Saturday, August 5, 2017
Hosted by Glastonbury Swim Team
Location: Glastonbury High School
Hubbard Street
Glastonbury CT
Telephone: 86-652-7240
Facility: 6-lane pool. We will have use of gym in case of inclement weather. Spectator seating, parents should rotate out of bleachers when their children are not swimming to allow all to see their children swim.
Warm-up: 7:30 Lanes 1-3 Pinebrook
Lanes 4-6 Old Saybrook
7:55 Lanes 1-3 Minnechaug
Lanes 5-6 Middlesex
8:20 Lanes 1-4 Glastonbury Rec
Lanes 5-6 Open
8:45 One-Way Sprints
Lane 1 Middlesex
Lane 2 Old Saybrook
Lane 3 Pinebrook
Lane 4 Glastonbury
Lane 5 Minnechaug
Lane 6 Mixed
8:55 Pool Cleared (Events 1-4 to go directly to blocks)
9:00 National Anthem - Meet begins
Eligibility: See CSSL Outline in League Packet
Participation: A swimmer may participate in up to 4 events. If four events are swum at least one must be a relay or no more than three individual events. A club may have an unlimited number of finishers in an event, however only the top three finishers per team will score. Awards will be given to the top twelve swimmers.
Age: A swimmer’s age is their age as of May 31st.
-A swimmer may swim up in an older age group and may duplicate strokes (ex. a 10 year old girl may swim a 10/u breaststroke event and a 14/u breaststroke event.)
Awards: Awards will be done on the deck. Coaches can pick up their team awards at the conclusion of the meet. The following awards will be distributed.
Individual events: Medals 1st-3rd Ribbons 4th-12th
Relay events: Medals 1st-3rd Ribbons 4th-6th
Heat winner: prizes will be distributed at the finish of each heat.
Participant: Each team will receive ribbons to be handed out to coaches.
Workers: Each team is required to provide timers. # of timers are assigned by team size. Glastonbury and Minnechaug – 8, Old Saybrook – 6 and Middlesex – 4. All workers should sign in by 8:30 am. A timers meeting will be held at 8:45. There will be breaks for timer replacement at event 20 and 40.
Additionally, all teams will be asked to provide 1 person to assist in the bullpen for the duration of the meet. This will greatly help us to run a smooth meet and ensure that the proper swimmer is being sent to the blocks.
**Water will be provided on the pool deck area for coaches, officials and timers and food will be provided to coaches and officials at the concession table in the gym.
Intermission One (after event 20): There will be an intermission to recognize those swimmers who are competing in their last season of eligibility. Please have your swimmers gather near the blocks at that time. Biographical information (brief) should be brought to the seed meeting.
Intermission Two (after event 40): There will be an intermission to present plaques to the Runner-Up and Champion of our Dual Meet season
Officials: Clubs are to bring the names of additional officials to the seed meeting. Chang Kim will otganize the officials and starter.
Entries: Entries are due Monday, July 31, Entries on Hy-Tek should be emailed prior to the meeting to . The seed meeting will be Monday July 31, “Academy Cafeteria”. Enter Parks And Recreation building behind Town Hall. Follow arrows to hall between TH and P & R buildings
Relays: Relays only need entry times for the seed meeting. Names are required the day of the meet. Each team may only enter one relay team per event, except in the 8/U freestyle relay events in which each team may event an “A” relay and a “B” relay. Only “A” relays are official and may score points. Bring cards for your relays the day of the meet
Scratches: Every effort should be made to enter only swimmers who intend to attend championships. The meet is pre-seeded and we want to eliminate empty lanes. All coaches will receive a copy of the entries after the seed meeting. All coaches must email corrections to Suzie Hoyt by Wednesday at noon. There will be NO changes after this time.
Restrooms: The locker rooms located at near the deep end of the pool. Swimmers must use locker rooms to change. There are rest rooms in lobby outside gym entrance. These are for spectators only. Swimmers should use facilities in locker rooms to keep restrooms dry for safety reasons
Team Areas: All teams will be assigned an area outside gym in the field on Hubbard Street side. There is limited shade. Each team is encouraged to bring tents. Each team will have a garbage bag in their area. All trash must be picked up from the team areas at the conclusion of the meet.
BullPen: The bullpen will be in the gym between the team areas and the pool entrance.
Concessions: There will be hot and cold food available throughout the day.
Vendors: There will be championship T-shirts available from Northwest Designs as well as goggles and some caps available at the concession table.
****Concessions and T-shirts will be located in the gym to keep the fire access lanes open outdoors. – if raining, everything in gym
Sue Rubb
Home phone: (860) 633-5318
Cell phone: (860) 690-2681