Newton’s Dragon

Overview - Each student will construct a rubber band powered vehicle. Each student is to complete his or her project according the design requirements and due dates.

Purpose - To construct a vehicle that travels at least 20 feet using the potential energy stored in the rubber bands as the only means of propulsion.


  • safety goggles
  • 1 wire hanger
  • pliers / scissors / tape measure / marker
  • rubber band (maximum of 4 rubber bands may be used)
  • low temp hot glue gun
  • card board
  • drinking straw
  • adult supervision


  1. You will assemble your vehicle at home and bring it to class by the due date.
  2. Each student will race his or her Newton Dragon against other classmates while calculating speed.
  3. 10 points extra credit will be awarded in two categories.
  • Fastest Dragon (in 20 feet)
  • Greatest Distance Traveled

4. The ONLYmeans of propulsion is the potential energy stored in the rubber band(s) attached to the vehicle.

5. The rubber bands must be attached to and travel along with the vehicle.

6. A maximum of four rubber bands may be used on the vehicle (#18 type)

7. The vehicle must be self-starting.

8. There is no limit on the size of the vehicle.

9. The vehicle is only allowed two wheels.

10. The vehicle must remain in contact with the floor at all times.

ON THE DAY OF THE RACE: You need to calculate the SPEED of your vehicle over the 20 ft course.

Name of your vehicle:
Time: / Distance: / Speed:

Newton’s Dragon: Force Questions

In addition to being graded on your car’s design, you will be graded on your answers to these questions. They are important to the design of your car, as well as to your understanding of the principals of force and motion we have been studying. Do not work with anyone on this part, the answers must be your own. Attach another sheet if necessary. Carefully write your answers, this is almost 40% of your project grade!!!

  1. How does your vehicle show Newton’s 1st Law of Motion?
  1. How does your vehicle show Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion?
  1. How does your vehicle show Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion?
  1. Your Newton Dragon uses potential energy. Where is this energy stored? How can this energy be increased? How is your vehicle affected if you increase the potential energy?
  1. When does your vehicle have the maximum potential energy? What happens to the amount of the potential and kinetic energy as you release the rubber band on your vehicle?
  1. You know that unbalanced forces cause an object to accelerate or change direction. Explain the forces acting on your Newton Dragon after it has stopped. In your explanation include the forces acting on the car as well as the floor.
  1. What was the most difficult part of this activity?
  1. What effect does friction have on your vehicle?
  1. Explain how the speed and acceleration of your vehicle are different? (do not just state the definition of each term.)
  1. Draw a free-body diagram of all the forces acting on your car while it is in motion. Make sure your arrows are the correct size and all forces are labeled.

Newton’s Dragon : Grading Rubric

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Rubber bands and wheels / Car is powered by no more than 4 rubber bands and has 2wheels. / ---n/a---- / ----n/a---- / Car is not powered by rubber bands OR does not have 2 wheels.
Car design / Car design is neat and creative, showing that the student put thought into the way they made the car. Design goes beyond what was given to them. Car uses the allowed materials / Car design is neat and creative and closely follows the guidelines given. Student put thought into the way they made the car. Car uses allowed materials / Car design is neat and basically follows the guidelines given. Car uses allowed materials. / Car design is faulty or does not work OR It does not follow the basic guidelines given. OR The car uses materials not allowed
Vehicle Performance / Final displacement is 20 feet or greater / Final displacement is 15 to <20 feet / Final displacement is 10 to <15 feet / Final displacement is less than 10 feet
Speed Calculation / Time, distance, and speed were accurately calculated including proper units. All work was shown. / Time, distance and speed were accurately calculated including proper units. Work not shown. / ---n/a---- / Time, distance, and speed not accurately calculated and work not shown.
Rubric Total ______/ 16 pts x 4 =
Force written questions / ______/ 64 pts.
______/36 pts
TOTAL SCORE: / ______/ 100 pts

Due Date: December 5, 2011