Middle School French I


Mme. Bre UzzellHS 220

E-mail address:


Discovering French, McDougal Littell 1998.

French is Fun, Amsco School Publications 1991.

Course Objectives:

  1. Use different ways of greeting people in different situations in French.
  2. Imitate language sounds in French.
  3. Respond to basic questions in French.
  4. Use simple sentences.
  5. Respond appropriately to classroom directions in French.
  6. Watch and listen for main ideas and details.
  7. Recognize vocabulary for everyday objects and activities.
  8. Possess an introductory knowledge of the geography and culture of francophone countries.



Daily work/ homework30%


Comprehensive final/project10%

Grading scale:







Attendance and tardiness:

  • All students are expected to attend class regularly and on time. To encourage regular attendance, each student will be given 400 participation points per quarter. For each day of un-excused absence, that student will automatically lose 10 of those points. For each unexcused tardy, the student will lose 5 participation points. Since this can have a negative impact on the grade received, students should pay close attention to this policy.
  • The policies expressed in the 2002-2003 Student Discipline Policy Handbook will be adhered to regarding un-excused absences and tardies.


All assignments are due at the end of the hour on the due date given. Assignments should be turned in by placing them in the correct file by the teacher’s desk. Any assignment not turned in by the due date will be late and will automatically lose 10% of its assigned value each day it is late. Assignments more than 4 days late will no longer be accepted for a grade. Exceptions can be made only at the teacher’s discretion.

Make-up work:

Students with excused absences will have 5 (five) days following their return to school to turn in any make-up work without punishment. After 5 days, make-up work will no longer be accepted for a grade. Students with un-excused absences are still encouraged to turn in work, but must understand that the late work policy will apply to all work from unexcused absences. The same rules will apply to tests and quizzes. The time to re-take any of these will be determined by both the student and the teacher.

Classroom Rules:

  • Be in your seat and be attentive when the tardy bell rings.
  • Bring all required material to class daily.
  • Show respect for yourself and others in conducting yourself during class. There are no insults or jokes made another’s expense that are tolerated in this classroom.
  • Food and drink are allowed during class as long as all trash is disposed of properly. Failure to clean up after oneself will result loss of this privilege.
  • Follow all procedures on the RÈGLES DE LA CLASSE posted in the classroom.

Misconduct will result in the following:

  • 1st offense – verbal warning
  • 2nd offense – student/teacher conference; possible office referral
  • 3rd offense – parent notification / participation points deducted; office referral

Severe misconduct will result in immediate dismissal from the class if necessary

**Prize Day Rules**

Each student will receive 1 point for each week they are present and on time each day. Additional points will be available for earning during review times and other special occasions. Points will be accumulated each quarter for trade-in on a prize of the student's choice. Extra Credit will NOT be an option for these activities. If a student does not wish to trade in points, they may be saved for use at the end of the semester. The points are not transferrable to any other student. The prize closet selections will be provided by

the teacher.

By signing this form, I affirm that I have read and understood the above syllabus. I

further understand that if I have any questions or if a problem arises, I may contact Mme.

Uzzell via the school or her e-mail address.

Student signature ______

Parent signature ______