- Politics: what governments do and who decides what they do.
- Functions of government
- Legislative
- Legal order
- State finance
- Executive
- Domestic
- Foreign
- Military
- Judicial
- Fairness
- Consistency
- Supreme law
- Over time: precedence
- Over space: all states comply
- Forms
- Tribal
- Communal
- Egalitarian
- Matriarchal
- Patriarchal
- Noble
- Chieftain
- Military
- Gerontocracy
- Monarchic
- Ascension
- Divine right
- Elective
- Succession
- Hereditary
- Elective
- Absolute
- Unity of government functions in hands of ruler
- Unity of political and religious authority
- Limited
- Constitutional
- Nobility
- Democracy
- Direct
- Representative
- Federations
- Confederations
- Unitary governments
- Dictatorship
- Military
- Authoritarian
- Fascist
- Right-wing mass politics
- E.g. Hitler and Mussolini
- Communist
- Left-wing mass politics
- E.g. USSR, Cuba, North Korea, China (?), Vietnam (?)
- Theocracy (Iran, Saudi Arabia)
- Political Theories, Parties, and Ideologies
- Conservative
- Republican
- The role of government
- The role of religion
- The nature of economics
- Libertarian
- Liberal
- Democratic
- The role of government
- The role of religion
- The nature of economics
- Progressive
- Green
- Independents: neither Republican nor Democrat
- Marxism
- Socialism and Social Democracy
- Communism
- Economics: how goods are produced and exchanged
- Modes of exchange
- Barter: the moneyless exchange of
- Goods
- Services
- monetary
- precious metals and objects
- bills of exchange
- checks
- fiduciary currency
- Government’s function
- fiscal policy
- taxing
- borrowing
- spending
- monetary policy
- purpose: control the money supply
- The Federal Reserve
- Federal Reserve Methods
- Purchase and sale of currencies/precious metals
- reserve rates (The Fed rate)
- purchase and sales of bonds
- Modern Economic Systems
- Mercantilism
- Theory: limited wealth measurable in precious metals
- Goal: accumulate precious metals
- Method
- Maximize exports
- Minimize imports: tariffs
- Consequence: colonies as source of
- raw materials
- cheap labor
- guaranteed markets
- Capitalism
- Theory: Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (1776)
- Wealth unlimited
- Wealth derives from human creativity
- Guiding principle: enlightened self-interest and competition
- Goal: best product at best price
- Method: Laissez-faire
- Private individuals as creative force
- Government encumbers creativity
- Price as product of supply and demand
- Investors pool resources for maximum productivity: stocks and corporations
- Marxism: Socialism and Communism
- Theory
- History is the conflict between social groups
- Capitalism exploits workers
- Workers are creative force, not investors
- Goal: workers gain control of the “means of production”
- Method: planned economy
- Quantity
- Price
- Distribution
- Guiding principle: group identity and cooperation
- Mixed economy
- Government manages core economic sectors
- Food
- Energy
- Transportation and communication
- Health care
- Other economic sectors operate on market principles
- Religion
- Animism
- defined: all, most, or many things have unique spirits
- the role of nature
- the role of etiology
- Polytheism
- formalized rituals
- link to localities
- Ancient Greeks
- The question of Hinduism
- Monotheism
- Judaism
- Christianity
- Roman Catholicism
- Eastern Orthodoxy
- Protestantism
- Lutheranism
- Baptists
- Methodists
- Presbyterians
- Pentecostals
- Islam
- Atheism/agnosticism/secularism
- Society
- Social Classes
- Upper classes
- Extremely wealthy
- Aristocracy/nobility
- Legal privileges
- Hereditary
- Middle classes: possessors of property
- Owners of business
- Investors in stock market
- Artisans
- Educated professionals (white collar workers)
- Working class
- Urban, factory (blue collar)
- Rural, field
- Farmers
- Peasants
- Serfs
- Unemployed
- Races, ethnic, and linguistic groups
- Hispanic/Latino
- Caucasian/European
- African
- Middle Eastern/Arab
- Asian
- Sex and gender relations
- relations between men and women
- family systems
- sexual orientation and behaviors
- Age
- childhood
- adulthood
- elderly
- Disability
- physical
- mental
- Intelligence: the ideas and institutions that move a society
- Science
- Technology
- Engineering
- Electrical
- Mechanical
- Chemical
- medicine
- Philosophy
- Epistemology
- Moral
- Education systems
- Arts
- Music
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Poetry and Fiction
- Dance
- Architecture and Design
- Entertainment? Concept of popular culture.