April21, 2008

Members in Attendance:

Darryll Alvey, Legal Services of Northern California

Linda Barba, Shasta County Department of Social Services

Gloria Boston, Redding/Chico Veterans Clinic

Melinda Brown, People of Progress

Lydia Buckley, City of Redding Housing Authority

Justin Day, Planned Parenthood Shasta-Diablo

Tish Harris, Shasta Consortium of Community Health Centers

Cyndi Hoag, Good News Rescue Mission

Angela Jones, Shasta Women’s Refuge

Richard Kuhns, Shasta CountyHousing Authority

Momo Kurosaka, ShastaCommunityHealthCenter

Kristen Logan, Health & Human Services Agency - Public Health

Kevin Marshall, Employment Development Department

Linda McCrea, Women’s Health Specialists

Laura McDuffey, Health & Human Services Agency - Public Health

Don Meek, Redding/Shasta CountyHomeless Continuum of Care

Mark Montgomery, ShastaCounty Mental Health

Marie Osborne, ShastaCounty Mental Health

Linda Parks, Shasta County Department of Social Services

Bill Price, Parole and Community Team

Faydra Rector-Sargent,Bridges to Community

Misty Rutledge, Independent Living Services of Northern California

Eric Sharrock, Northern Valley Catholic Social Service

Bobbi Sawtelle, Northern Valley Catholic Social Service

Robert Scott, FaithWorks Community Coalition

Rob Young, ShastaCommunityHealthCenter


Elin Klaseen, Parkview Neighborhood

Bill Ulch, Parkview Neighborhood

Pat Fogerty, Retired Redding Police

Valery Thompson, Community Member


•The meeting was called to order at 10:31 a.m. and introductions by members and guests present were made.


$May is designated as Mental Health month.

$May is designated as Teen Pregnancy month.

$Wednesday, April23rdat7:00 p.m., candidates for the District 2 supervisor seat will address the Parkview Neighborhood Association.

$May is designated as VeteransAppreciation Month.

$Pandemic Flu Planning for Special Populations will take place May.29th from 9:30 a.m. till 3:30 p.m. at Win River Casino. Registration is free and lunch is provided. Call 229-3979.

Additions to the Agenda

$Momo Kurosaka requested time to discuss closure of the medical clinic at the mission.

Approval of Minutes

$The minutes for the March 17, 2008 meeting were approved by the Council.

Discussion of Homeless Needs Highlighted at March 12th Community Meeting

$Each CoC member was asked to share their opinion regarding homeless needs as it relates to our annual workload process. More specifically, they were asked:

Which items do not belong in the process?

Which items are already receiving priority action in the process?

Which items are not receiving priority action in the process, but should?

Which items are considered important, but based on time and resource constraints, should be delayed or considered a secondary issue?

What issue or topic has not been mentioned as a homeless need and should be addressed?

Are there any other comments or suggestions?

These questions were meant to facilitate membership dialogue and discussion. In fact, the vast majority of members did not specifically answer the above-listed questions, but instead highlighted their priorities and thoughts regarding homeless needs. Several members did, however, elaborate on these issues in more detail and those comments are summarized in the last section of the table.

Topic Question / Results of Question / MemberCount
Items which do not belong in the process. / Bus Passes / 1
Items already receiving priority action. / Drop-inResourceCenter
Transitional Housing
Affordable Housing
Re-entry Services
Homeless Camping. / 12
Items not receiving priority action, but should. / Single Point of Contact
Hassle-free Parking
Case Management
Hospital Discharge / 5
Important items, but considered a secondary priority. / Deposit Guarantee Prog. / 1
A homeless need not previously mentioned, but should be addressed. / (1) Although mentioned on the homeless need list & previously discussed, hassle-free parking emerged as an issue in need of further action;
(2) Permanent Supportive Housing has been discussed previously, but was not listed as a “stand-alone” topic. / 4
Other comments or suggestions.
Other comments or suggestions (continued). / (1) Short-term housing or shelter for those temporarily displaced;
(2) Preventative actions or activities to stem or arrest homelessness;
(3) Demonstration by providers of successful outcomes rather than service statistics;
(4) Pilot program using churches or other organizations willing to sponsor a homeless family or person through housing stability self-sufficiency;
(5) Other alternatives, like homeless parking, should be investigated because the Good News Rescue Mission cannot meet all of the various shelter needs of the homeless;
(6) Youth Education and Services will be highlighted at the next Line Staff Training in the fall of 2008. / 2

The following homeless topics/issues were directed to the Housing, Health & Supportive Services Subcommittee for further discussion and action: Drop-inResourceCenter, Transitional housing, Affordable housing, Hospital Discharge Planning, Single-Point of Contact, and Case Management.

The following homeless topics/issues were directed to the Public Safety Subcommittee for further discussion and action: Re-entry Services, Homeless Camping, and Hassle-free Parking. Any other issues or topic not addressed by the subcommittees are reviewed by the Executive Committee on a quarterly basis.

Clinic Closure at the Good News Rescue Mission (added to agenda by Momo Kurosaka)

  • Momo noted that with closure of the medical clinic at the mission, services are available at ShastaCommunityHealthCenter and the HOPE van.

Status of CoC Business Items

Housing, Health & Supportive Services:Lydia Buckley summarized several topics covered at the April 14th meeting including progress of the LivingHopeHomelessDrop-inCenter, SHP program operation issues with NVCSS, SSI case management training, and Medical reimbursement problems in ShastaCounty. More specifically, Lydia noted that the Living Hope Use Permit had tentatively had been approved pending inclusion of certain planning requirements. However, their CDBG funding application was not approved by the City of Redding due to lack of demonstrated leveraged funding and eligibility issues related to construction of the chapel. Mark Montgomeryfrom Mental Health stated that the county (along with several other counties) were informing the State that the reimbursement rate and timing of payments were extremely problematic to efficient operation of the system locally. He emphasized that the county will continue to serve MediCal patients. ShastaCommunityHealthCenter will attend SOAR (SSI/SSDI Outreach Access Recovery) at the end of April in San Franciscotraining and share information with the CoC next month.

$Public Safety:Bill Pricenoted that this group again had a very large and enthusiastic group of people in attendance to discuss re-entry issues for returning prisoners. The group identified numerous area of focus (i.e., mentoring, families of prisoners, drug and alcohol, mental health, legislation, employment, identification, best practices, housing, public relations, etc.) and will break into sub-groups to maximize efficiency in the review and sharing process. The group will meet twice per month in the beginning to make more progress and begin to develop a more precise plan of action.

$HMIS/Education: Melinda Brownagain emphasized the increase in homeless survey numbers was a product of more participation from two agencies (The Salvation Army and Social Services) which boosted our community assessment efficiency. It was also noted that a community presentation was given to the Shasta College Early Childhood Development class on April 1st which was well received.


$Tish Harris of the Shasta Consortium of Community Health Centers (in conjunction with earlier remarks related to homeless needs) emphasized the importance of including consumers in the discussion process. Several members agreed and were encouraged to bring them to our future meetings.

$As a new guest to the CoC meeting, Valery Thompson noted that she was interested in developing property for targeted population as affordable housing. Richard Kuhns will follow-up with her to gather more information and report back to us.

$Laura McDuffey of Public Health announced a meeting on May 14th at 9:00 a.m. in the DowntownReddingCenter, 1220 Sacramento Street to discuss development of CoC Crisis Response Teams. Key players in the ongoing outreach effort are encouraged to attend.


$There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:54a.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, May19, 2008 at 10:30 a.m. in the Caldwell Conference Room at City Hall.

C:\Documents and Settings\Don Meek\My Documents\Corel User Files\CoC Files\Minutes\March 17, 2008 Minutes.wpd