Castle View School
SEND information report
Castle View School SEND information report 2016-2017
The kinds of special educational needs for which provision is made at the school.
Parents and carers of students with an additional need can consider the need falling within four broad areas:
1. Communication and interaction
2. Cognition and learning
3. Social, Emotional and Mental Health
4. Sensory and/or Physical
The School will work with parents and, where appropriate, with specialists to identify the type of support that is needed. Progress within the areas mentioned above as identified by Parents, carers, the School, specialists or indeed the students will be monitored. As barriers to progress are identified the School will look to put appropriate intervention in place considering what is available within the School and the Local Offer.
A wide range of interventions are tailored for individual needs and options may include:
- Literacy and Numeracy action groups or 1 to 1.
- Reading Recovery
- Supported independence within the classroom
- Student Passport for quality first teaching
- Equipment or ICT provision
- Input from a specialist teacher
The impact and effectiveness of such strategies will be monitored and modified where needed to suit developing needs in collaboration with all adults around the student and including the views of the child.
Information on the Local Offer can be found at:
Information, in relation to mainstream schools and maintained nursery schools, about the school’s policies for the identification and assessment of pupils with special educational needs.
All adults within the setting can raise a query with Learning support, Learning Leaders and the SENDCo at any time. Where appropriate, students will be observed and data gathered. Students will be invited to discuss their needs and input into advice to the teachers in a student centred passport. A graduated approach will then be employed to assess and provide for specific needs. Parents and carers will be involved in each stage. The first step is to deliver supportive teaching to encourage independence.
Learning leaders and class teachers track and monitor all students through the report cycle and will identify a need or situation that may require intervention. At this stage the class teacher or learning leader will have access to their own interventions.
With any evidence of a lack of progression over time the SENDCo, where necessary, will meet with the parents or carers to discuss concerns and possible solutions. With any sustained or timed intervention which is additional to and different from peers, students will be placed on the additional needs register. If sustained lack of progress in any of the four areas is evident then external services may be employed to support or assess a need.
Exceptional and rare circumstances may require swifter progression through the graduated approach.
See also Castle view offer SEN Policy and Local Offer through the Essex website
3.Information about the school’s policies for making provision for pupils with special educational needs whether or not pupils have EHC Plans, including—
(a) How the school evaluates the effectiveness of its provision for such pupils;
(b) The school’s arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with special educational needs;
(c) The school’s approach to teaching pupils with special educational needs;
The school is inclusive and committed to support every child in reaching their potential regardless of start point. A range of specialist interventions is in place and is in constant development through further advice and emerging needs.
The School gives a solid commitment to ensure that all teaching is good and outstanding. Quality first teaching is differentiated and personalised. All teachers have access to a wide range of resources and information to support and prepare lessons. A key document at the centre of this is the Personalised Learning Passport that is created from the students own views about their education. All teachers understand that they are teachers of students with additional needs. Teachers make adjustments to benefit students with a wide range of needs in each lesson. All students regardless of ability have access to a wide range of suitably challenging lessons and opportunities.
The Leadership team including the SENDCo ensure that lessons and student outcomes are tracked to ensure appropriate progress and age related expectations are met. Through observations and advanced data tracking the teaching and learning is monitored for its effectiveness.A monitoring cycle followed by a reporting cycle involves the parents and carers in reviewing the provision put in place through mainstream teaching and additional resources.
Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP)
A graduated approach is employed to ensure that every opportunity has been employed by the school to ensure progress. If no progress is made even with additional support, specialist advice will be sought. After many opportunities for consultation and revision of the provision, at this point, it may be necessary to apply for an EHCP.
How the school adapts the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with special educational needs;
The School provides an inclusive curriculum that makes reasonable adjustments to accommodate the wide variety of additional needs. The school is a recent build (2012) with accessibility to all areas and uses furniture and accommodation for inclusive teaching and learning. Specific adults are trained to support students both in their educational needs and personal care.
The School will where appropriate offer bespoke learning pathways in a student centred approach. Decisions on any such provision will be driven by student needs and will include the views of the student, the parents/carers and school. Where appropriate, an educational psychologist as well as the services of external agencies will be included.
Options through KS4 have been arranged around pathways that offer a tailored and bespoke curriculum for inclusive teaching and learning.
This document should be read in conjunction with
- Equality Policy No. 4
- Intimate Care Policy No.22b
- Health & Safety Policy No. 15
- Behaviour for Learning policy No. 5
- SEND Policy No. 22
Additional support for learning that is available to pupils with special educational needs;
A range of support is available to students with additional needs this includes:
Reading recovery programmes. Literacy action groups, Numeracy, Speech and language. Physical and mobility assistance, Pastoral care, in class supported independence, quality first teaching, SEN friendly classrooms, behaviour support, confidence coaching, mentoring, peer support and dedicated classrooms to facilitate.
Preparation and coaching for the use of access arrangements needed in examinations.
How the school enables pupils with special educational needs to engage in the activities of the school (including physical activities) together with children who do not have special educational needs;
The School makes both reasonable adjustments and every effort to enable the participation of all students in all areas. Additional arrangements are made to support the attendance of extra-curricular activities such as trips and clubs. Lessons are accessed by all students in the school by making adjustments and taking the advice from professionals.
The facilities offer engagement and participation in all areas for our current population.
Support that is available for improving the emotional, mental and social development of pupils with special educational needs.
A range of interventions including confidence coaching, vulnerable group work through to external agency counselling is employed to help improve emotional mental and social development. Social groups are formed with the personal interests of the student at the centre. Some of the clubs that are placed at lunch and during period six are created with vulnerable students in mind. The school engages a range of Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) activities that also develop this area for all students including those with SEND.
4.Contact details of the school relating to Special educational needs and disability.
Learning leader for the year group
The SEND team can be contacted through the school telephone number (01268)696811.
SENDCo/Line manager and Assistant Head teacher Mr D Boughtwood
SEN management: Mrs Y Robinson
SEN administration Mrs K Herron
SEN Governor Mrs M Mander
5.Information about the expertise and training of staff in relation to children and young people with special educational needs and about how specialist expertise will be secured.
The SENDCo is a qualified teacher and has been with the school for 16 years; 5 of which have been in the role.
All Staff at the School develop their knowledge and skills through continuous professional development. Training includes specific SEN focus both in house and externally. Where training is taken externally the information is disseminated through the School to broaden the impact.
6.Information about how equipment and facilities to support children and young people with special educational needs will be secured.
The School makes every reasonable adjustment to include all of its community in every aspect without prejudice. The School has up to date facilities to support the current population and their needs. Where a developing or new need emerges every effort will be made to secure resources to enable access to the curriculum.
The Resource base for the equipment and facilities are located in a specialist environment to ensure they are readily available.
The Ocean Suite Children Support area is available for all at their most vulnerable. This provides two dedicated teaching areas and two test rooms for the assessment of needs and examination access arrangements.
Where a specific need is identified the school works together with the specialist teacher service, Children’s support service, occupational health and charities specific to the individual needs. At all times the child and family are at the centre of the decision making process.
Other facilities in use.
Disabled toilets in all areas
Lift access
Mobile hoist
Toilet with electronic Ceiling hoist, Bed, shower and height adjustable washing facilities.
Evacuation Chairs
Specialist furniture in all classrooms
Laptops with specific programmes
Sensory equipment
Overlays and coloured exercise books
Colour adjustable interactive boards
7.The arrangements for consulting parents of children with special educational needs about, and involving such parents in, the education of their child.
At every stage of the process parents and carers are invited to contribute and participate in the decision making around their child. A wide range of consultation opportunities are available for such conversations and discussions. Class teachers are teachers of SEN and first contact is available through the learning leader. A referral to the SEND team and SENDCo would also be available. Students that have an Education Health and Care Plan meet under statutory systems. However further conversations and meetings outside of this framework are encouraged to secure the best provision for the child. Whenever further advice or input from external agencies is required parents and carers will be notified. We consider the views ofparents and carers and their understanding of their child’s needs and what provision in education may workbest for them. This information is valuable and arrangements for consultation are put in place.
At any time a parent or carer can request a consultation with the school regarding the education and support for their child. A phone call to the learning leader will provide the correct avenue for the best advice on who to meet with.
8.The arrangements for consulting young people with special educational needs about, and involving them in, their education.
At every stage of the process the child has always been at the centre of any decision making. Every child with a temporary or permanent need contributes at each stage.
The passport system offers a personal perspective to adults who support and educate the children. Students provide their views on what helps them to learn and where barriers to learning exist. This information along with personal interests is shared so that adults can support children in a way that is most comfortable for them. Children and young people are invited to and contribute to meetings with teachers and teams around the child. Statutory reviews and interim reviews are attended by students who are offered to take the lead at given points. Specific groups of students are invited to join forums for a shared view on their education which is then shared with staff. Every effort is applied to accommodate individual needs within this mainstream setting.
9.Any arrangements made by the governing body or the proprietor relating to the treatment of complaints from parents of pupils with special educational needs concerning the provision made at the school.
We endeavour to meet the needs of our students and their families. The School works hard to provide effective communication and resolution in any situation that is brought to our attention through the correct channels. We take all concerns seriously and have open and accessible avenues to work with those raising the concern.
If the situation arises, where it is not possible to reassure the parents directly with the support of the SENDCo or by working with Parent Partnership, a complaint may be raised. As with any complaint that you feel is unable to be resolved by meeting with and working with the School a formal procedure is in place. Information about this can be found on the School website or requested directly from the School. The stages set out ensure that a successful resolution is possible.
10.How the governing body involves other bodies, including health and social services bodies, local authority support services and voluntary organisations, in meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs.
Castle View School embraces and celebrates its links with external services for the benefit of the School community. Students with special educational needs and emerging needs will have access and support from external services available to the School. In responding to the needs of individuals the range and level of support is not exhaustive.
Some of the services the Governing body and the school use regularly are:
•The School Nurse Team,
•The Educational Welfare Service
•The Children and Young People with Disabilities Service (formerly Transition Pathway Services)
•Child Support Services
•Police Liaison,
•The Educational Psychology Service
•The Local Authority Specialist Teacher Team,
•The Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service
Professionals from these and other services are regularly in school to work with students either individually or in small groups and provide advice to school staff. When their involvement is specifically to address the needs of individual students, parents/carers will be contacted in advance and permission requested. Parents/carers may be invited in at the request of the outside agency professional.
11.The contact details of support services for the parents of pupils with special educational needs, including those for arrangements made in accordance with section 32.
External Agencies Support for safeguarding the education and wellbeing of students - SEND
Organisation / Name / Role / LevelSpecial Education Needs and Children with Additional Needs (SENCAN) / Angela Campbell-Sadler / Specialist Teacher Area Team Leader / 2
Special Education Needs and Children with Additional Needs (SENCAN) / Devorah Levy / Specialist Teacher Hearing Impaired / 2
Jane Abbott / Specialist Teacher Hearing Impaired / 2
Karen Nicholls / Specialist Teacher Visual Impaired / 2
Judy Little / Specialist Teacher Physical and Neurological Impairment / 2
Nicola Durrant / Specialist Teacher Learning Difficulties / 2
Liz Ottley / Specialist Teacher Speech, Language and Communication Needs / 2
Ros Huntley / Specialist Teacher Autism and Social Communication Difficulties / 2
Lynne Harris / Specialist Teacher Learning Difficulties / 2
Statutory Assessment Service Essex County Council / Tracey Nudd / Locality Casework Manager / 2
Donna Bailey / SEN Caseworker / 2
Children and Young People with Disabilities Service
Family Operations / Andrea Marsh / Personal Pathways Adviser / 2
Parent Partnership SEND Information, Advice and Support Service
Essex County Council / Mrs J Boreham / Support Worker / 2
The Lighthouse child Development Centre
Southend University Hospital / Christine Letchford
Darren Peters / Occupational Therapist / 4
Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service
Essex County Council / Andrea Osborne / Secondary EMA Link Consultant / 2
Essex County Council
Educational Psychologist Services / Dr Sarah Routledge
Dr Kalvinder Bisla / Educational Psychologist / 4
Emma Jarvis / Associate Educational Psychologist / 4
Thurrock Virtual School for Looked After Children / Grace Page / Educational Officer / 4
Lorraine Rawson / Educational Officer / 4
Luke Surl / Educational Officer / 4
Lee-Anne Jenkins / Educational Officer / 4
Hillingdon Virtual School for Looked After Children / Kathryn Lowndes / Educational Officer / 4
Essex County Council
Children In Care Team / Patricia Olumoko / Social worker
Senior Practitioner / 4
Mary Wangui / Social worker
Senior Practitioner / 4
Shelley Hayden / Social worker
Senior Practitioner / 4
Melanie Noel / Social worker
Senior Practitioner / 4
Hannah Tull / Social worker
Senior Practitioner / 4
Deborah Gillingham / Social worker
Senior Practitioner / 4
Hillingdon County Council
Children In Care Team / Alex Taylor / Social worker
Senior Practitioner / 4
Thurrock County Council
Children In Care Team / Mr C Wetzel / Social worker
Senior Practitioner / 4
Simon Cable / Social worker
Senior Practitioner / 4
Ashley Efiannayi / Social worker
Senior Practitioner / 4
Emmanuela Williams / Social worker
Senior Practitioner / 4
Southend County Council
Children In Care Team / Mr Whitmore-Brown / Social worker
Senior Practitioner / 4
Peterborough County Council
Children In Care Team / Tracey Grange / Social worker
Senior Practitioner / 4
Contact and additional support can be found through or through parent partnership on 01245 436036.