City of Cochran Public Works Department

Highways/Streets– Water/Sewer – Solid Waste – Natural Gas

128 North Seventh Street – Cochran, GA 31014

Phone: 478-934-6010 – Fax: 478-934-3230

City of Cochran commends our customers for your excellent and continuing efforts toward efficient use of water. The Georgia Water Stewardship Act went into effect statewide on June 2, 2010. It allows daily outdoor watering for purposes of planting, growing, managing, or maintaining ground cover, trees, shrubs, or other plants between the hours of 4 p.m. and 10 a.m. by anyone whose water is supplied by our water system permitted by the Environmental Protection Division.

Current Outdoor Watering Restrictions

Landscape watering is allowed 7 days a week between the hours of 4PM and 10 AM. All other outdoor water uses (car washing, pressure washing and pool filling, etc.) have no restrictions.

The following outdoor water uses are allowed daily at any time of the day by anyone:

  • Commercial agricultural operations as defined in Code Section 1-3-3
  • Irrigation of personal food gardens
  • Irrigation of new and replanted plant, seed, or turf in landscapes, golf courses, or sports turf fields during installation and for a period of 30 days immediately following the date of installation
  • Drip irrigation or irrigation using soaker hoses
  • Hand watering with a hose with automatic cutoff or handheld container
  • Use of water withdrawn from private water wells or surface water by an owner or operator of property if such well or surface water is on said property
  • Irrigation of horticultural crops held for sale, resale, or installation
  • Irrigation of athletic fields, golf courses, or public turf grass recreational areas
  • Installation, maintenance, or calibration of irrigation systems; or
  • Hydro seeding

Being allowed to water every day does not mean that you need to water every day. Over watering is a primary killer of plants. In addition, irrigation systems should be fully inspected by a certified irrigation professional before they are reactivated for the season. Inactive irrigation systems can experience multiple problems, such as cracked or missing heads, misdirected nozzles, or broken lines, which can lead to water waste and higher bills.

Water Waste Reporting

We hope all citizens follow the watering schedule currently in place allowing irrigation daily between 4PM-10AM. City of Cochran Public Works also wants to encourage citizens to utilize their water efficiently and alert us to water waste.

Examples of Water Waste

  • Visible leak running without repair
  • Allowing a hose to run unattended without a shutoff nozzle
  • Misdirected sprinklers watering pavement and impermeable objects
  • Broken or missing sprinkler heads causing excessive runoff

If citizens want to find out more about outdoor watering rules please contact Jacob Daniels, Public Works Director at 478-934-6010 or .

Thank you for your community support and cooperation as we promote continued wise and conservative water use.