Terms and Conditions relating to the
UKA Tutor Licence
Page NumberTitle
4Tutoring Licence
Code of Conduct
5Criminal Misconduct
Withdrawal of Licence
7Suspension of Licence
9Appendix A
10Appendix B
UK Athletics (UKA) has identified the need for a Tutor Licence that supports all Tutors, Trainees, Assessorsand Trainers in their role within the Coaching Education Framework. Moving forwards it will be a requirement to be a licenced UKA Tutor to deliver on any UKA programmes, consequently individual coaching or leadership licences must be up to date with a cleared CRB / Disclosure check.
1.1.Individuals wishing to be allocated to tutoring or assessing on UKAapproved courses must apply for a TutorLicence. The licence provides authorization that the Tutor has met a minimum level oftraining and carries insurance whilst delivering the UKA Coach Education program. The Licence is intended to demonstrate that aparticular Tutor has met minimum standards and has agreed to abide by these.
1.2.The Licensing Scheme as a whole is intended to ensure that UKA can provide the Home Country Athletics Associations with a workforce that is reliable, professional and proficient.UKA will provide the Home Countries with access to an up to date list of all licenced UKA Tutors from which they can allocate courses. This information will be available to them through the Trinity database.
1.3.The Tutor accepts that UKA has jurisdiction to investigate any complaints madeagainst him/her and impose any sanctions (under condition 6 below) whether or not theevents concerned took place before these terms and conditions were adopted or beforeUKA became governing body for the sport of athletics in the United Kingdom.
2.1.A person who wishes to be a UKA Licenced Tutor must apply using Appendix A and submit their application to UKA. Tutors are required to have recent (in the last 5 years) and relevant coaching experience and remain active in this role while operating as a UKATutor.
2.2.In order to be approved for a Tutor Licencethe applicant will be approved by the Coaching Qualifications and Training Manager or their agents (Regional and / or National Trainers). They will have attended the UKA Initial Tutor Training course or equivalent. In addition to the Initial Tutor Training programme they will have attended at least 1 Continuous Professional Development (CPD) event per annum in relation to tutoring development. They will have been provided opportunities to co-tutor courses (some as trainees)and had the opportunity for quality assurance and feedback from trainers.
2.3.UKA may refuse to grant a Licence to a potentially suitably qualified person inthe following circumstances:
2.3.1.where UKA has undertaken a Criminal Records Bureau / Disclosure check in relation to theapplicant and the results of that check are not in UKA’s opinion satisfactory;
2.3.2.where the applicant concerned has been found to have committed adisciplinary offence (including a doping offence) by UKA or by any othersports governing body or international federation which in UKA’s opinionmeans that the applicant is unsuitable to Tutor;
2.3.3.where the applicant is being investigated by the police or other relevantauthority in connection with matters which affect his/her ability to Tutor (forexample inappropriate contact with young people);
2.3.4.where another governing body or Tutoring organisation has withdrawn theapplicant’s Tutoring licence or similar accreditation;
2.3.5.where either the NSPCC or the Child Protection in Sport Unit or other relevantauthority has suggested to UKA that the applicant should not hold a TutorLicence;
2.3.6.where the applicant does not in UKA’s opinion have suitable skills, qualities, knowledge orabilities to be a Tutor;
2.3.7.where UKA reasonably considers that the applicant’s behaviour (past orpresent) suggests he/she is unsuitable to Tutor; or
2.3.8.where UKA otherwise reasonably considers that the granting of a Tutor licencewould be inappropriate.
2.4.If UKA refuses to grant a Tutor licence to a potentially suitably qualified person UKAshall provide reasons as to why the Tutor licence has been refused. The personconcerned shall be given an opportunity (seven working days) to reply to UKA statingwhy he/she should be granted a licence before UKA makes its final decision.
- Tutoring Licence
- When a Tutor Licence is granted to an applicant, the licence shall last for two years (“theLicence Period”).If during this time Continued Professional Development has been maintained, recorded and reported to UKA along withthe sufficient number of days per annum of tutoring commitment honoured, the licence will automatically be renewed. If for any reason these conditions have not been met by the tutor, their Licence will be reviewed on an individual basis by the Trainers.
- During the course of the Licence Period, the Tutor must adhere to these terms andconditions, Code of Conduct for Tutors and UKA’s proceduresand guidelines, i.e. accident reporting.If the Tutor adheres to the requirements in condition 3.1 above and his/herlicence has notbeen suspended or withdrawn under these terms and conditions, he/she may apply for hisTutor licence to be renewed for a further period of two years.
- UKA reserves the right not to renew a Tutor licence where it has reasonable groundsfor suspecting that the Tutor may not have complied with these terms and conditions.
4.Code of Conduct
4.1.As a responsible Athletics Tutor, a Tutor will;
4.1.1.respect the rights, dignity and worth of every coach / leaderregardless of background or ability, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, religion, age, pregnancy, social background and political belief. All Tutors must embrace principles set out in UKA’s Equality Policy:
4.1.2.place the welfare and safety of the coach / leader above the development oftheir performance.
4.1.3.encourage and guide coaches/ leaders to accept and take responsibility for their ownbehaviour, learning and performance;
4.1.4.be appropriately qualified and update their skills and knowledge as and when required byUKA;
4.1.5.ensure that the activities they guide or advocate are appropriate for the age,maturity, experience and ability of the individual coach / leader and the athletes the coach / leader will work with;
4.1.6.co-operate fully with other colleagues (e.g. Trainees, Tutors, Regional Trainers, National Trainers, Assessors, UKA and Home Country Education staff) inthe best interests of the coach education programme;
4.1.7.consistently promote positive aspects of the sport (e.g. fair play) and nevercondone rule violations or the use of prohibited or inappropriatesubstances;
4.1.8.promote and demonstrate commitment towards principles that underpin UKA’s Equality Policy;
4.1.9.consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance;
4.1.10.represent UKA and its Coach Education programme in a professional manner.
4.2.In addition, a Tutor will:
4.2.1.develop appropriate working relationships with coaches / leaders (especially under 18s),based on mutual trust and respect. In particular, a Tutor will not exert undueinfluence to obtain personal benefit or reward;
4.2.2.strictly maintain a clear boundary between friendship and intimacy withcoaches/ leaders and not conduct inappropriate relationships with coaches/ leaders.Relationships with coaches / leaders can cause significant problems for other course members and can raise concerns of favouritism, or even ofvictimisation, should the relationship later end. It must be noted that: must not allow an intimate personal relationship to developwith any coach/ leader under the age of 18. Any violation of this could resultin a Tutor licence being withdrawn or restrictions being imposed on itunder condition 6 below. It is also strongly recommended that Tutors do not allow intimatepersonal relationships to develop with coaches / leaders who are aged 18 and over.
5.Criminal Misconduct
Any criminal misconduct on the part of a Tutor will not be treated as an automaticreason for a Tutor’s licence to be withdrawn, but a Tutor’s licence couldbe withdrawn or restrictions imposed on it (under condition 6 below) if his / hermisconduct is such that it makes him / her unsuitable to continue to be licenced by UKA ortends to lower the reputation of UKA with its member organisations, clubs or with the public.
6.Withdrawal of Licence
A licence would be removed from a licenced tutor on the following grounds or circumstances:-
6.1where UKA has undertaken a Criminal Records Bureau / Disclosure check and the resultsof that check are not in UKA’s opinion satisfactory;
6.2where the person concerned has been found to have committed a disciplinaryoffence (including a doping offence) by UKA or by any other sports governingbody or international federation which in UKA’s opinion means the person isunsuitable to Tutor;
6.3where UKA has received a complaint or has reason to believe that the Tutor has acted in breach of the UKA Equality Policy;
6.4where the person concerned is being investigated by the police or otherrelevant authority in connection with matter which affect his / her ability to Tutor(for example inappropriate contact with young people);
6.5where another governing body or Tutoring organisation has withdrawn orimposed restrictions on the person’s Tutor licence;
6.6where either the NSPCC or the Child Protection in Sport Unit or other relevantauthority has suggested or recommended the person should not hold a Tutorlicence;
6.7where the person does not in UKA’s opinion have suitable qualities or abilitiesto be a Tutor for the level at which he/she is Tutoring;
6.8where UKA reasonably considers that the person’s behaviour (past or present)is such that either restrictions should be imposed on his Tutor licence or itshould be withdrawn on the basis that he/she is unsuitable to Tutor; or
6.9Where UKA has received a complaint or has reason to believe that the Tutorhas committed misconduct or is otherwise unsuitable to be licenced as a Tutorby UKA.
For the purposes of condition 6.8, examples of misconduct are given below:
6.9.1unauthorised removal of property from premises at which he/she Tutors;
6.9.2bullying, victimisation or harassment of coaches/leaders or other tutors / trainees under his/her care or control, other coaches, fellow Tutors, UKA staff, visitors or officials;
6.9.3any act which brings/or could bring the sport of athletics, UKA, or any other athletics organisation or athletics club into disrepute;
6.9.4any act which endangers the safety or security of coaches, Tutors, UKA’s or any club’s property, staff, athletes, members or visitors;
6.9.5criminal misconduct (as specified above);
6.9.6a breach of the Code of Conduct for Tutors (set out in paragraph 4 above);
6.9.7physical assault, violent or threatening behaviour;
6.9.8deliberate disregard of the safety regulations of UKA;
6.9.9disregard of UKA policy, procedure or of a reasonable instruction from a member of UKA or any club in a supervisory capacity;
6.9.10fraud or theft from UKA, any club or their members, coaches, athletes, staff, officials or visitors, including falsification of expenses;
6.9.11incapacity due to alcohol and / or drugs;
6.9.12willfully damaging premises or property;
6.9.13dishonesty, including falsification of Tutoring or coaching experience;
6.9.14any breach of UKA’s Anti-Doping Rules and Procedures;
6.9.15any inappropriate act or conduct in relation to children under the age of 18 and/or any breach of UKA’s Athletics Welfare Policy or any welfare policy or child protection policy of any of the Home Countries’ athletics associations or federations or any athletics club. Any other action that may be reasonably considered to be misconduct.
Where UKA has carried out an investigation and has established that one of the circumstances in conditions 6.1 to 6.8 exists, UKA may in its sole discretion:
6.10impose restrictions on the Tutor licence(i.e. Trainee or Co-Tutor); or
6.11reduce the status at which the Tutor is licenced to Tutor; or
6.12withdraw (or not renew) a Tutor licence for such period as UKA thinks fit or permanently and, where UKA considers it appropriate, to impose conditions to be met before the Tutor re-applies for a Tutor licence.
UKA shall conduct investigations or reviews as it thinks appropriate in relationto the circumstances to establish whether the Tutor’s licence should be restricted orwithdrawn under condition 6.11 below. Any Tutor subject to investigation or reviewshall give UKA full co-operation in relation to the matter.
6.13Where a Tutor’s licence has been withdrawn or restricted under condition6.11, UKA, shall notify the Tutor concerned in accordance with the Appeal Proceduresfor Tutors. The Tutor affected shall be entitled to appeal against UKA’s decision(“the Decision”) in accordance with UKA’s Appeal Procedures which can be found in the UKA Tutor Handbook.
6.14Once the period for an appeal to be lodged has passed, UKA shall inform relevantathletics associations that the Tutor has had theirlicence withdrawn together with details of theperiod for which it has been withdrawn and reasons for the withdrawal. Where anappeal has been lodged, UKA may inform the relevant athletics associations of the decisionand the appeal.
- Suspension of Tutoring Licence
Where a Tutor’s licence has been withdrawn UKA will inform theHome Country that they are not be used for further delivery as a tutor. Their details will be removedfrom the tutor and Trinity database and they will no longer be eligible to deliver any courses.
7.1.UKA may suspend a Tutor licence at any time whilst either UKA or another body isinvestigating a Tutor’s behaviour in connection with his / her ability to Tutor or pending anappeal under condition 6.13 above.
7.2.Where a Tutor licence is suspended, UKA may notify the Home Countries Coach Education Leads / Coordinators, and Trainers, to ensure that they are not allocated to delivery during this time.
7.3.A Tutor who has had their licence suspended has seven working days to appeal the decision in accordance with the appeals procedure as outlined in the tutor handbook.
A Tutor whose licence has been withdrawn for a fixed period may, after thefixed period has expired, re-apply to UKA for his/ her Tutorlicence to be reinstated. UKA shall consider the application in accordance with condition 2 andshall grant the licence to such person provided that no further complaints have beenreceived and UKA considers that he/she is a fit and proper person to Tutor.
9.1.Any notification, correspondence or any other document submitted by the Tutor under theseprocedures shall be sent in writing by first class post or recorded delivery (or airmailif outside the UK) and such documents shall be deemed to have been received by theintended recipient within 72 hours (or if by airmail four working days) after posting.
9.2.All correspondence addressed to UKA should be sent to:
Coaching Qualifications and Training Manager
UKA, Athletics House, Central Boulevard, Blythe Valley Park, Solihull
West MidlandsB90 8AJ
The directors of UKA reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions from timeto time at their sole discretion, and shall notify licenced Tutors of the changes.
Tutor Licence Application Form
Standards & Expectations
- Being an UKA licenced Coach or Leader with a current CRB/Disclosure check in place.
- Hold and maintain relevant qualifications in athletics coaching/leadership.
- Have experience as a coach / leader (current or recent - in the stage of athlete development related to the course you will deliver.
- Have relevant and appropriate technical knowledge and understanding of athletics content in courses you have been assigned to deliver and regularly keep this updated by attending tutor development days, conferences, courses or other CPD events.
- Have knowledge of the UKA’s Coach Education Programme and Coach Development structures in the Home Countries.
- Display excellent interpersonal skills and work cooperatively as part of a team.
- Deliver the programme as written to time and achieving the Key Learning Points (KLP’s).
- Establish a positive learning environment.
- Reflect on own personal performance, produce, andfollow and reviewown personal development plan with the support of a trainer.
- Demonstrate high personal and professional standards.
- Uphold ethical principles and inclusion of course attendees and fellow tutors.
- Complete the required UKA tutor training and development programme.
- Abide by the terms and conditions of the Tutor Licenceand Code of Conduct.
- Tutor a minimum of:
- 8 days per annum for English based tutors
- 4 days per annum for Northern Irish based tutors
- 6 days per annum for Scottish based tutors
- 4 days per annum for Welsh based tutors
- Travel to courses and offer flexibility to the Home Countries with regard to course locations.
- Work closely with education administrators and managers in replying promptly to availability and allocation requests.
- Have completed a Child Protection/Safeguarding course or be willing to attend a course.
- Wear UKA issued Tutor kit.
- Use UKA issued tutor resources to deliver the programme.
- Represent UKA, the Home Countries and athletics throughout the UK beingprofessionally ethical and inclusive.
- Prepare for course delivery in conjunction with other Tutors and Trainers.
- Deliver course with sufficient opportunity for trainee coaches and leaders to practice and receive feedback on their performance.
- Comply with Home Country and UKA requests for paperwork and information promptly post course.
- Report any accidents/incidents to UKA using the correct process.
- Report any incidents of tutor complaints to UKA.
Tutor Licence Application Form
Please complete this form and return to Selina Norris at UKA
Name:Coaching Licence Number:
Home Tel:
Mobile Tel:
Preferred email address:
Teaching, Tutoring, Assessing, Verifying (UKA or other) / Date AchievedProfessional Development
CPD TutoringEvent / Date / Organising. Awarding Body / Key topics / learning
CPD Coaching
Event / Date / Organising. Awarding Body / Key topics / learning