Hampshire Hockey Association

Annual General Meeting Monday 22nd June 2009

Held at The Ampfield Village Hall @ 7.30pm.

Present: Committee members – Mr R Glanfield (President), Mr M Ward (Chairman), Ms F Tierney (Vice Chair), Mrs K Upstill (HHA Sec/HWHL Sec), Mr R Wood (Treasurer), Mr C Bond (Discipline), Mr M Harvey ( KO Cup and Tournament organiser), Sara Lunn (HDO), Sue Keys (non-portfolio/HYDG), Ginette Tessier (non-portfolio), Peter Coote (Chairman of HHA Youth), Richard Macer (non-portfolio) and Mark Everard (HHUA).

Vice Presidents – Mr J Gawley, Mr D Wilde, Mrs S Barnett, Mr C Bradbury and Mr D Legg.

Clubs present – Wimborne Wayfarers, Haslemere, Yateley, Portsmouth&Southsea, Alton, Eastleigh (Men), United Services, Havant, Southampton Univ., Southampton, Fleet & Ewshot, Fareham, New Milton, Winchester, Eastleigh (Ladies), Basingstoke, COP, Blandford and S.N., Hamble, SABHA, Salisbury, Tadley, West Meon, Weymouth, Gosport Borough, Petersfield, Romsey, Trojans, Univ. of Portsmouth, Gillingham, Andover.

Others – David Boyle, Oaklands School, Hamble CSC, Portsmouth High School, Westhill Park School, Peter Beard EH, Rowena Shepherd, Steve Toms (Hampshire Police), David Lane and Koo Jansen.

1. Apologies for absence:, Freda Dunn (VP), Nick Chilton , Lavant HC, Winchester Univ. HC, Swanage & Wareham HC, I.o.W. HC, Vectis HC, Kevin Snewing (Men’s Open League), Camberley & Farnborough HC, Sarah Butler (Oaklands School), Durlston Court School, Chichester Centurions HC (now disbanded) and Mr R Merry (VP).

The President, Robin Glanfield welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone for what they are doing for their team, club, school and County.

Special thanks went to the committee for all their hard work and dedication.

2. Minutes of 2008 AGM. Agreed and signed.

3. Matters arising from those minutes. 1. Mike Ward informed us that all was going well in the Indoor section. 2. Sara Lunn has replaced Heather Windrust as HDO. Special thanks are to go to Heather for her excellent support during the handover. The money for the HDO position is only guaranteed until 2010. Mike Ward asked for any suggestions on how to raise the money needed for the position to continue.

4. Treasurer’s report and adoption of accounts. See separate reports. The full accounts have been inspected by Frank Stokes. Mike Ward seconded by Frankie Tierney proposed the adoption of the accounts. Adopted.

5. Setting of Affiliation and Competition fees for 2009/10. The Treasurer, Richard Wood made the recommendation for an increase of £1 per team for next season. Agreed.

6. Inspector of Accounts. Richard Wood advised that Frank Stokes was willing to continue. Mike Ward proposed, seconded by Nigel Payne (COP). Agreed.

7. Other Reports:

1. EH. Mike Ward advised that the new CEO was Sally Munday. The headquarters for EH has now moved to Bisham Abbey (affecting some 65 staff). There is to be no increase in the EH affiliation fee. The affiliation fee for schools has been abolished. Peter Beard (see his report) covers Berks, Middx. and Hampshire. He advised that 7 Hampshire clubs have now attained Clubs First status.

2. SCHA.. Nothing to report except to say that they are trying to get to grips with the Single System.

The SCHA AGM is on 25.6.09 from 7pm @ Imber Court, Surrey.

3. K.O. Competition. Please see report.

Once again there was a poor response from clubs.

Mike Harvey proposed some changes in his report. Everyone was in agreement to those changes and for the Junior Trophies to be restricted to Hampshire clubs only. Agreed.

4. Discipline. Please see reports. For this season the county was not first in the South for issuing red cards.

Chris Bond asked that if there is a change to the club discipline officer that he should be notified personally. Finally, the County needs a deputy discipline officer, both as required by the code, and to cover absence.

5. Schools and Youth. Please see report. Thanks go to Peter Coote for a very successful season. Peter is standing down as head of Schools and Youth and is to be succeeded by Koo Jansen. Peter will remain as a non-portfolio member of the committee. He was presented with a small gift.

6. Umpires. Please see report. The HHUA AGM was held on the 9th June 2009 in Romsey. Mike Ward thanked the HHUA.

David Boyle spoke about the umpire appointments. For next season the HHUA will be extending its appointing to the Women’s South 3B and HWHL Div.1 as well as the Men’s Div.2. matches.

Any requests for pre-league appointments to David ASAP. He reiterated that umpires are not to be approached directly and that appointed umpires MUST be telephoned by the Tuesday before the Saturday and NOT e-mailed.

The following teams need lighting certificates: Aldershot & Farnham, Basingstoke, Fareham, Havant, Winchester, Southampton Univ., Trojans and possibly Haslemere and Southampton. Adrian Green needs to approve; please contact him on

Our thanks go to David for all the invaluable work that he does.

7. HDO. Please see report. Sara introduced herself.

8. HYDG. Please see report.

9. Leagues.

1. Men’s Senior League. Please see report. Fixtures are now available.

2. Men’s Open league. Please see report. Fixtures are not yet available.

3. HWHL. Please see report. Kim Upstill has managed to extricate herself from the league after 15 years. The league will now be run jointly by a committee of 3: Koo Jansen, Holly Cameron and Theresa Dennis. Fixtures were available from early June (thanks to Tex Solutions).

4. Indoor League. Running smoothly.

8. Election of Officers. All proposed officers duly nominated and elected. There was no- one forth-coming to be Secretary and the position was to be filled by Council.

9. Election of Council. All personalia agreed. Steve Downham is to become a non-portfolio member. There is to be a County Welfare Officer – Rowena Shepherd, who will carry out all the CRB checks. There is no portability for existing CRBs. Any EH statement will be put on the HHA website and sent to the Secretary of each club.

10. Election of new Vice President/s. Robin Glanfield nominated Kim Upstill and presented her with a cut-glass inscribed bowl. At the same time Kim was presented with flowers and gardening vouchers as a thank-you for all her years of service to both the County and to the HWHL.

11. Changes to the Constitution. Changes to make HHUA an affiliated member association of HHA were approved.

12. The Single System. Mike Ward explained that up until now the single system had been experimental. It was now an obligation for this coming season. It calls for a single pathway from the bottom of the hockey ladder to the top. From JDC’s to JAC’s to JPRC’s (of which there are 12 and one is based at Trojans) to Tiers 1 and 2 and national sides.

Peter Coote explained the need to make changes and push things through with Sport England money. The County JPRC’s are softening the boundaries but county teams remain. Peter outlined the changes The county has 8 centres facilitating 296 kids, and needs £11,000 to fund it in May/June and Sept/Oct. (this means some 300 children being taken away from clubs which causes some problems). The county will work with EH and EH needs to work with the county.

After 2012, there may be a question of whether the same amount of funding will be available to amateur sport?

Next year, school competitions will be separated from club competitions.

13. South Men’s League AGM. Colin Bradbury nominated Mike Ward to continue as league secretary and was seconded by Frankie Tierney. A cup was awarded to the I.o.W.

14. Website. It is vitally important that Club information is kept up-to-date, which can only be done by the clubs and not by the HHA secretary. All information is taken from the website. If clubs have lost their password, they should contact either Richard Wood or Mike Ward.

Club insurance details must be put on to the website. Currently missing are Winchester and United Services.

Mike Ward gave thanks to Richard Wood for an outstanding website.

The HHA cannot emphasis enough the need for clubs to themselves keep the website details up-to-date.

15. Any other business.

1. Every year the HHUA presents a club with a Hospitality Award as voted for by the umpires. Haslemere HC were the winners of the Men’s award and Aldershot & Farnham were the winners of the Women’s award.

2. Koo Jansen introduced himself as the in-coming chairman of Schools and Youth. He spoke of his desire to develop girls junior hockey on the I.o.W. He has now affiliated a team called Solent Junior HC (U14 & U12) and they will be playing their games at HMS Temeraire.

3. Last Season Michelmersh & Timsbury amalgamated with Romsey. It has been a successful merger. They now run Men, Women and Junior teams.

4. John Ballard (Yateley HC) informed the meeting of the death of Alan Perrin. There has been £1000s in donations. On behalf of all his family and friends – Thank you for all your good wishes.

5. The death of Duncan MacIldowie was reported.

6. The Chairman welcomed visiting V.P.’s. It was good to see them.

7. The Chairman thanked the committee for all their hard work. Thanks were given to Kim for the excellent food.

8. Thanks were given to the clubs for coming and they were invited to stay for a talk on the new rules, from a player’s perspective, by Tex Laine.

Mike Ward, Robin Glanfield and Richard Wood received small thank you gifts.

The Meeting closed at 9pm.

The talk finished at 10pm.

KU July 2009.