Priority Application Deadline: Wednesday, December7, 2016 at 5:00pm

Completed applications should be emailed to

If you have questions or would like to speak about accommodations related to disability, please contact

Nicole Hindesat

General Information

  • The Alternative Break Travel Grant program is a financial need-based grant awarded to students applying to an alternative break trip sponsored by the Center for Civic Engagement. The purpose of the Alternative Break Travel Grants is to reduce accessibility barriers related to financial need for students wanting to participate in an immersive service-learning experience.
  • A determination of financial need is made by the University’s Office of Financial Aid through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). While the Center for Civic Engagement award determinations are based on: (1) The degree of the student’s financial need (2) The availability of funds
  • Partial travel grants are granted to students accepted to the Alternative Break program. Awards for the full cost of trip fees are not offered at this time. Travel grants may be used to cover up to 75% of the trip fee of the trip to which the awardee is accepted. All awards must be used to defray the cost of the trip and will be used to directly cover costs of the awardee’s travel as part of an alternative break trip.


  • Students must be in good academic standing, enrolled as a full-time studentat the Oregon State University Corvallis campus and have paid student feesfor the term prior to your Alternative Break.
  • Students should require financial assistance to partially cover the Alternative Break trip fee.
  • Students must have filled a FAFSA for the current academic year to be considered for an Alternative Break Travel Grant. Undocumented or International students should contact the HSRC Coordinator, to request an alternate form.
  • Students must understand that this is a need-based grant and not a scholarship.
  • Students who are exclusively eCampus, online, or Cascades campus students are unfortunately not eligible due to the student fee structure.

Application and Award Process

  • Travel grant applications will be reviewed and award determinations made in conjunction with applications to participate in the Alternative Break program. Award letters will be emailed to the email address included on your application so please be sure to include an email address that you check regularly.


Drop-off Application: Avery Lodge, 1030 SW Madison Ave, Human Services Resource Center

Mail Application: Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331

Online Application Submission: email this form to

Selections are based on the timeliness, and identified need based through the Office of Financial Aid and HSRC assessment.

Applicants will be notified of the selection outcomes as soon as possible.

Please complete and submit the following Alternative Break Travel Grant application with your Alternative Break Trip Application.

Personal Information

Name: ______OSU ID#:______

Address(Include your street address, city, state, and zip code for your current address):


Home orCell PhoneNumber: ______

OSU/ONID Email: ______Age: ______

Birth Date (DD/MM/YYYY):______Gender: ______


Trip Preferences (Rank 1-3): Ashland ______San Francisco ______Yakima ______

Class Standing (ex. Sophomore, Senior, Graduate Student, etc.):______

Please state any additional considerations you would like the program coordinators to know regarding your financial situation and ability to participate in Alternative Break this year. Feel free to attach an additional page if needed.______


By signing below, I certify that that all application information and my statements are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. As a part of thetravel grant application process, I authorize the Human Services Resource Center to share my name and student ID number with the Office of Financial Aid and in turn for the Office of Financial Aid to release financial aid information to the Human Services Resource Centerfor consideration of my travel grant application. Additionally, I understand that the maximum financial assistance offeredfor the Travel Grant is 75% of the program fee, which covers housing and transportation only. I recognize that there will be additional costs that may include, but are not limited to food, other transportation, etc.

Applicant Signature: ______Date: ______

(Parent/Guardian must sign if student is under 18.)