Algebra II/Trigonometry Pre-AP
BobJonesHigh School / Teacher: / Jennifer Chandler650 Hughes Road / Email: /
Madison, AL 35758 / Phone: / 256-772-2547 ext. 80144
I. Course Description: / Algebra II/Trigonometry Pre-AP provides a more in-depth treatment of algebraic concepts presented in Algebra I while introducing several higher-level topics.
II. Course Objectives: / This is an accelerated course that covers quadratic equations, function graphing, systems of equations and inequalities, and trigonometry. Sequences and series, complex numbers, exponential and logarithmic functions, and matrices are introduced. Statistics and probability topics include determination of regression line and application of the counting principle.
III. Classroom Expectations: / 1) Be on time! If you arrive to class without a pass after the tardy bell rings, you will have to serve detention on Wednesday during Patriot Path (1:07 p.m. - 2:02 p.m.) in a designated room.
2) Pencils should be sharpened and paper thrown away before the tardy bell rings or after discussions are completed.
3) There will be no food or drink in the classroom.
4) Do not talk while I am talking. I encourage you to ask questions and participate in class, but raise your hand first.
5) Please use the restroom in between classes. You will only receive three hall passes for the semester.
6) Use of cell phones in the classroom is prohibited.
7) All personal belongings (backpacks, purses, jackets, etc.) should be placed under the student’s desk.
7) Follow directions and show respect for classmates and teacher at all times.
8) Consequences of violating classroom procedures may consist of a verbal warning, serving detention in the classroom, a parental contact, or referral to the office.
IV.BJ Grading Policy: / 1) Students will receive a letter grade based upon the school scale. The quarterly grade will be calculated with 30% to include class work, homework and quizzes and 70% to include tests. Missing the review prior to the test does not exempt a student from taking the test on the previously announced date.
2) Students should record grades of all assignments in their notebook so they can determine their current average at any time. Grades may also be checked online using iNow. Progress reports will be sent home every three weeks.
3) A cumulative semester exam will comprise 20% of the semester grade.
4) If a student is caught cheating on any assignment, a grade of zero will be assigned. Copying another student’s work will result in a zero for both students.
V. BJ Make-up Test Policy: / 1) It is the student’s responsibility to get missed notes and make-up assignments. Students may check the assignment chart posted in the classroom or the online notes to see what assignments were given. Class notes are posted on Mrs. Chandler’s webpage which can be accessed via the Bob Jones home page. After clicking on School Staff in the left margin and choosing Jennifer Chandler, click on Class Documents.
2) With an excused absence, make-up assignments should be turned in within three days of returning to school.
3) Unexcused absences result in a zero for any missed assignments.
4) Make-up tests will be given on Wednesdays during Patriot Path (1:07 p.m. - 2:02 p.m.) in a designated room. Tests should be made up within ten school days of returning to class. A student who misses a test due to an unexcused absence will receive a zero.
VI. Text and Other Required Reading: / Algebra 2 Common Core (Pearson)
Online textbook:
User name: alg2chandler
Password: bj2016
Helpful math websites:
VII. Materials and Supplies Needed: / Pencils (Work done in ink will result in a loss of 10% of the grade for the assignment.)
3-Ring Binder (A binder that is about 2 inches thick will work well.)
Loose Leaf Notebook Paper
Scientific Calculator
Quarter-Inch Graph Paper
Concerning laptop utilization:
1. Under no circumstances are student laptops to be wired to the network or have print capabilities.
2. No discs, flash drives, jump drives, or other USB devices will be allowed.
3. Neither the teacher, nor the school is responsible for broken, stolen, or lost laptops.
4. Laptops will be used at the individual discretion of the teacher.
1. The academic misconduct policy of the school will be followed in this course.
2. The attendance policy of the school will be followed for this course.
3. Any student who receives failing grades during this course is urged to discuss this with the teacher immediately.
18 – WEEK PLAN *Week 1 / Chapter 2 Functions, Equations, and Graphs
Week 2 / Chapter 3 Linear Systems
Week 3 / Chapter 4 Quadratic Functions and Equations
Week 4 / Chapter 4 Quadratic Functions and Equations
Week 5 / Chapter 5 Polynomials and Polynomial Functions
Week 6 / Chapter 5 Polynomials and Polynomial Functions
Week 7 / Chapter 6 Radical Functions and Rational Exponents
Week 8 / Chapter 7 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Week 9 / Chapter 8 Rational Functions
Week 10 / Chapter 9 Sequences and Series
Week 11 / Chapter 10 Quadratic Relations and Conic Sections
Week 12 / Chapter 11 Probability and Statistics
Week 13 / Chapter 12 Matrices
Week 14 / Chapter 13 Periodic Functions and Trigonometry
Week 15 / Chapter 13 Periodic Functions and Trigonometry
Week 16 / Chapter 14 Trigonometric Identities
Week 17 / Chapter 14 Trigonometric Identities
Week18 / Review and Exams
* Dates are subject to change.
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