34114 RPO Cloversquare
Surrey, BC V3S 8C4
March 3rd, 2016
The Sixth meeting of the year, our AGM, was held April 29th, 2016 at Northview Golf & C.C. with the following thirty two people listed below in attendance.
Full Attendance:
Paul / Allard / BC Stone S &GRoger / Berryman / Cummins Westen
Dale / Brown / Radius Security
Pat / Charron / Great West Equipment
Peter / Christensen / Global Mining Products
Ed / Claggett / BC Stone S &G
Jason / Corbett / Brandt Tractor
Jack / Davidson / BC Roadbuilders
Neil / Deighton / Accurate Fabricating
Michael / Dexter / AED National
John / Dodds / Past Pres
David / Epp / Radius Security
Kris / Feeney / Radius Security
Garry / Frelick / Douglas Lake Equipment
Harvey / Gauley / Dynamic Tire
Bob / Henderson / AED National
Shantal / Horner / Supply Post
Tanjeet / Kalsi / BC Roadbuilders
Nikki / Keith / Wilson Beck Insurance
Taras / Kindzersky / Prospera Credit
Lou / Klasen / Canadian Western Bank
Ed / Lingel / Daequip Attachments
Joel / Luyt / Radius Security
Keith / MacKenzie / Kal Tire
Colin / Rafferty / Kal Tire
Todd / Sevrens / Douglas Lake Equipment
Cory / Simmons / Radius Security
Craig / Stewart / Finning
Jeff / Watson / Supply Post
Carly / Wethersett / Shearforce Equipment
Jerry / Wong / Kal Tire
Trevor / Wyman / AED of BC
President Roger Berryman opened the meeting at 6:00pm, thanked everyone for attending, and introduced our Keynote Speaker, Hon. Dianne Watts, MP South Surrey / White Rock.
Dianne discussed the current Liberal budget, including some promises that will be difficult to keep, as well as how the Conservatives will help keep the Government in check and hold them accountable. MP Watts is the Official Opposition Critic for Infrastructure and Communities. She also discussed some of the other current issues such as immigration and the Syrian refugee influx. There was some good questions and statements from our members, including asking the government for better straightline depreciation on Equipment, and discussions on the impressive record MP Watts had in civic politics.
Roger thanks MP Watts for the speech and addressing our group. He presented her with a coveted AED of BC Pen as a token of our appreciation.
Roger then asked and asked that we welcome the following Past Presidents, first time attendees, and guests:
· Garry Frelick Past President
· Dale Brown Radius Security
· David Epp Radius Security
· Jack Davidson BC Roadbuilders
· Tanjeet Kalsi BC Roadbuilders
· Bob Henderson AED National
· Michael Dexter AED National
· John Dodds Honorary Member
1. Call for a motion to adopt the minutes of the Fifth meeting, held Thursday April 7th, 2016 at Northview Golf & CC as circulated to all members:
Moved by: Nikki Keith
Seconded by: Garry Frelick
2. Old Business:
3. Finances:
Balance as of April 27, 2016: $19,856.41
4. News & Events:
· The BC Road Builders Annual Ivan Hanchard Charity Golf Tournament and Auction will be held May 6th, 2016, also here at Northview
· All AED of BC meeting dates for 2016/2017 are now posted on our Website.
5. New Business:
· There was 2 positions to be filled on the Board for the upcoming 2 year terms. The first is from our Equipment Members, with a position as 2nd Vice President. The second is a new position from our non-equipment members.
1) For the 2nd Vice President position. Todd Sevrens was nominated and he accepted the nomination. Roger called for any other nominations or volunteers. He called 3 times; no other names were put forward. Todd was elected into the position unanimously.
2) For the New Position from our non-equipment dealers, Kelly Pin from Kal Tire Port Kells, and Ed Lingel from Daequip Attachments were both nominated. Both accepted the nominations. Roger called for any other nominations or volunteers. He called 3 times; no other names were put forward. A ballot vote was held, and Ed Lingel was voted into the position.
6. Golf and Door Prizes:
Longest Putt - Ridge #18 - John Dodd & Canal - #18 – Taras Kindersky
Longest Drive – Ridge - #13 – Kris Feeney & Canal - #12 – Ian Young
Closest to the Pin – Ridge - #5 – Ed Lingel & Canal - #6 – Pat Charron
The Supply Post Low Net Trophy was presented to the low net team. Comprised of:
Joel Luyt, Kris Feeney, Dale Brown & David Epp, with a Net Score of 142.
And the Most “Honest” team award goes to:
Jeff Watson, Carly Wethersett, Jason Corbett & Trevor Wyman
Door Prize Winner – Keith Mackenzie
7. Motion to adjourn meeting:
Moved: Garry Frelick
Seconded: Todd Sevrens
Our next event will be here at Northview, Thursday October 6th, 2016
Trevor Wyman
Secretary / Treasurer
Associated Equipment Distributors
BC Chapter