Eccles Community Committee 22nd September 2009.

Update from Neighbourhood Manager.

  1. Local Partnership Delivery Group

The Local Partnership Delivery Group is the multi-agency forum for helping to address crime and anti-social behaviour in the Eccles Service Delivery area.

  • Brookhouse

This area remains on the LPDG as a standing item. There has been some recent concern relating to young people congregating in the areas of the shops. The police will be addressing this.

  • Atherton Way.

Complaints have reduced about anti-social behaviour in this area. Residents have been consulted on an option for alleygates to the rear of Atherton Way which would substantially benefit those who have been experiencing problems.

  • Commercial Traffic on Chadwick/Mather Rd.

A resident survey has recently carried out and members of the LPDG have been undertaking an early morning survey of the area in order to experience the problems on a first hand basis. The results of this have yet to be reported back to the LPDG.

  • Lankro Way.

Environmental Services are leading on this issue.

  • AlderPark area.

Over the last month there have been problems relating to crime and disorder in the Walker Rd area. Housing and police action has been taken in relation to a number of addresses. Individual addresses have been targeted for a range of partnership actions.

Partnership activity in relation to crime and disorder.

At present there are 18individuals under discussion by partners. These individuals are receiving input from a range of support from agencies, including Youth Offending Service, Children’s Services and ASSFAM. In addition enforcement actions are either being taken or are being planned for a number of these individuals.

Of the current number, 11 are from the Winton Ward, 5 are from the Eccles Ward and 2are from the Barton Ward. The increase in individual of concern is due to a number of events that have occurred in the AlderPark area. Partnership action is in place including criminal proceedings, tenancy actions and the commencement of civil action in the form of ASBO warning interviews. Complaints have substantially reduced but work is still on going.

  1. Neighbourhood Partnership Board.

The NPB met on 2nd September 2009. Priorities remain Crime and Disorder, Worklessness and Regeneration. The Board has also agreed to add an addition priority to it’s work. This will be Children and Young People. Officers have been tasked with looking at the provision of positive activities for young people across the area, and to begin to map this provision to identify gaps which may inform future commissioning of local services.

The Working Neighbourhoods Team for Eccles has now been established. It is a multi-disciplinary team that is looking at ways to help local people access employment. The team has undertaken some consultation in the area and is currently collating this information. In addition to that the team is beginning to identify a number of local people who have agreed to have their circumstances considered by the team as a way of focusing on how all the agencies can work together where there are multiple issues that are preventing people from accessing employment.

3. Youth at Risk

Youth at Risk are a national organisation who carry out work supporting young people. They have recently been awarded a government grant to undertake work in a number of areas in England. Salford is one of those areas and the work will be undertaken in the Eccles area. The project is supported by the council who will be project managing the initiative. The work is designed to be carried out in schools, with young people who are not in education, employment or training and with young people at risk of offending. The work will take place between September 2009 and March 2011. A steering group has been established and the project will be launched on 29th September.

4. Feedback from Eccles Task Groups.

  • Environment and Transport.

The Group met on 8thSeptember 2009 at EcclesTown Hall.

  • Freccles gave an update on their scheme to improve Eccles Railway Station Forecourt. A funding stream has been identifiedfor up to £40,000 and the group will keep the task group updated on progress.
  • Feedback was given on the recent mobile survey. Identified schemes will be added to the agenda for Block 3.
  • There wasn’t an update on environmental actions as there wasn’t any representation from Environmental Services.
  • The Block 3 meeting is due to take place on 15th September, 1.30 at EcclesTown Hall.

Youth Task Group

The Task Group will meet in September. Playschemes were run over August at Patricroft Methodist Church Hall and Brookhouse Youth Centre. Attempts were made to run playschemes in the Eccles Ward, but unfortunately it was not possible to locate a suitable venue. There was a full programme of sporting activities across all three wards being run by Salford Community Leisure. Youth Services also had programmes running over the summer.

Eccles Senior Task Group.

The Task Group is due to meet on Monday 14th September – An update will be given at the meeting as to the work the the group are looking at.

Cohesion Task Group.

The Task Group met on 26.8.09. Interfaith week in November was one of the main topics of conversation and it was agreed that a sub group would be established to look at this. There are 2 main events planned for this week – Eccles Mosque will be opening its doors to talk about the Muslim faith and Ramadan, Eid and the Sikh celebration of Diwali. Later this week St Andrew’s Church of England will open its doors for the community to come and see the Christian faith and hear about the message of Christmas. The Salford Link are also looking at organising an event in early December to bring all faiths together to celebrate and learn from each other.

There was discussion around Eccles Festival and the stall that Churches Together are having. There was a discussion about the group playing a vital role around Community Tension Monitoring and feeding back to the relevant partners about tensions in our local communities. The next meeting is 28th October.

Community Safety Task Group

  • Will meet again on 16th September.

5. Barton Fairshare.

  • Patricroft Rec. It is anticipated work will commence at the end of August.
  • An application has been received from Pear Tree Croft Residents Association to support the work they have developed through their local consultation process.

6. Safer Stronger Communities Fund

This funding stream has now been taken into the Area Based Grants

  • The small grants budget group took place on 22nd June, with 11 applications submitted from local groups.
  • Brookhouse Youth Centre is continuing to be used by Salford Reds, Youth Services and SCL to deliver sports/activities to young people on a Monday evening.
  • Summer playschemes were run at the facility for 4 weeks from 3rd – 28th August.
  • A new gardening project is being run on Brookhouse by a community volunteer, working with the school and local residents.
  • Brookhouse Festival was held at the communitycentre and surrounding area on Saturday 20th June. The mayor opened the proceedings and enjoyed a dance performance by the Brookhouse Allstars.

7. Eccles Festival

A lot of work by the local community and Neighbourhood Team has happened in relation to pulling together the annual Eccles Festival. It is hoped at the time of writing this that the festival will be a huge success with many new stalls, performers and ways of promoting services and engaging with the local community. The Festival is planned for 12/13th September.

City West will be showcasing their new bathrooms and kitchens, there will be the usual fairground, community stalls, dancing, music, Tibetan food, and much much more. A lot of effort has been put into this festival, and it is hoped that the new Community Development Worker will work with committee following the festival to ensure that that the festival happens again next year and that the committee and local community can take the lead on it.

An update will be given at the meeting following the festival.

8. Community Action Plan.

It’s that time of the year again! Consulation exercises were undertaken over the summer. Unfortunately attendance at these was very low. However priorities are:

  • Road ways and paving
  • Activities for young people
  • Crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Employment and training
  • Environmental issues.

Please contact the Neighbourhood Team if you would like to discuss the community action plan or the priorities identified here.