An assessment of receptive and expressive language skills was conducted. The following is a summary of the test results.
The Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-Third Edition-Spanish includes parallel, not translated, test items from the English version and features current normative scores based on the performance of Spanish speaking children in the United States. Separate norms are available for students who are monolingual Spanish-speakers from Argentina, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Puerto Rico. It is composed of nine subtests that measure selected receptive and expressive language abilities in the areas of morphology, syntax, semantics, memory and recall. Implications for deficits are the same as previously noted on the English version of this test.
Estructura de oraciones / Percentile: / Standard Score:The purpose of this subtest is to assess the acquisition of Spanish structural rules at the spoken sentence level.
Conceptos y direcciones / Percentile: / Standard Score:The purpose of this subtest is to evaluate the ability to interpret, recall, and execute oral commands of increasing length and complexity that contain concepts of logical operations.
Clases de palabras / Percentile: / Standard Score:The purpose of this subtest is to evaluate the ability of the student to perceive the associative relationships between words.
Estructura de palabras / Percentile: / Standard Score:The purpose of this subtest is to assess the acquisition of Spanish morphological rules in a sentence-completion task.
Formulación de oraciones / Percentile: / Standard Score:The purpose of this subtest is to assess the ability to formulate compound and complex sentences with given semantic-syntactic constraints.
Recordando oraciones / Percentile: / Standard Score:The purpose of this subtest is to evaluate the ability to recall and reproduce sentence surface structures of varying length and syntactic complexity.
Escuchando párrafos / Percentile: / Standard Score:This subtest evaluates the ability to interpret factual and inferential information presented in spoken paragraphs.
Asociación de palabras / Percentile: / Standard Score:This subtest assesses the ability to recall labels of members of a semantic class within a time limit.
PUNTAJE DEL LENGUAJE RECEPTIVO / Percentile: / Standard Score:PUNTAJE DEL LENGUAJE EXPRESIVO / Percentile: / Standard Score:
Total Score: / Percentile: / Standard Score: / Age Equivalent:
SLP07 (1/08)