Trainer Assessment Report (TAR) 2017
Final: 09.12.16
TAR1 / Before Completing this ReportTAR2 / Applicant Declaration
TAR3 / Eligibility of Trainer
TAR4 / Trainer’s Details
TAR5 / Trainer’s Qualifications
TAR6 / Trainer Declaration
TAR11 / History of Training
TAR12 / Trainer Assessment & Evidence - Overview
TAR13 / Relationship with Client
TAR14 / Relationship with Self
TAR15 / Relationship with Methodology of NLPt
TAR16 / Clinical Application of Psychotherapy Studies
TAR17 / Relationship with Other Professionals
TAR18 / Practice Management
TAR19 / Optional – Other Evidence
TAR1: Before Completing this Report
We recommend
that you have Trainer Assessment Report Guidelines(TARG) alongside this Assessment Report as you complete it.
TAR2: Applicant DeclarationName of applicant:
I am the applicant named above. I hereby request and authorise my trainer to reveal any information he/she considers relevant to the NLPtCA Accrediting Team so that they may verify any points arising from this report.
TAR3: Eligibility of TrainerI am an NLPt trainer and I have overseen the psychotherapy training of this applicant. I was present for a minimum of 15 days over a period of at least one year of the applicants psychotherapy training.
If NO, has the NLPtCA Registrar requested that you complete this report on behalf of the applicant?
If YES please outline the requirements you have been required to meet within this report:
From 2016 these will include confirmation of completion of a thesis and a mental health placement by the applicant.
If NO please check that the applicant has prior agreement with the Registrar before proceeding.
TAR4: Trainer’s DetailsName: UKCP Registration Number:
Address:BACP (psychotherapist)Registration Number:
Member of other organisation:
TAR5: Trainer’s Qualifications(Include NLP and psychotherapy qualifications and experience, relevant employment, and accreditation by any recognised organisation).
TAR6: Trainer DeclarationI declare that the above psychotherapist in training has attended at least 15 days of psychotherapy training over a period of a year at which I was present.
I am fully aware and comply with the Codes of Ethics of NLPtCA and I understand that my ultimate responsibility is to the welfare of the clients of my trainees.
I am fully covered by my insurance as a psychotherapy trainer.
Ihave formally assessed the applicant's theoretical knowledge, practical and clinical skills and applied ethics, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, I state that the above applicant is practising Neurolinguistic Psychotherapy with his/her clients in a safe, effective andprofessional manner.
I understand that if I have concerns about the clinical competence or ethical practice of the applicant I am obliged to raise my concerns directly with the trainee in the first instance.
Thereafter, if I am still uncertain about his/her abilities and behaviour as an Neurolinguistic Psychotherapist, I must contact the applicant’s supervisor or appropriate colleague for assistance.
If I still cannot resolve the issues I must contact the NLPtCA for the name of the Complaints Officer and write in confidence with the details of any problem or concern.Failure to do this will be in breach of the Codes of Ethics of NLPtCA by which I am bound.
TAR7 to TAR11: History of TrainingTAR7: Type of training(s) you have delivered to the applicant:
Please include confirmation that the trainee has completed:
- a 15,000 to 20,000 word thesis as part of their training
- an eight day placement in a setting where the trainee gained exposure to professionals dealing with persons in psychosocial crisis
TAR8: When did you start training this applicant?
TAR9: Please describe any personal or professional relationship (other than as a trainer) you have had with the applicant (e.g. as a business partner, supervisor, therapist, etc.):
TAR10: Please specify the total hours and number of days training, and the average length of modules that you were present during training attended by the applicant in EACH of the last SIX years:
2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016Annual hours of training *
Annual number of days training
Average length of modules
* Calculated as described in AFG4
TAR11: It is not yet obligatory to have observed trainees working live with clients, however if you have observed the applicant working with clients, how many times in the last four years and by what means did you observe them:
Number of times / Year seenLive observation
Video recording
Audio recording
Verbatim Transcript
In-training therapeutic work with peers
Other (please specify)
TAR12: Trainer Assessment and Evidence - OverviewName of trainer:Name of applicant:
Please provide your evidence in the format outlined in TARG12 Trainer Assessment & Evidence – Overviewand Modes of Assessment.
Please detail your evidence (both the mode of assessment and the outline evidence presented by the trainee.) that the applicant has demonstrated to you, sufficient clinical competence and ethical practice which fulfil UKCP requirements in the areas of:
TAR13: Relationship with Client13.1Due regard for client safety.
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
13.2Appropriate management of physical and psychological boundaries.
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
13.3Capacity to recognise clients withseverely disturbed mental health.
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
13.4Appropriate rapport and responsive to client feedback.
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
TAR14: Relationship with Self14.1Due regard for personal safety.
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
14.2An awareness of their own process and behaviour and its effect on the client; the effect of the therapeutic relationship on the applicant; and appropriate use of self-monitoring and self-supervision before, during and after sessions.
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
14.3An appropriate level of confidence matched to current competence, and an understanding of limitations of competence and experience (with appropriate subsequent referral).
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
14.4Recognition of areas for development and requisite action.
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
TAR15: Relationship with Methodology of NLPt15.1Working from an experiential constructivist perspective, respecting the uniqueness of each individual’s map of the world and operating within the Presuppositions of NLPt.
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
15.2Using behavioural modelling to gather information, to define problems and desired outcomes, to detect patterns, and to determine appropriate interventions.
Please see note relating to this criteria at TARG12
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
15.3Integrated application of a range of theory and practice of NLPt showing flexibility of behaviour and approach in response to each individual client.
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
15.4Ability to remain outcome-orientated, track the client-process and monitor progress towards the client’s desired outcome.
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
TAR16: Clinical Application of Psychotherapy Studies in:Note: specific guidelines for this section
16.1Human development
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
16.2Psychopathology (including psychopharmacology)
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
16.3Sexuality and Gender
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
16.5Research methods
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
16.6Social science
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
16.7Other psychotherapies
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
TAR17: Relationship with Other Professionals17.1Appropriate utilisation of supervision.
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
17.2A willingness to work with and manage referrals from, and interaction with, other professionals and agencies.
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
TAR18: Practice Management18.1A structured approach to history taking and case notes; an efficient and secure method of record keeping; and an effective management of case load.
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
18.2Professional literature; premises; pre-therapy discussion/interview; agreeing contracts including finance and time frames; and how to handle a complaint.
I have sufficient evidence the applicant has demonstrated to me that they fulfil UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I have evidence the applicant does NOT meet UKCP clinical competence and ethical practice requirements for this criterion.
I do NOT have sufficient evidence to decide.
TAR19: Optional – Other EvidencePlease provide any example(s) which describes a quality of the applicant’s maturity, clinical competency and ethical practice not already covered in the preceding examples which influenced your decision to assess them as warranting immediate accreditation.
Signed by Trainer:Date: