Highlands Surgery PPG
The Estuary Club: 1386, London Road, Leigh-on-Sea, SS9 2SQ
[opposite Highlands Surgery]
Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday 23rd February 2016
Members Present:LS [Chair],Gemma Cohen, Debbie Warrington, Dr Grant, JW, PSS, MP, GK, CK, LH, BG & TL
1. Welcome and Apologies:
LS welcomed everybody at the meeting. Apologies were received from: ST & CM.
The Members agreed the minutes of 26th January 2016 and the Chair duly endorsed the minutes as a true record.
2. Minutes of the Last meeting – Action Point Review/ Matters Arising:
DW provided an update on DNA [Did Not Attend]. The numbers for November, December 2015 and January 2016 are shown below along with the numbers for previously reported months.
Month / 0-18 / 19-30 / 31-50 / 51-65 / 66-75 / 75+ / TotalApril 15 / 24 / 28 / 45 / 27 / 18 / 16 / 158
May 15 / 24 / 32 / 35 / 19 / 17 / 15 / 142
June 15 / 16 / 22 / 39 / 23 / 15 / 19 / 111
July 15 / 28 / 22 / 39 / 14 / 21 / 20 / 144
Total: / 92 / 104 / 158 / 83 / 71 / 70
Month / Surgery / Babylon / Total
Nov 15 / 196 / 26 / 222
Dec 15 / 127 / 34 / 161
Jan 16 / 119 / 19 / 138
DW reminded the meeting that this was the winter period when demand for appointments is generally highest. When it is recorded that a patient has 3 DNA’s in a rolling year, a letter will now be sent to the patient outlining the implications of DNA’s, not only for the Surgery but also other patients seeking appointments.
GC reported that the Surgery Telephone System messages had been amended in line with previous discussions and the length of message has been generally reduced. The revised system was going live on the day of the meeting and a further update will be provided at the next meeting.
Action Point: GC to provide update at next meeting.
New Appointment Schedule. GC reported that the time to see a doctor has now increased from that previously reported.
Dr Grant explained that demand had increased due to the time of year and concern over the publicity related to zika virus and meningitis and the Partners were alert to this issue. All doctors have access to comprehensive patient notes and patients can confidently see any doctor. Nurse numbers are still an issue and locums are covering where possible but we are not back to full strength yet.
3. Meeting Agenda Items:
4. Spring Newsletter - Articles:
DW requested articles from Members for the next newsletter. At the meeting articles/web links related to the Zika virus and Meningitis were suggested together with a statement related to the company Pharmacy2U, which was discussed at the last meeting.
Diabetes Care and the proposed Dementia Event were also suggested.
Action Points: Members were asked to bring other suggestions to the next meeting particularly as several members who normally attend the meeting were absent.
5. Capita On-Line Resources – Update
GC reported that “Capita had gone a bit quiet” and there is nothing expected to be done at present.
6. Babylon – Update and PPG Training
GC reported that the web application is still being written as the application needs to be stringently security checked as personal data is being transferred. The application is unlikely to be released for at least two months. GC asked the meeting if training for patients using the mobile application only should be considered or wait until the web application was available. The view of the meeting was the latter.
Action Point: Babylon training to be next reviewed at our meeting to be held on Tuesday 26th April 2016.
7. Forthcoming Health Event - Dementia
The event is expected to be held on a Wednesday in June at the Belfairs Academy.
Dr Grant confirmed he had approached some good speakers who are likely to be available and dates in June are being identified.
DW asked for views around the age range to be invited to the event and the suggestion was 50 and 60 year olds, as they are likely to be family members identifying the early signs of dementia. DW will identify the patient numbers and report back.
Action Point: Review progress at next meeting.
8. Election of PPG Chairperson.
This item was considered at the end of the meeting after the surgery representatives had left.
Following discussion the following action was agreed.
Action Point: LS to email all Members detailing the ‘Role of the Chair’, after liaising with Sandra Turner upon her return from holiday. The email would also ask for volunteers for the role.
At the next meeting GC is requested to outline the communication with the Virtual PPG Members and how such communications can be fed back to this meeting.
Both these items are to be included on the Agenda for the next meeting.
9. Future PPG Meeting Times (held over from the January meeting)
The dates of future meetings were agreed as those shown on the minutes of the meeting held on 26th January 2016. Members were asked to note the dates.
10. Any Other Business
It was agreed that the times to hold future meetings would remain as 12:30 to 13:30, the time convenient for the Surgery representatives. The meeting could continue past 13:30 if members so wished.
JW asked if the Partners had an IT Strategy for the Surgery. Dr Grant explained that there was not one specifically and the GP Contract does not require one, but the Partners do embrace the benefits of IT for both the Surgery and Patients.
11. Time and Date of next Meeting:
The next meeting will take place 12:30pm on Tuesday, 29th March 2016 at The Estuary Club [opposite Highland Surgery]