AubreyMiddle School
Advanced Courses 2012-2013
Who should take advanced courses?
Students who:
Are ready for a challenge
Are self-motivated
Are interested in a more in depth knowledge of a subject
Are willing to make a time commitment outside of class
Are able to budget their time, especially if they are involved in several advanced courses and extra-curricular activities
Are independent learners and know how to study
How does a student qualify for advanced courses?
Students must meet 3 of the 4 criteria to qualify for an advanced course:
- 70% or higher on placement test (math only)
- 85% or higher yearly average in the previous year’s class
- TAKS Score in the subject of 85% or higher
- Math is considered for Math & Science
- Reading is considered for English & Social Studies
- Teacher recommendation (considering attendance, homework completion, participation and student work/study habits)
What are the advanced courses at AMS?
Advanced Math (6th7th Grade)
- Covers grade level and next grade level curriculum
- Usually have homework every night
- Fast paced curriculum
- Prepares students to take Algebra I in 8th grade
Algebra I (8th Grade)
- Same as 9th grade Algebra I course
- Sets students on course to take Geometry, Algebra II and Pre-Calculus and Calculus in high school
- You must pass the Algebra I End of Course Exam in order to not have to take this course in High School
- Is NOT required for a Distinguished Diploma in High School or acceptance into college
Science (6th, 7th & 8th Grade)
- More critical thinking and analyzing data
- More independent study including additional homework, projects and current events to be completed at home
- Students need advanced knowledge of science terminology and lab procedures
- Learning is at a faster pace so that basic skills are mastered quickly and more in-depth study can take place.
- Required summer research project to be turned in the first day of school. Research includes a completed project board and a 2-5 page typed abstract.
- Students who do not complete a project may be taken out of advanced science.
Reading (6th Grade)
- Same curriculum as regular courses, but with higher level thinking
- Novel studies
- More critical analysis of readings
English (6th, 7th & 8th Grade)
- Same curriculum as regular courses, but with higher level thinking
- Novel studies
- More critical analysis of readings
- Students need to have mastered grammar and basic writing
- SAT Prep Vocabulary
- Writing Workshop
History (7th & 8th Grade)
- More independent study
- For students who want to learn more about history than simply memorizing dates and names
- Students will complete independent research study and projects to enhance their learning.
- Students will need good social studies skills and vocabulary.
What are the rewards of taking an advanced course?
- Learning is at a faster pace so that basic skills are mastered quickly and more in-depth study can take place.
- Advanced courses prepare students for Pre-AP and Advanced Placement Courses in High School. These high school courses prepare students for college classes and in many cases, students can earn college credit early.
- Students can try advanced courses in the areas that they are interested. This may point them in the direction for their future college degree path and career.
- Of course, there is always the reward of accomplishment. Working hard for something makes the feeling of success even better.