File No. ______



Neighborhood Meeting

General Information
Unless otherwise requested on this form, an electronic copy of the required 300-foot mailing list will be forwarded to the email addresses provided below within approximately 2 weeks of the date the submittal is received by the Planning Services Department.
Applicant Name / Email Address / Daytime Phone
Applicant Address / City / State / Zip
Applicant Representative / Email Address / Daytime Phone
Applicant Representative Address / City / State / Zip
Property Owner Name / Email Address / Daytime Phone
Property Owner Address / City / State / Zip
Project Information
Location of Proposed Project (Address) / Assessor’s Parcel Numbers / Zoning
Name of Proposed Project / General Plan Designation
Existing Use / Size of Parcel
______Sq Ft or ______Acres
Project Description: Please include purpose of project and target market.
Required Materials (8.5” x 11” or 11” x 17” page sizes only)
9Conceptual site plans showing location of proposed buildings, roads, parking areas, landscaping, and all proposed land uses and lot lines with approximate dimensions
9Site plan depicting existing conditions, including trees, and surrounding land uses and structures
9Conceptual building design information and proposed density of the project
For subdivision submittals, please follow the requirements of the City’s Subdivision Ordinance.
Staff Use Only
Application Received By: / Date Received: / Planner Assigned to Attend Meeting:
Meeting Notes:

S:\FORMS\Pre-Application Meetings\Submittal.doc


(19.16.035 of the Chico Municipal Code)

Applicability/Purpose. Required for all projects on residentially zoned property, or on property located adjacent to residentially zoned property which require a discretionary permit issued by the Planning Commission or City Council. A meeting may be required when it is not on or adjacent to residentially zoned property if the Planning Services Director determines that the proposed use(s) or building(s) are of such a nature that they would affect residentially zoned property which is not adjacent to the project. The purpose of the meeting is to provide for early input by affected neighbors. While neighborhood consensus or agreement is desirable, it is not a required outcome of the neighborhood meeting. Neighborhood or applicant comments and recommendations are not binding on the Planning Services Department but will be considered during staff evaluation of the project applications along with all comments by other agencies, organizations, and individuals in order to formulate its own independent and professional recommendation regarding the applications.

Timing/Notice. The neighborhood meeting is intended to be held prior to the submission of an application for discretionary permit. If a neighborhood meeting is not held prior to submission of an application, the application shall not be considered complete until the meeting has been held. Meetings should be held during evening hours or on a weekend. Notice of the time, date and location of the neighborhood meeting shall be given by the applicant to all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the proposed project and to the Department at least 10 calendar days prior to the date of the meeting. Unless otherwise specified on the reverse of this form, mailing lists for such notice will be forwarded to the email addresses provided in the General Information section within approximately 2 weeks of the date the submittal is received by the Planning Services Department. Notice shall be deemed to have been given on the date it is has been mailed, first-class, postage prepaid, or personally delivered. The applicant is encouraged to hold the meeting at a location convenient to the project site. A map of school district and CARD facilities is attached.

Attendance/Meeting Record. The applicant or a representative shall attend the neighborhood meeting. A representative of the Planning Services Department may attend each neighborhood meeting in order to identify and explain city policies, including the provisions of the city’s general plan and land use regulations as they relate to the development proposal at issue. The representative of the Department may serve as a moderator or facilitator of the meeting if so requested by the applicant and approved by the Director. The applicant shall provide the Department with a list of each person and property to which the notice is mailed. Applicants are encouraged to take minutes or otherwise create a written record of the presentation and points discussed at the meeting.

Required Information. The applicant shall provide the following information at the meeting:

  • Conceptual site plans showing location of proposed buildings, roads, parking areas, landscaping, and all proposed land uses and lot lines with approximate dimensions
  • Site plan depicting existing conditions, including trees, and surrounding land uses and structures
  • Conceptual building design information and proposed density of the project

For subdivision submittals, please follow the requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance.