Exploratory Enrollment Guide
First Name______Last Name______
2016-17 GRADE______
6th MATH
6th Keyboarding I / 7th GEOGRAPHY
Students are required to take 2 electives each quarter. Please write your eight elective choices on the worksheet below. (See sample schedules on page 6.) NOTE: 6th GRADE students are required to take Keyboarding I.
My Elective (Explore) choices:1.
4. / 5.
Due to limited space, please return this form in a timely manner. Exploratory classes are subject to change and could be cancelled or substituted. (Students could be placed in Math/English remediation classes throughout the year depending on Benchmark scores and teacher recommendation.)
*All Year & Semester classes(students may not drop after the first week of school)
**One Quarter classes(students may add or drop within the first 5 days of the new quarter)
*** See Competitive Athletics sheet for district policy and/or
Any deviation from the above add/drop will require administrator approval.
I understand the add/drop policy for Exploratory classes, including Competitive Athletics:
Parent Signature: ______Date:______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC6: 6th Grade Band will consist of beginner band students. We will continue the learning process throughout the year. By the end of the course, the students should be able to achieve a relatively high level of beginner performance based on the state's standards. The grading system will be based on daily participation and the end of the year public performance. This is a full year course. WRITE “BAND” 4 TIMES
INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC7: 7thGrade Band is an ensemble that provides students with learning and performance opportunities on wind and percussion instruments. The primary focus is on the development, continuation, and expansion of basic skills begun in previous years that are necessary for effective instrumental music performance. In addition to large group ensembles, individual growth and achievement are encouraged through participation in adjudicated solo and ensemble contests, honor bands, and private lessons. Students in the 7th Grade Band perform in at least two concerts a year, pep band for football games, and all pep assemblies. There is an after school Jazz band program as well. Students with no prior experience are welcome to participate, but must seek private instruction to catch up. WRITE “BAND” 4 TIMES
INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC 8: 8th Grade Band is the Middle School’s most advanced performing ensemble for wind and percussion instrumentalists. This course introduces “comprehensive musicianship” through music performance of challenging and varied literature. Skills and concepts from the previous years are developed and expanded upon. In addition to continued refinement of individual performance skills, greater emphasis is placed on ensemble performance skills. Students will continue to develop their knowledge of music theory, begin to analyze and evaluate music, and use critical thinking skills to make refinements in their performance. Individual and ensemble performance skills will be expanded through musical expression and technical accuracy. Students in 8th Grade Band will perform at least two concerts a year. Individual growth and achievement are encouraged through participation in adjudicated solo and ensemble contests, honor bands, and private lessons. They also participate in pep band for football games and all pep assemblies. There is an after school Jazz band program as well. WRITE “BAND” 4 TIMES
VOCAL MUSIC 6: This class provides an in-depth study of musical signs, symbols, terminology, and sight singing techniques. This is a non-audition class in which students will be required to sing, attend a vocal contest, and perform in both the winter and spring concert, as well as, participate in any other choir activities throughout the year. Being a member of the TMS 6th Grade Choir is a privilege. Students may be removed from the organization due to behavior, lack of participation, and/or grades at the discretion of the director and/or principal. This is a full year course. WRITE “CHOIR” 4 TIMES
VOCAL MUSIC7: This class continues the in-depth study of musical signs, symbols, terminology, and sight singing techniques. This is a non-audition class in which students will be required to sing, attend a vocal contest, and perform in both the winter and spring concert, as well as, participate in any other choir activities throughout the year. No prior musical experience is necessary but preferred. Any 7th grade choir member attending contest and receiving a superior rating will be eligible to attend a national contest at the end of the year. Being a member of the TMS 7th Grade Choir is a privilege. Students may be removed from the organization due to behavior, lack of participation, and/or grades at the discretion of the director and/or principal. WRITE “CHOIR” 4 TIMES
VOCAL MUSIC 8:This class provides a continuing in depth study of musical terminology and vocal techniques. This is a non-audition class in which students will be required to sing, attend a vocal contest, and perform in both the winter and spring concert, as well as, participate in any other choir activities throughout the year. No prior musical experience is necessary but preferred. Any 8th grade choir member attending contest and receiving a superior rating will be eligible to attend a national contest at the end of the year. Being a member of the TMS 8th Grade Choir is a privilege. Students may be removed from the organization due to behavior, lack of participation, and/or grades at the discretion of the director and/or principal. WRITE “CHOIR” 4 TIMES
EXPLORING MUSIC: This is not a performance classStudents in this class will study musical styles and music history. We will explore where music comes from and how it has changed throughout history. . WRITE “EXPLORE MUSIC” 1 TIME ONLY.
The exciting world of aerospace comes alive through Flight and Space. Students explore the science behind aeronautics and use their knowledge to design, build, and test an airfoil. Custom-built simulation software allows students to experience space travel. WRITE “FLIGHT/SPACE” 1 TIME ONLY
Gateway to Technology: The Engineering Design Process:Grade Level 6 (Offered 2 & 3 QTR)
Students will experience what it is to be an engineer using a number of hands on projects that will introduce them to the engineering design process, how technology is utilized in engineering, scale drawing, design elements and how these all work together to produce inventions and innovations.WRITE “ENG DESIGN” 1 TIME ONLY
Gateway to Technology: Automation & Robotics IGrade Level: 7, 8 (Offered 1st 2ndQTR)
Students trace the history, development, and influence of automation and robotics. They learn about mechanical systems, energy transfer, machine automation, and computer control systems. Students acquire knowledge and skills in problem solving, teamwork, collaboration and innovation.WRITE “AUTO/ROBOT” 1 TIME ONLY
Gateway to Technology: Design & Modeling Grade Level: 7, 8 (Offered 3rd QTR)(Note to students & families please read the course description carefully)This unit uses solid modeling software (a sophisticated mathematical technique for representing solid objects) to introduce students to the design process. Utilizing this design approach, students understand how design influences their lives. Students also learn sketching techniques and use descriptive geometry as a component of design, measurement, and computer modeling. Students brainstorm, research, develop ideas, create models, test and evaluate design ideas and communicate solutions.Students should have grade level appropriate understanding of basic math and geometry to enroll in this course.WRITE “DESIGN/MODEL” 1 TIME ONLY
Gateway to Technology: Automation & Robotics II Grade Level: 7, 8 (Offered 4th Quarter Only)
(Note to students & families, Automation & Robotics I or permission from the instructor are prerequisite to enrolling in this course,)
Students will continue to build on skills acquired in Automation and Robotics I. Advanced autonomous coding and building techniques will be the core focus of this class. Projects utilizing sophisticated sensors and autonomous functions will deepen the students’ understanding of the automation process. The ability to work constructively in small and large groups is essential for this course.WRITE “AUTO/ROBOT 2” 1 TIME ONLY
KEYBOARDING I: 6TH GRADE.Students will learn the basics of computer keyboarding. These basics include: home row keys, proper hand position, and proper reaches for the keys learned. Correct computer procedures. WRITE “KEYBOARD” 1 TIME ONLY
KEYBOARDING II: 7TH GRADE In this class, students will improve their keyboarding and computer skills through a series of exercises utilizing Microsoft Word, Prentice Hall Keyboarding, and Computer Applications. WRITE “KEYBOARDII” 1 TIME ONLY
KEYBOARDING III: 8TH GRADEIn this class, students will improve their keyboarding and computer skills through a series of exercises utilizing Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, Prentice Hall Keyboarding, and other software. Students will learn to work in/with Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, Power Point and Excel. WRITE “KEYBOARDING III” 1 TIME ONLY
ART:6, 7, 8 STUDENTSwill learn basic Art Skills. They will study drawing, painting, paper arts, and basic hand-building pottery techniques, along with art history and art vocabulary. WRITE “ART” 1 TIME ONLY
NATIVE AMERICAN LANGUAGE ARTS: 6, 7, 8 GRADE STUDENTSThis course is designed to offer students an opportunity to explore Cherokee culture and language as well as some other Native American cultures (games, arts, crafts, etc…). WRITE “NATIVE/ARTS” 1 TIME ONLY
EXPLORING ACTING/DRAMA:6, 7, 8 GRADES. This class will introduce students to the art of acting and public speaking. Students will be introduced to drama, comedy, and improve public speaking skills. Students will also be introduced to formal speaking; including preparing and presenting mini speeches. Hopefully students will emerge from this class with an appreciation of theatre. WRITE “ACT/DRAMA” 1 TIME ONLY
EXPLORING ACTING/SPEECH: 7TH GRADE. This class will introduce students to the art of acting and public speaking. Students will also be introduced to formal speaking; including preparing and presenting mini speeches. WRITE “ACT/SPEECH” 1 TIME ONLY
INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC SPEAKING AND LEADERSHIP: 8TH GRADE. This course will explore the various disciplines in the public speaking arena. Students will have the opportunity to attend speech and debate meets with the varsity team and compete in the novice division. The class will also explore some areas of acting and the dramatic arts. WRITE “PUB/SPEAK” 1 TIME ONLY (2nd/3rd QTR only)
LIBRARY MEDIA: 7, 8 GRADE. Through the proficient use of skills and content learned in the Library Media Core Curriculum, students will be able to grow with the changes that technology brings to their lives. This course introduces the student to the three major media of information; print, audiovisual and electronic. It also aims at familiarizing the student with the research strategy approach including selection of a topic, using information sources and preparing a bibliography. Students will actively use and enjoy literature to develop the imagination and nourish the thinking process. Students will become socially empowered as they learn to manage media in their lives and understand the media messages which inundate them daily. WRITE “LIB/MEDIA” 1 TIME ONLY
TWEEN LIFE: 6, 7, 8 GRADES.This exploratory class will help students discover skills and explore topics needed for healthy personal development. Students will delve into learning through hands on activities in the areas of values, ethics, and leadership, goal-setting, decision-making, problem-solving, dealing with emotions, learning to cook, good grooming, and personal safety. Student leadership through Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is an integral part of this course. WRITE “TWEEN” 1 TIME ONLY
FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE IA: 8TH GRADEFamily and Consumer Sciences IA is designed to provide students with basic information and skills needed to function effectively within the family and within a changing, complex society. Emphasis is given to the development of competencies related to: Health and safety procedures related to child care; family and individual health; nutrition and food selection; meal planning, preparation, and service; and career skills. Upon completion of this course, the student should have developed basic life skills that promote a positive influence on the quality of life. Student leadership through Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), is an integral part of this course. WRITE “FACS” 2 TIMES.
INTRODUCTION TO AGRICULTURE: 8TH GRADE. Introductory course to acquaint students to the broad scope of agriculture and agricultural-related industries. In addition, the “AG” core course of Animal Science, Plant Science/Agronomy, Ag Power and Technology, Marketing/ Agribusiness, and Agricultural communicators provide students with the necessary skill, information and opportunities to experience a variety of occupational and educational clusters. Intro to Agriscience is the prerequisite for all other agricultural education courses offered in 9th through 12th grades. WRITE “AG” 4 TIMES.
Physical education EXPLORE:
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (PE): 6, 7, 8 GRADE. This course will be introducing students to a healthy lifestyle. Organized team and individual sports skills and rules will be taught. Activities such as basketball, flag football, volleyball, rock wall, bicycling and archery will be offered. WRITE “PE” 1 TIME ONLY
SPORTS PERFORMANCE: 6th GRADE. ONLYSports Performance will be a step above regular P.E. It will be a starter course for students to prepare their bodies to be competitive athletes. This course is a semester long. WRITE “SPORTS” 2 TIMES
Competitive Athletics 7th & 8th ONLY
1st Quarter: Cheer/Pom* (1st,2nd,3rd QTR)
Cross Country (1st QTR ONLY)
Girls Fast Pitch Softball (1st QTR ONLY)
Football (1st & 2nd QTR)
Girls Volleyball* (1st QTR ONLY)
Off Season / 2nd QuarterBasketball (2nd & 3rd QTR)
Cheer/Pom*(1st,2nd,3rd QTR)
Football (1st & 2nd QTR)
Wrestling (2nd & 3rd QTR)
Off Season
3rd QuarterBaseball(3rd & 4th QTR)
Basketball (2nd & 3rd QTR)
Cheer/Pom*(1st,2nd,3rd QTR)
Golf (3rd & 4th QTR)
Soccer(3rd & 4th QTR)
Tennis(3rd & 4th QTR)
Track(3rd & 4th QTR)
Wrestling(2nd & 3rd QTR)
Off Season
- Cheer, Pom, and Girls Volleyball rosters based on tryouts only.
Golf(3rd & 4th QTR)
Soccer(3rd & 4th QTR)
Tennis(3rd & 4th QTR)
Track(3rd & 4th QTR)
Off Season
Important: Please read
When your sport ends, often in the middle of the quarter, you will automatically go into Off-Season class until the quarter ends or your next sport begins. *This policy coincides with Tahlequah High School’s athletic policy.
If you quit a sport, you must inform your coach and turn in all equipment and/or uniforms. Your coach will inform the counseling office that you are cleared to drop. You will automatically go to Off Season class until the sport you have quit is over. *This policy coincides with Tahlequah High School’s athletic policy.
Elective Scheduling Samples
My Elective choices:1. choir
4. choir / 5. flight/space
6. art
- Note that this student has joined choir, which is an all year class. He has written choir 4 times. He then wrote 4 more electives to complete his total of 8 electives for the school year.
My Elective choices:
1. football
4.off season / 5. design/model
6. art
- Note that although basketball starts 2nd quarter, this student is already playing football which ends during 2nd quarter. Writing basketball 3rd quarter will let your counselors know to add basketball to your schedule when football ends. The student has then chosen 4 more electives to take in the afternoon over the next 4 quarters of school.
My Elective choices:
1. sports
2. sport
4.native art / 5. flight/space
6. tween
8.explore music
- Note that this student has no all year electives, but has taken sports performance, which is 2 quarters long. She then chose 6 more electives to complete the year.