The Montgomery County DISTRICT
Federation of Women’s Clubs Inc.
Theme: Service with a Smile
Youth Art Competition Exhibition
Saturday,March 19, 2016
Rockville Memorial Library, 21 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850
ELIGIBILITY: All students from Grades 6-12. Work will be judged in 2 classes for art ( Middle School & High School and third class for all photography, digital art.
Class 1–Middle School Art: paintings (watercolor, acrylic, oil, etc.), drawings (pencil, charcoal, pen and ink, etc.).mixed media.
Class 2 –High School Art: paintings (watercolor, acrylic, oil, etc.), drawings (pencil, charcoal, pen and ink, etc.), photography, mixed media.
Class 3- All Middle School & High School for photography, digital art and printmaking
AWARDS: Cash Prizes, certificates and ribbons for award winners.
- All entries should be original, done by the student between 3/1/15 and 3/1/16.
- Rearrangements of existing work to create new compositions are accepted but judged considering age appropriateness and creativity, especially with digitalart and photography. Copyright rules apply.
- Work may be of the following media: oil, lead pencil, pen and ink, charcoal, pastels, watercolors, acrylic,mixed media, photography, digital art, and printmaking. If necessary, the work should be sprayed with a fixative. Due to problems of logistics of transportation and weight, sculpture and ceramics entries will not beaccepted.
- All entries should have firm backing of heavy cardboard or foam core.
- Maximum size should not exceed 24" x 36" in its entirety, including computer graphic projects. No framesor glass.
- Each entry must have an Entry Card securely attached to the back with the information (see second page). Each card should give the student's name, parent’s name,e-mail, cell phone and home address, zipcode, school, grade, teacher,type of media and source of subject. Entries without cards will not be judged.
Please Print Clearly! - Each student may submit 2 pieces of work. Montgomery County District winners will compete in the Maryland State contest on March 22,2016. TheMaryland Federation of Women's Clubs, Inc., does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to entries.
Montgomery County Youth Art Contest takes place at the Rockville Memorial Public Library, 21 Maryland Ave, Rockville, MD 20850, on Saturday, March 19, 2016.
Students or teachers are responsible for delivering and collecting their entries according to this schedule:
9:00 – 10:00 a.m.Artwork is delivered with entry information to the library
10:00a.m. – 12:00 noonArtwork is adjudicated
1:00 – 2:00 p.m.Exhibition is open to the public for viewing
2:00 – 3:15 p.m.Winners will be presented with their prizes.
Students pick up their artwork.
Winningartwork willbe held for automatic entry in the State Contest on March 22, 2016.
The winners will be honored at the Convention of Maryland General Federation of Women in Annapolis, MDon April 17, 2016.
PLEASE register via e-mail to byMarch11, 2016. Questions? Tin Tin at 301-469-7592
Montgomery District Federation of Women’s Clubs YOUTH ART PROGRAM—pleaseprintcarefully and send byMarch19, 2016
ENTRY FORM (please print clearly):
Student Name ______
Parent’sname ______E-mail ______
Address ______City/State______Zip ______
Parent’s Phone ______Cell ______
School ______Grade ______
Teacher ______E-mail ______
Media ______Title/Subject ______