medicaid programs. Psychiatric Services, 58(7): 942-948.
54. McGovern, M.P., McLellan, A.T. (2007). The status of addiction treatment research with co-occurring substance use and psychiatric disorders. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, in press.