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Public Library Operating, Pay Equity, and First Nation Salary Supplement Grants Program


An application to the Public Library Operating (PLOG), Public Library Pay Equity (PE), and/or First Nation Salary Supplement (FNSS) Grants is completed through one single application form. In order to apply, you are required to meet program eligibility and complete the necessary program requirements for each grant program annually.

Public Library Operating Grants (PLOG)

Library operating grants are statutory under the Public Libraries Act. Library operating funding goes to:

·  Public Library Boards and First Nations public libraries; and

·  Municipalities, Local Service Boards or First Nations that establish a contract for library service with a neighbouring public library board.

Public Library Pay Equity (PE) and First Nation Salary Supplement (FNSS) Grants

Those applicants currently receiving a Public Library Operating Grant who have met all program terms and conditions may be eligible for Public Library Pay Equity and First Nation Salary Supplement grants.


The 2014-15 grant program is COMING SOON.

Eligibility Requirements

The Public Library Operating, Pay Equity and First Nation Salary Supplement Grants are distributed to recipients operating a public library in accordance with the Public Libraries Act, who are currently receiving a Public Library Operating Grant and have met all grant program terms and conditions.

Public Libraries Act - Questions and Answers

Program Guidelines and Sample Application

How do I get started?

Register in Grants Ontario:

To assist applicants to register in Grants Ontario, read the Registration Guide for Applicants. Such as:
• Creating your ONe-key account (page 3);
• Enroling for a Grants Ontario system (page 14).

Retrieve the Application form:

Once you have registered in Grants Ontario, LOGIN using your ONe-Key ID and password to retrieve and complete the online application form for the 2014-15 Public Library Operating, Pay Equity, and First Nation Salary Supplement grants.

The Grants Ontario - Reference Guide for Applicants will provide step by step instructions on how to complete the online application in Grants Ontario. Such as:
• Attach the required grant application documents (page 45);
• Creating an assistance request (page 51).

If you have any questions and/or Lost your ONe-key please call Service Ontario at:
• 416-326-1234 (GTA) or 1-800-267-8097.

If you require technical support for Grants Ontario, contact the Grants Ontario Help Desk at:
• In Toronto: (416) 325-6691, or
• Toll Free: 1-855-216-3090, or

Grant Program Requirements for 2014-15:

All eligible library applicants should review the 2014-15 PLOG/PE/FNSS Program Application Guidelines and the Sample Application before completing the online application form in Grants Ontario. This will provide step by step instructions on how to complete the online application in Grants Ontario.

Each public library received one of the Launch emails below, which provided a list of grant application requirements based on the type of funding public libraries received in the previous fiscal year. They are:

·  Public Library Operating Grant Recipient

·  Public Library Operating and Pay Equity Grant Recipient

·  Public Library Operating and First Nation Salary Supplement Grant Recipient

My bank account information has changed, what do I need to do?
• If your banking information has changed in any way, you MUST submit a new EFT form. The Electronic Funds Transfer Application Form provides detailed instructions. The original signed form must be mailed in to the ministry at address provided on the form.

Where can I find my Pay Equity Report?
• If your library received a Pay Equity (PE) grant in 2013-14, a detailed Pay Equity (PE) Report for your library has been sent to each eligible public library with the launch email.
• If you need a copy of your library Pay Equity Report, contact ministry staff noted below under “Contact”.


Mailing Address:

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Culture Programs Unit
Programs and Services Branch
Culture Division
401 Bay Street, Suite 1700
Toronto ON M7A 0A7

Mima Casola
Culture Programs Advisor
Tel: (416) 314-7613

Shannon Khan
Program Assistant
Tel: (416) 314-5186

For Grants Ontario technical support contact:
• In Toronto: (416) 325-6691, or
• Toll Free: 1-855-216-3090, or

For ONe-key questions contact Service Ontario at:
• 416-326-1234 (GTA), or 1-800-267-8097

Last updated: June 19, 2014