Responsibility Area: ENGLISH 2017-18
To continue to raise standards in English, particularly in writing and attainment in reading
Y2 Chn to have exceeded 7 points progress –Focus PP chn
Y5 chn to have exceeded 8 points progress in writing to be in line with end of year expectations.
EYFS writing and reading to be 75% GLD in summer 2018 / Strategic Lead: Sarah Dietz-Geddis
Subject Leader: Sarah Dietz-Geddis / Link Governor: Margaret Hyde
Outcomes: What success will look like for pupils
  • Increased rate of progress in writing and reading in all year groups – exceed 80% - 2017 Phonics –90%
  • The teaching of writing continues to use texts and books that capture pupils’ imagination and increases enjoyment of subject
  • Boys close gap on girls by making accelerated progress to reach age related expectations (ARE) by the end of each year
  • Increased % of children achieving age related expectations at the end of KS1 at end of KS2 close to national average-80% as target for Y2
  • Pupils will understand the purpose for writing, the intended audience and implement the school’s handwriting initiative (Nelson Thornes)
  • Writing is embedded across all curriculum subjects to ensure high standards
  • Staff model correct use of standard English across the school and recast to children and staff when incorrect English becomes evident
  • Guided reading is happening daily across the school and Pearson Bug Comprehension resources are used across KS2

Target / Actions / Target date / Monitoring & Evaluation / Funding
1. To improve the rate of progress in reading for all pupils, ensuring that more children (above 30% - national average) make better than expected progress by the end of KS2 / 1.1 Continue to use Dawn Robertson to lead half-termly planning delivery, team-teach and assessment sessions for every teacher.
SG to continue to ensure books and key texts linked to planning for each year group to analyse , retell, re-invent and explore each term
1.2 Continue to embed ‘handwriting scheme across the school and intensive sessions from autumn term to increase skills of letter formation editing and excellent presentation.
1.3 Curriculum team focus to be in teaching of writing to ensure consistent approach to inspire pupils to write
1.4 Classroom environments to reflect the focus on writing through writing washing-lines, working walls, interactive & dynamic displays and plentiful evidence of writing of different genres and across the curriculum on display in every room and around school. / September 2017
Immediately and on-going / Overview of long term planning (EYFS & Y1-6)
Pupil progress reviews and evaluation of intervention programmes
SLT feedback from Curriculum team and progress
Lesson observations & book scrutiny
Learning Environment walks
Drop ins
Pupils interviews termly
Emily Humphries phonics audit / PPG funding for D Robertson support and coaching through Literacy Planet
CPD opportunities for staff in guided reading
2. To close the gap in progress and attainment between boys and girls in writing (APS of boys in writing to be comparable with girls)
PP chn to be in line with peers in writing focus on Y2 and Y5 / 2.1 Continue to use Project X in Years 1,2,3 & 4
2.2 Staff CPD on ‘Engaging Boys in Writing’ – Real Trust
2.3 Ensure boys see themselves as readers – Green Readers Whole School Initiative and Premier League Primary stars
2.4 Ensure texts and visual stimuli appeals to boys and this is consistent across the curriculum
2.5 Rapid Readers are used across KS1 and KS2 for pupils whose reading age is below their chronological age / September 2017
To be review each half term by S Geddis
By January 2018 100 chn accessed and completed programme / Overview of long term planning (EYFS & Y1-6)
Pupil progress reviews and evaluation of intervention programmes
SLT feedback from Curriculum team and progress
Lesson observations & book scrutiny
Learning Environment walks
Drop ins
Pupils interviews termly
Data analysis termly by S Geddis-fed back to SLT / Rapid Reading subscription cost
3. To improve the standard, presentation and flow of writing through embedding cursive handwriting across school / 3.1 Handwriting and presentation to be high profile Autumn 1. Discrete handwriting sessions to be taught daily across KS2 using Nelson resources.
1.1 Early years daily finger gym and writing culture through the unit Daily writing/marl making and word play / Immediately and on-going
All staff to be moderated half termly –Oct/ Nov/Feb /April /June / Lesson observations & book scrutiny
Learning Environment walks
EYFS Drop ins and check English evidence books.
Pupils interviews termly
Monitoring with Governors / Nelson Thornes resources
Dawn Robertson curriculum planning and texts
4. To raise the profile of poetry across the school / 4.1 All classes to learn and perform a classic poem for National Poetry Day 2017. These will be filmed and posted on website.
4.2 Teachers’ Poem Swop – Spring term
4.3 Poet Visits – Spring/Summer term / 28th September 2017 / Overview of long term planning (EYFS & Y1-6)
Pupil progress reviews and evaluation of intervention programmes
SLT feedback from Curriculum team and progress
Lesson observations & book scrutiny
Learning Environment walks
Drop ins
Pupils interviews termly / Poet visits
5. Guided Reading – staff to use ‘The Magnificent Seven’ strategies to support text comprehension. Staff to teach guided reading on a carousel structure using the Bug Comprehension resources and planning. In KS2 disadvantaged groups to be at 70% by summer 2018 / 5.1 KS2 staff to use ‘The Magnificent Seven’ strategies to support text comprehension. Staff to teach guided reading as a carousel structure using the Bug Comprehension resources and planning.
5.2 KS1 staff to use Project X resources and John Murray’s Reading Explorers resources for guided reading sessions.
5.3 Rapid Reading and Rapid Writing groups across KS1 and KS2 / To commence wk 2 Autumn 1 and run through the year / SLT drop ins
Pupil interviews termly
Pupil progress - Termly
6. To continue to grow a ‘reading school at St Mary’s / 6.1 To continue to be part of ‘Reading Champions’ hub of school with north-west working collaboratively to raise the profile of reading.
6.2 All classes to access the school library regularly and arrange a class visit to Middleton library to research curriculum topics
6.3 All classes to have a book corner or designated reading area
6.4 Develop reading spaces throughout the school
6.5 Reading and text at the heart of central displays throughout school
6.6 Classroom displays ‘show-case’ key texts and authors/poets (This half-term, we are reading…)
6.7 All classes across the school to have daily slot where they are read to by an adult – KS2 class novel, EYFS/ KS1 key author texts linked to topic and curriculum / Autumn term and on-going / Attend Reading Champion hub events and share good practise across the north-west partner schools
SLT drop ins
Pupil interviews
Parents’ questionnaires
7. Creative Writing Club / 6.1 All budding writers in KS2 can attend Creative Writing Club afterschool/lunchtimes weekly to develop their skills in story writing. Pupils’ stories to be published in an anthology. / To commence Autumn 2 and on-going / Story of the week to be shared on the website and across KS2.