ICF “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine”


on implementation of the Programme Supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS,

Tuberculosis and Malaria

“Overcoming HIV/AIDS Epidemics in Ukraine”

Issue # 9-10, January – 15 April 2005



Phase 2 for Ukraine of the Global Fund-supported Programme

“Overcoming HIV/AIDS epidemics in Ukraine”…………………………………………………………………………..2

Stakeholders’ Meetings………………………………………………………………………………………………………2

PROGRAMME COMPONENT ACTIVITIES:……….………………………………………………………………………..2


Procurement and Supply Management:

-  ARV Medical Supplies……………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

-  Other Medical Supplies and Equipment……………………………………………………………..…………………..3

General Component Activities:

-  Key News …………………………………….………………………………………………………...…………………..4

-  Scaling up ART to New Regions………………………………………………………………………………………….4

-  Trainings…………………………………………………………………………………………………...………………..4

-  Programme Activities and Other Events…………………………………………………………………………………4


Operating Projects …………………………………………………………………….…………………………………..4

Technical Assistance……………………….……………………………………………………………………………...5

Working Meetings...………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5


Sharing Lessons and Best Practices

-  6th National Conference of HIV-positive People and

HIV-service Organisations “Treatment: Dialogue for Partnership”……………………………………………………5

-  Experience Exchange Programme for NGOs…………………………………………………………………………...6


-  Operating Projects………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6

-  Trainings and Presentations..………………………………………………………………………..……………………7

Information, Education and Communication (IEC) for Vulnerable Communities…………………………………………8



-  School Teachers are Trained in HIV/AIDS Prevention…………...……………………………………………………8

-  Resource Centres on HIV/AIDS Issues………………………………………………………………………………….8

Mass Media Work:

-  Regular Newsletters for Mass Media Professionals …………………………………………………………………...9

-  Tenders Completed………………………………………………………………………………………………………...9

-  Trainings………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…………10

Monitoring Visits………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10


National M&E System and National Response to Epidemics………………………………………... ……..………10

Special Surveys …………………………………………..………………………………….…………………………..10

-  Operating Project………………………………………………………………………………………………………….11

Programmatic Monitoring and Evaluation...……………………………………………………………………………11

-  Monitoring Visits…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11




The 9-10th issues of the e-newsletter provide an update on implementation of the GFATM-supported programme ‘Overcoming HIV/AIDS Epidemics in Ukraine’ during the first quarter of 2005. It highlights key events, achievements and challenges. The programme is implemented by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance (the Alliance). Special attention in these issues is paid to the process of preparing proposal to GFATM to continue financial support of the Programme.



The Alliance Ukraine will continue to implement successful projects until September 30, as part of the “Overcoming HIV/AIDS epidemics in Ukraine” Global Fund supported programme grant extension.

Furthermore, on 21 March 2005, the Global Fund issued a letter of Invitation to submit a request for continued funding beyond 30 September 2005.The Alliance is currently principal recipient of the programme, and the letter highlights that in the 12 months since the Alliance assumed its leadership role, “Ukraine’s response to the burden of HIV/AIDS has continued to strengthen in many key areas.” While acknowledging that much remains to be done to stem the spread of HIV/AIDS in Ukraine, the letter says “many more people are receiving anti-retroviral treatment; many more mothers-to-be are receiving access to essential prevention-of-transmission services, and more effort is being focused on the critical need to rapidly up-scale prevention services across Ukraine”.

The letter and other relevant documents can be found at the Alliance website:

http://www.aidsalliance.kiev.ua/cgi-bin/index.cgi?url=/en/news/all/0090 .

On 12 April, information related to organising planning of the second phase of the programme was provided to a broad range of stakeholders ata stakeholders meeting initiated by the Alliance Ukraine, the Ministry of Health and UNAIDS.And the process of preparing National proposal to GFATM started.

The planning process of phase two of the GFATM supported programme included following activities:

v  A broad consultation process involving and supported by all existing and potential stakeholders and constituencies.

v  Those involved in the process were representative of all sectors of society, including government, NGOs, civil society, multilateral and bilateral agencies, the network of people living with HIV/AIDS, activists, those working on HIV prevention in vulnerable communities and the private sector.

v  All principal recipients prepared a draft outline of programme activities and annual targets for beyond 30 September 2005.

v  Technical working groups were created for broad technical input into specific programmatic directions. The Alliance prepared draft terms of reference which the working groups reviewed and updated. The Alliance also provides administrative support to the groups to ensure swift information exchange.The outputs from the groups are widely disseminated, and interested stakeholders provide feedback.

v  The Stakeholders Consolidation Group coordinates and have final approval of the request for continued funding, including the content and structure of each programme component.

Detailed information about preparation of the proposal to GFATM is available at:



Since the beginning of 2005 three stakeholders meetings took place. The 4th stakeholders’ meeting was conducted on January 26, 2005. The meeting was dedicated to the overview of the results of the Programme and its’ future perspectives. Especial emphasis was made on treatment related issues. PLHA Network presented results of work within the Programme.

The 5th stakeholders’ meeting, which was jointly held by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, UNAIDS and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance (Alliance) in Ukraine, took place on April 12, 2005. The main topic of the meeting was continuation of the Programme. Following issues were discussed:

v  Three Ones and One Coordinating Authority on HIV/AIDS: National Models of Coordination on HIV/AIDS: Models of Best Practice; Update on Status of 3 Ones Action Plan for Ukraine; Concept of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on One Coordination Mechanism.

v  Overcoming HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Ukraine: Request for Continued Funding from the Global Fund: Overview of the Request for Continued Funding: documents and process (schedule and key milestones); TOR and membership for Working Groups and Consolidation Group.

Detailed information about the meetings and materials of the meeting can be found at:


Karmen Benett, GFATM Portfolio Manager visited Ukraine several times in 2005. Ms Benett visited stakeholders meetings and represented position of the GFATM considering GFATM-supported Programme in Ukraine and its future perspectives. She held consultation with the Alliance and broader circle of stakeholders considering completing the proposal to GFATM.


ARV Medical Supplies

In January-February 2005 the supplies of Kaletra and the additional ARV medical supply have arrived to Ukraine. The additional ARV medical supply is for 55 treatment courses for children and 300 courses of Zidovudine and Lamivudine for adults. All medicines passed customs clearance and have been delivered to Ukrmedpostach warehouse.

In March outstanding shipments of pediatric ARVs were received and prepared for distribution.

Other Medical Supplies and Equipment

Out of the list of laboratory equipment the flow cytometros with test-systems were received. By the end of February all flow cytometros were delivered to the regions and installed. The purchase of additional laboratory equipment for flow cytometry and PCR had been conducted.

The purchase and delivery of infant formula for feeding of 500 children, which have been born from HIV-positive mothers, had been conducted.

The TPSM assessment of mega sub-recipients had been conducted.

The negotiations with the partner, who are going to provide the logistic of buprenorfine for substitution therapy, are in progress.

The TPSM plan and budget for the period to the end of 2005 had been prepared by PSM unit and given for LFA approval.

From 20th till 22nd of January 2005 TPSM unit organised TPSM training for head doctors and head nurses from the regional AIDS Centres, which started or are going to start ARV treatment.

In March the following accomplishments can be reported:

1. Treatment readiness assessment of additional regional AIDS Centres and National AIDS Centre was conducted by joint team of TPSM and TCS.

2. First shipment of infant formula for children born to HIV-positive mothers was delivered to all regional AIDS Centres.

4. Auxiliary laboratory equipment arrived to Ukraine and was prepared for distribution.

5. Operational training in flow cytometry was conducted for laboratory specialists.

Key News

1382 patients were enrolled in ART under the programme ‘Overcoming HIV/AIDS epidemics in Ukraine’ by April 1 2005: 1234 adults and 148 children.

Scaling up ART to New Regions

Based on preliminary evaluation, which included a survey of regional AIDS Centres and analysis of ART requirements for PLHA, 9 regions have been selected for further implementation of the program of broadening access to ART: Zaporizhya, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv (Kyiv and the city of Bila Tserkva), Luhansk, Poltava, Kharkiv, Kherson, Vinnytsia regions and the city of Sevastopol.

In the beginning of March 2005, the Alliance together with the experts from the AIDS Centre, Ministry of Health and PLHA Network carried out evaluation of these 9 regions using tools developed by John Snow Inc. (JSI) for assessment of an institution's readiness to implement the program of scaling up ART access and requirements for further personnel training and capacity development. The JSI methodology was adapted for Ukraine by the Alliance with the purpose of objectification and standardisation based on recognised international criteria and determination of needs for technical assistance, training courses and further development in order to achieve successful program implementation in the new regions.

As the result of the assessment visits it was decided to start ART in Zaporizhya, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Luhansk, Poltava, Kharkiv, Kherson and Vinnytsia regions.

Additional technical assistance will be provided to Sevastopol, Bila Tserkva and Kyiv oblast AIDS Centres after the 1 April 2005.


On 7 – 18 February 2005 the Knowledge Hub has conducted trainings for multidisciplinary teams from nine regions expected to be engaged in ART.

Programme Activities and Other Events

Since the beginning of this year experts of the TCS unit have been preparing successful grants for extension period. Technical assistance has been provided to the projects in Odessa, Simferopol, Kryvy Rih, Lviv, Poltava, and Mykolaiv.

On 14 – 16 February, TCS experts took part in the PLHA Conference in Lviv, where they organised and facilitated activity of the “Treatment and Adherence” and “Care and Support” sections.

On 24 – 25 February manager of the TCS Unit, Iryna Borushek, participated in the International Conference "Scaling up Access to High-quality Antiretroviral Drugs at Moderate Prices in CIS Countries" in Baku (Azerbaijan).

On 31 March – 1 April, Head of the TCS Unit, as a member of the Ukrainian delegation, took part in a Ministerial Meeting "Urgent Measures of Responding HIV/AIDS Epidemic in CIS" in Moscow (Russia).


Operating Projects

According to NGO quarterly reports by April 15, 45 415 IDUs and 5 690 SWs, 955 MSM and 6 695 prisoners were covered with prevention activities in eight priority regions, 14 551 IDUs and 745 SWs were covered in 13 second-line regions.

All projects currently provide the following basic services to clients:

v  Provision of condoms, disinfectants, necessary medicines, information materials.

v  Needle-exchange.

v  Specialist counselling.

v  Provision of information about project services/activities via web-sites, informational materials.

v  Referral of project clients to relevant medical services.

Organisations implementing ongoing projects prepared project proposals for the period March – September 2005.

Technical Assistance

Monitoring and technical assistance visits have been conducted to NGOs working in Mykolayiv region (CF Blagodiynist, CF Yunitus, CF Vykhid), Odessa region (PM Faith, Hope, Love, CF The Way Home, NGO Youth Development Centre), Kherson region (CF Mangust), Dnipropetrovsk (CF Virtus), Cherkassy region (CF Insight, CF Probudzhennia), and Crimea (NGO Youth Centre for Women Initiatives, NGO New Social Technologies, CF Hope and Salvation).

Participants of the study-tour programme that took place in November 2004 are using experience they gained in their project work. For example, Peter Losev, senior social worker, NGO Step by Step (Kyiv), visited Odesa CF The Way Home on October 26–29 in the framework of the study-tour programme. After the visit, the following ideas were incorporated into the project implemented by Step by Step:

v  preparing a stamp with the notice ‘free of charge’ for all syringe packages that are distributed;

v  preparing ‘Use new syringes’ stickers to be placed on syringe packages;

v  introducing new form of materials distribution and reporting forms for outreach workers;

v  introducing monthly analysis of numbers of project clients;

v  providing medical and legal counselling at stationary needle exchange points;

v  introducing free distribution of disinfectants as a part of the service package.

After a visit to Mykolayiv CF Blagodiynist, the Step by Step harm reduction project psychologist Ilona Rekunova implemented a programme aimed at preventing burn-out among project staff.

Working Meetings

A quarterly working meeting for 29 project coordinators and representatives was conducted on February 16-18 in Ivano-Frankivsk. Participants discussed issues of concern of prevention projects, and visited projects implemented by Charitable Foundation Solidarity. During the meeting prevention department staff provided technical assistance in preparation of successful project proposals for the extension period.


Sharing Lessons and Best Practices

6th National Conference of HIV-positive People and HIV-service Organisations

“Treatment: Dialogue for Partnership”

On 14–16 February 2005 the 6th National Conference of PLHA and HIV-service Organizations (National Conference) - one of the biggest events in HIV-service of Ukraine - gathered national and international stakeholders working in HIV/AIDS in Ukraine as well as representatives of regional NGOs, PLHA community and initiative groups. The long-awaited conference, postponed from December 2004 due to the political situation in Ukraine, brought people together to exchange work experience, discuss issues of concern, and find solutions of common problems as well as to identify further priorities and directions of work. This year the National Conference was held in Lviv in Western Ukraine.

The title of the 6th National Conference “Treatment: Dialogue for Partnership” reflects key achievements, priorities and developments of AIDS-service in Ukraine in 2005. The main objective of the National Conference was to review the results of last year’s activities and develop strategies for further work of non-governmental organisations, state bodies and donor agencies.

Organisers of the conference are the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine. The conference was conducted in the framework of the GFATM-supported Programme “Overcoming HIV/AIDS Epidemics in Ukraine”. AIDS Foundation East–West, Programme of Appropriate Technologies in Health (PATH), Programme of HIV/AIDS Education and Prevention at the Workplace SMARTWork, Project POLICY, NGO Coalition, All-Ukrainian Harm Reduction Association, Charitable Foundation Vertikal took part in the organizing committee of the National Conference.