Un Coup de Dés Viewer User Documentation
Purpose of Document
The purpose of this document is to assist users of the Un Coup de Dés Viewers to understand how to interact with the web application by detailing its features.
Un Coup de Dés Viewer Design
The Un Coup de Dés Viewer was designed with the understanding that the words of the poem are important. It was designed in a way to allow the words on the (web) page to be a focal point of the experience. Therefore, a lot of the functionality found within this web application is only accessible by clicking on the words found on the page.
How to use the Un Coup de Dés Viewer
The Yellow Window
When you arrive at the Un Coup de Dés Viewer web site you will be greeted by the main viewer window. On this page you are able to scroll through the Un Coup de Dés poem. You will notice while browsing the page that when you highlight over a page (of the poem) that the page highlights red. This signifies that the user is able to click on the lines found on that page. If a user clicks on a line a (yellow) window will pop up containing some identified possible readings of Un Coup de Dés that contains the clicked line.
This window will automatically cycle through the identified readings. If the user wishes to move this floating window to another part of the page they need to click the word reposition with their mouse and then re-click the button where they wish to drop the window. User can click through the readings by clicking on the words previous, stop, play, and next. If the user wishes to close the floating window then they need to click the word close.
Within this window, in order to see the current reading in the main webpage they need to click on the green selected text. If the user wants to jump to a specific word, from the yellow window to the main webpage they need to click on a word that will highlight red.
The Blue Window
At the top of this page, in the horizontal menu, contains 3 words and a drop down menu. If the user clicks the word custom, a (blue) window will pop up instructing the user to click the words of the poem found on the main web page to create their own unique reading of Un Coup de Dés. If the user wishes to move this floating window to another part of the page they need to click the word reposition with their mouse and then re-click the button where they wish to drop the window. When the user has finished creating their reading clicking the word post will assemble the reading and open a new (grey) window that will allow the user to send themselves a copy of their reading. If the user wishes to close the floating window then they need to click the word close.
The Grey Window
At the top of this page, in the horizontal menu, contains 3 words and a drop down menu. If the user clicks the words next or previous or the drop down menu the web application will cycle through all the readings that have been previously identified for use in this application. The reading will be selected in blue in the main window and a (grey) window will pop up showing the whole selection. If the user wishes to move this floating window to another part of the page they need to click the word reposition with their mouse and then re-click the button where they wish to drop the window. If the user wishes to close the floating window then they need to click the word close.
More Notes on the Window.
If the grey window is open the yellow window can not be opened but the blue one can be. If the blue window is open the yellow window can not be opened but the grey one can be. If the yellow window is open both the grey and blue windows can open.