Indira R. Guzman, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. Information Science and Technology, Syracuse University, NY, 2006
M.S.Information Management, Syracuse University, NY, 2002
B.S., M.S. Computer Science Engineering, Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine, 1991
OtherAcademic Background
Performance Assessment in Higher Education, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, 2012
M.S.cFinance and Banking Management, Bolivian Catholic University (La Paz, Bolivia), 1999-2000
Certificate in University Teaching, Future Professoriate Project, Graduate School , Syracuse University, 2006
Russian Teacher Certification, Donetsk National Technical University, 1990
- Director of the Ph. D. Program in Business Administration, Sept/2014 – Present
- Program Director ofComputer Science and Information Technology Programs, Oct/2010 – Sept/2014
- Associate Professor, CBA-CIS, Jul/2009 – Present, Trident University International (TUI), Cypress, CA.
- Part Time Instructor of Information Systems, Computer Science and Doctoral Seminars (1991-Present), Several Academic International Institutions
- Teaching Associate, School of Information Studies,Syracuse University, 2002 – 2003
- Senior Research Associate, Syracuse University,Syracuse, New York, USA. (2001 - 2010)
- Computer Consultant, Computing and Media Services,Syracuse University, (2001 - 2002)
- Chief of the Information Systems Department & Network Administrator, Banco de la Nación Argentina (BNA) - La Paz, Bolivia. (1992 - 2000)
- Information Systems Analyst, OFINAAL Office sponsored by European Economic Community - La Paz, Bolivia (1991 - 1992)
- McNair, M., Howard, C., Guzman, I., & Watkins, P. (2011). Creativity Enhancement: Use of a Simple Creativity Tutorial in Information Systems Education. International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications,, 2(3), 1-8.
- Stanton, J., Guzman, I., and Stam, K. (2010). Information Nation: Education and Careers in the Emerging Information Professions. Information Today, Inc.
- Guzman, I. R., & Stanton, J. M. (2009). IT Occupational Culture: The Cultural Fit and Commitment of New Information Technologists. Information Technology & People, 22(2), 157-187.
- Guzman, I. R. (2008). “As you like IT” Occupational Culture and Commitment of new IT People: Using Mixed Methodology to study the perceptions of new information technologists. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany.
- Guzman, I. R. (2008). MetodologiaMixta en Sistemas de Informacion: El casodelEstudio de la CulturalOcupacional de Sistemas (Mixed Methodology in Information Systems Research: the study of the IT Occupational Culture).RevistaLatinoamericana y del Caribe de la Asociacion de Sistemas de Informacion (Latin American and Caribbean Journal of the Association of Information Systems (AIS), 1(1), 11-30.
- Guzman, I. R., & Stanton, J. M. (2008). Women's Adaptation to the IT Culture. Women's Studies: Special Issue on Women and Technology, 37(3), 202-228.
- Guzman, I. R., Stam, K. R., & Stanton, J. M. (2008). The Occupational Culture of IS/IT Personnel within Organizations. The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, 39(1), 33-50.
- McNair, M., Howard, C., Guzman, I. R., & Watkins, P. (2008). The Effects of Individual Creativity Enhancement derived from Generic Creativity Informational Training. Review of Management Innovation and Creativity, 1(2), 31-40.
- Guzman, I. R. (2007). Book Review of "Strategies for Managing IS/IT Personnel” by MagidIgbaria and Conrad Shayo. Human Resource Management, 46(3), 455-458.
- Myers, K., & Guzman, I. R. (2007). How to avoid IT project failure. IT Manager' s Journal.
- Stam, K. R., Stanton, J. M., and Guzman, I. R. (2004). Employee Resistance to Digital Information and Information Technology Change in a Social Service Agency: A Membership Category Approach. Journal of Digital Information (JoDI), 5(4), Art. No. 274.
- Stam, K.R., Guzman, I.R., Thoryk, D. (2011). “Studying Online Communication Features on International Webpages Using Websphere Analysis Methodology,” in Computer-Mediated Communication across Cultures: International Interactions in Online Environments, IGI Global.
- McNair, M., Howard, C., Watkins, P., & Guzman, I. (2009). Enhancing Student Productivity Using a Creativity Tutorial. In P. Rogers & G. Berg & J. Boettcher & C. Howard & L. Justice & K. Schenk (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Distance Learning (2nd ed., Vol. I, pp. 915-923). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
- Guzman, I. R., Stam, K. R., Hans, S., & Angolano, C. (2009). Human Factors in Security: The Role of Information Security Professionals within Organizations. In D. K. J. Knapp (Ed.), Cyber-Security and Global Information Assurance: Threat Analysis and Response Solutions: IGI Global.
- Guzman, I. R. (2008). Occupational Culture and Socialization in Information Systems. In T. Torres & M. Arias (Eds.), Encyclopedia of HRIS: Challenges in e-HRM. Pittsburgh: Idea Group.
- Guzman, I. R., Stanton, J. M., & Eischen, D. (2006). Female Perceptions of the Information Technology Culture. In E. M. Trauth (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology. Information Science Publishing.
- Guzman, I. R. (2004). "User Support". Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, Berkshire Publishing Group LLC.
- Kaarst-Brown, M. L., Guzman, I. R. (2014). Cultural Richness versus Cultural Large Scale Insights: Culture, Globalization, and IT Workers. Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGMIS Computers and People Research, May 29-31, Singapore.
- Mitra, S., Guzman, I.R., Dhillon, G., Tran, K.T. (2014). A Quantitative Investigation of the Security Factors Affecting the Use of IT/IS Systems in Public Networks. Security Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Tran, K. and Guzman, I. R. (2013).Software Reuse Success Strategy Model: An Empirical Study of Factors Involved in the Success of Software Reuse.AMCIS, August 15-17, Chicago, Illinois.
- Guzman, I. R., Kaarst-Brown, M. L. (2012). Research in progress: fun versus productivity and intentions to use ICT's in Bolivia. Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGMIS CPR, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Angolano, C. C., Guzman, I. R., Garmon, M. S. Navarrete, C. J. (2012). “Information technology security task-technology fit based on the technology-to-performance chain theory”.Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGMIS Computer Personnel Research, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Guzman, I. R., Kaarst-Brown, M.L., Lendine, D., Brierly, G., Rao, and C. Brikland, J. L. (2011). Academic Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities for IT Programs in Today's Evolving Environment.Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMIS CPR, San Antonio, Texas.
- Barto, T. P. & Guzman, I. R. (2010). Online User Information Privacy Concerns and Other Situational Factors as Viewed Through Equity Theory. AIS SIGSEC Workshop on Information Security & Privacy2010, December 12, St. Louis, Missouri(USA).
- Olsen, T., Smit, B., Guzman, I. R., Lending, D., & Kane, J. (2010). Collaborative and Open Technologies and their Impact on Information Systems Instruction. Panel, AMCIS 2010, August 12-14, Lima, Peru.
- Guzman, I. R., Galvez, S. M., Stanton, J. M., & Stam, K. R. (2010). Information Security Practices in Latin America: The case of Bolivia. AMCIS 2010, August 12-14, Lima, Peru.
- Burley, D., Guzman, I. R., & Pandit, G. (2010). Will They Stay? Turnover Intentions of Future Federal Cyber Corps Members.Proceedings of the ACM SIGMIS-CPR’10, May, Vancouver, Canada.
- Kaarst-Brown, M. L., & Guzman, I. R. (2010). A Cultural Perspective on Individual Choices of STEM Education and Subsequent Occupations.Proceedings of the ACM SIGMIS-CPR'10, May 20-22, Vancouver, Canada.
- Galvez, S. M., & Guzman, I. R. (2009).Identifying Factors that Influence Corporate Information Security Behavior. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '09), August 6-10, San Francisco, California, USA.
- Stam, K.R., Guzman, I. R. & Stanton, J.M. (2009). A Study of Social Networking for Informal Information Exchange about IT occupations.Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGMIS CPR’09, May 28-30, Limerick, Ireland.
- Nicholas, A. & Guzman, I. R. (2009). Is Teleworking for Millenials?Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGMIS CPR’09, May 28-30, Limerick, Ireland.
- Galvez, S. M., & Guzman, I. R. (2008). Social CognitiveTheory: Information Security Awareness and Practice (Teoria Social Cognitiva: Concientización y Practica en Seguridad de la Información). Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '08), August 14-17, Toronto, Canada.
- Kaarst-Brown, M. L., & Guzman, I. R. (2008). Decisions, Decisions: Ethnography or Mixed-Method Approaches to Study Cultural Issues in IS Research? Proceedings of the Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication (CATaC) conference, June 24-28, Nimes, France.
- Guzman, I. R., Gallivan, M., Cohoon, J. M., Bell, A., Quesenberry, J. L., Creamer, E. G., & Stanton, J. M. (2008). Panel on IT Majors Recruitment: What are we doing to improve recruitment and retention in information technology majors? Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMIS CPR’08, 40-42, Charlottesville, VA.
- Bowersox, N., & Guzman, I. R. (2007). How can Leaders Encourage Participation in Virtual Communities of Practice? Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2007), 30-37, Merrillville, Indiana.
- Guzman, I. R. (2007). The use of mixed methodology in the study of the IT occupational culture =UtilizandoMetodologia de InvestigacionMixta en el Estudio de la CulturaOcupacional de Sistemas, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '07), Spanish Mini-track, August 9-12, Keystone, Colorado.
- Fagnot, I., Guzman, I. R., & Stanton, J. M. (2007). "Toward Recruitment and Retention Strategies Based on the Early Exposure to the IT Occupational Culture". AMCIS, August, Keystone, Colorado.
- Guzman, I. R., Joseph, D., Papamichail, K. N., & Stanton, J. M. (2007). Beliefs about IT culture: Exploring National and Gender Differences. Proceedings of ACM SIGMIS CPR'07 Conference, April 19 – 21,St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
- Hunt, D. M., & Guzman, I. R. (2007). Towards an International Career Path for the Study of Individuals of Emerging Nations. Conference Proceedings of the South Western Decision Sciences Institute (SWDSI '07), March 13-17, 2007, San Diego, California.
- Guzman, I., Sharif, R., Kwiatkowska, A., & Li, Q. (2006). Occupational Culture and Commitment in the IT Profession: A Multi-Country Perspective. Proceedings of the 2006 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '06), August,Acapulco, Mexico.
- Stanton, J. M., Guzman, I. R., & Fagnot, I. (2006). Internships and Occupational Commitment of College Students in IT-Related Majors. Proceedings of theACM SIGMIS Computer Personnel Research (SIGMIS CPR'06), April 13-15, Claremont, California, USA.
- Guzman, I. R., Sharif, R., Blanchard, T., Ellis, G., & Stanton, J.M. (2005). What attracts women to the IT field? The first process of Occupational Socialization. Proceedings of the America Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '05), August 11-14, Omaha, Nebraska.
- Kaarst-Brown, M. L., & Guzman, I. R. (2005). Who is "the IT Workforce"?: Challenges Facing Policy Makers, Management, and Research. Proceedings of ACM SIG MIS CPR: Beyond the Bust: Preparing for the Boom?, Atlanta, Georgia, April 14-16, 2005.
- Guzman, I. R., Stanton, J. M. (2004). Culture Clash! The Adverse Effects of IT Occupational Subculture on Formative Work Experiences of IT Students. Proceedings of the America Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '04), New York City, NY. August 5-8, 2004.
- Guzman, I. R., Kaarst-Brown, M.L. (2004). "Organizational Survival and Alignment: Insights into Conflicting Perspectives on the Role of the Information Technology Professional". Proceedings of the ACM - Special Interest Group on Management Information Systems - Computer Personnel Research Conference (SIGMIS CPR '04). Tucson, Arizona. April, 2004.
- Guzman, I. R. Stanton, J.M., Stam, K.R. Vijayasri V., Yamodo, I. ZakariaNasriah and Caldera, C. (2004). "A Qualitative Study of the Occupational Subculture of Information Systems Employees in Organizations" ACM - SIGMIS CPR '04. Tucson, Arizona. April, 2004.
- Stanton, J. M., Stam, K. R., Guzman, I. R., & Caldera, C. (2003, October). "Examining the linkage between organizational commitment and information security." Proceedings of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference, Washington, DC.
- Guzman, I., Richards, M., Van_Heerdeen, E. (2011, April 6-8). Third Horizon Challenges in the Education of IT professionals. WASC Academic Resource Conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Guzman, I., & Van_Heerdeen, E. (2010, April 21-23). A Feedback Assessment Tool for Distance Learning. Poster presented at the WASC Academic Resource Conference, Long Beach, CA.
- Guzman, I. R., Stam, K. R. & Stanton, J. M. (2008). Poster "Encouraging occupational choice in IT through social networks and online collaboration". Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Nov. 8-12, San Diego, CA.
- Stam, K. R., Guzman, I. R., & Scialdone, M. J. (2008). What to do with Geeks and Nerds? A Collaborative Website Analysis Workshop.iConference 2008: iFutures: Systems, Selves, Society, UCLA - Los Angeles, CA. February 28 - March 1, 2008.
- Stam, K. R., Guzman, I. R., & Perretta, H. (2007). Studying Popular Culture through Home-Made (Open-source) Internet Scrapbooks and Archives. Paper presented at the MAP/ACA conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 2-4, 2007.
- Stanton, J.M., Guzman, I.R., & Fagnot, I. (2006). Culture Clash! Undergraduate Student Socialization during Pre-professional Work in the Information Technology Field, Report presented at the ITWF-NSF PI meeting, Raleigh, North Caroline, April 2-4. pp.213-216.
- Stam, K., Guzman, I., Fagnot, I., and Stanton, J. (2005) "What's Your Password? The Experience of Fieldworkers Using Ethnographic Methods to Study Information Technology in Work Organizations." Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, Washington, DC. Dec. 2.
- Guzman, I. R. (2005). As you like IT : The Occupational Acculturation of Information Technologists. Proposalpresented at the Connections 2005: The 10th Great Lakes Information Science Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.
- Nilan, M., Zakaria, N., Guzman, I.R., & Zakaria, N. (2004). "Virtual Communities on the web: Facilitating and Hindering Users' Cognitive Movement". Paper presented at the IADIS International Conference on Web Based Communities., Lisbon, Portugal. March, 2004.
- Gant, D. B. (2004). "Defining the Role of Web Portals in 21st Century Diplomacy". IRMA International Conference on Innovations through information technology, Session69 - IRM in Government. Presented by Indira Guzman. New Orleans, LA. May 23-26, 2004.
- Caldera, C.,Guzman, I. R., Stam, K. R., Vijayasri, V., Yamodo, I., & Stanton, J. M. (2004, April). Conflict and Cooperation: Occupational Subculture of IT Employees. Poster presented at the annual meeting - Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), Chicago, IL.
- Stanton, J. M., Caldera, C., Guzman, I. R., Issac, A., Lin, P., Mathur, M., Seymour, J., Spitzmueller, C., Stam, K. R., Yamodo, I., & Zakaria, Norhayati (2003, April). "Behavioral Information Security: An Overview, Research Agenda, and Preliminary Results." The Security Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada. April 23-24, 2003.
- Kaarst-Brown, M. L., Guzman, I. R. (under review). Research Design Decisions: Pragmatic and Other Influences on Choosing Ethnography or Mixed-Method Approaches to Study Cultural Issues in Information Systems Research.
- Llanes, A., Guzman, I.R. “Factors that Influence Policy Compliance in the Healthcare Industry: A Protection Motivation Theory View”.
- Barto, T., and Guzman, I.R. “Revisiting Equity Theory: A Study of Consumer Behavior in Online Buyer-Seller Exchange”.
- Tran, K. and Guzman, I. R. “Software Reuse Success Strategy Model: An Empirical Study of Factors Involved in the Success of Software Reuse”.
- Co-PI in the collaborative research proposals submitted to the NSF looking for funding:
-Collaborative Research: Encouraging occupational choice in IT-related STEM through informal social networks and online collaboration. With Dr. Kathryn Stam and Dr. Jeffrey Stanton.
-Collaborative Research: Understanding the Role of Student Beliefs and Values about STEM Learning and Subsequent Occupations: A Cultural Perspective. With Dr. Michelle Kaarst-Brown.
-Collaborative Research: NSCC/SA: Implications for National Security of Underlying Cultural Assumptions about Information Technologies. With Dr. Michelle Kaarst-Brown.
- Guzman, I. R. Promoting the Information Technology Occupations by Creating Resistance to Deterrents. CAREER NSF Grant Proposal.
- Nicholas Bowersox, Ph.D. Business Administration, 2012, TUI.
- Kiet Tran, Business Administration, Information Systems Concentration, 2012, TUI.
- Thomas Barto, Ph.D. Business Administration, Information Systems Concentration, 2012, UMI3497011.
- Brian Kent, Business Administration, Information Systems Concentration, 2012, TUI.
- Carole Angolano, Business Administration, Information Systems Concentration, 2011,UMI3476223.
- Stephanie Saucier Wodinsky, Ph.D. Business Administration, 2009.
- Arlene Nicholas, Ph.D. Business Administration, 2007.
- Vijay A. Vanarase, Ph.D. Business Administration, 2007.
Doctoral Degrees in Progress:
- Nace Crawford -Association Identification and Commitment. Expected 2014.TUI University.
- John Magrane, - Information Privacy. Expected 2015.TUI University.
- Jose Angeles, Business Process Knowledge. Expected 2015.TUI University.
- Sanjeev Mitra, Mobile Information Security. Expected 2015.TUI University.
- Alberto Llanes, Health Care Privacy. Expected 2017.TUI University.
- Co-PI of the Project “Sustainable Development of Bolivia's Natural Resources: The Youth Perspective” funded by the 2011 US Department of State’s Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund, 2011-2013.
- Listed in Madison Who's Who Registry of Executives and Professionals, 2009-2010
- Listed in Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 2008-2009-2010
- Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Syracuse University, 2006
- Teaching Fellow Appointment, Graduate School, Syracuse University, 2005-2006
- NSF funded Research Assistantship, 2004 _2006
- Graduate Student Assistantship, IST, Syracuse University, 2002-2004
- NSF Webshop Summer Fellowshipto attend the WebShop/IT&Society 2003 at University of Maryland, University of California Berkeley and Stanford University, USA. June, 2003.
- Fulbright Scholar, Fellowship recipient of the LASPAU Faculty Development Program scholarship with the sponsorship of the Fulbright Program, 2000-2002.
- Director's List, English Program, State University of New York at Buffalo, NY, 2000.
- Best Teacher Award in Decision Support Systems Class, 1998 and 1999 at UCB.
- Academic Award to attend the First Iberoamerican Congress of Informatics sponsored by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (Agencia Española de CooperaciónInternacional para el Desarrollo, AECID), Santa Cruz, Bolivia. May 1995.
- Full Scholarship recipient from the National Cultural and Educational Program in Bolivia sponsored by the Former Soviet Union in merit to outstanding academic performance in high school to pursue undergraduate and graduate studies, 1985-1991.
- III Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingenieria de Sistemas e Informatica (COLATSI). Keynote speaker. Cochabamba, Bolivia, April 28-30, 2010.
- Information Technology Culture: Toward Recruitment and Retention Strategies. Research Forum, TUI University, Cypress, California, May 9, 2007.
- Administración Estratégica de Recursos Humanos en los Departamento de Sistemas de Información, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México, México, May, 2006
- Pathways to Knowledge: A Lecture Series for Undergraduates and Graduate Students, Syracuse University, November, 2005.
- A Cultural Approach of the Information Technology Workforce. College of Technology, University of Houston, TX. April, 2005
- A Cultural Approach of the IT Workforce. SUNY-IT, Utica, NY. April, 2005.
- Interviewed by Lisa Gernsey, The New York Times: "In the Lecture Hall, A Geek Chorus", Published: July 24, 2003.
- "The Y2K problem in Banking". What are the Bolivian Companies doing for the Y2K problem?.Universidad CatólicaBoliviana, La Paz, Bolivia. August 1999.
- Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Academic Resource Conference (ARC). April, 2012, San Diego, California. Attended as Faculty Representative of TUI University.
- WASC - ARC. April 6-8, 2011, San Francisco, CA. Attended as Faculty Rep. of TUI University.
- Sustainability: A Vision For Higher Education,WASC - ARC. April 15-18, 2010, Long Beach, CA. Attended as Faculty Representative of TUI University.
- Showcasing Solutions, Producing Results,WASCARCApril 15-18, 2009, Hollywood, California.
- Illuminating Learning, Accreditating Quality,WASC ARC. April 16-19, 2008, San Diego, California.
- Junior Faculty MIS Camp - AMCIS - Keystone, Colorado 2007
- Junior Faculty Camp - OCIS Academy of Management division - Atlanta, 2006
- Doctoral Student Consortium Connections 2005, the 10th Great Lakes Information Studies Conference, Montreal, Canada, May, 2005
- Doctoral Student Consortium, Decision Science Institute (DSI), Boston, MA, November, 2004
- Minnowbrook Conference - Future Professoriate Project: Preparing Future Faculty - May 2004
- WebShop/IT&Society 2003 at the University of Maryland, University of California at Berkeley and Stanford University, USA. June, 2003
- Teaching against Racism: Pedagogy, Curriculum, & Campus Climate. Syracuse, NY, USA. November, 2002
- The Immigrant Experience in New York: Integration into U.S. Socitety. Fulbright Seminar. New York, USA. March, 2001.
- Access to Higher Education and People with Disabilities: An International Dialogue. SUNY-Buffalo, USA. July and August, 2000
- What it is to come on business, organizations and Administration?.UCB ,Bolivia. Nov, 1998
- Primer CongresoIberoamericano de InformáticaAplicada - First Iberoamerican Congress of Applied Informatics. Organized by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation (AgenciaEspa_ola de Cooperacion International - AECI). Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. May, 1995.
- Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) SIGMIS Computers and People Research (CPR)
- Association for Information Systems (AIS)
- Academy of Management (OCIS & TIM)
- LACAIS (Latin American and Caribbean Association of Information Systems)
- Decision Sciences Institute
- Member of the Bolivian Society of Engineers
- Co-Chair of the Academic Technology Committee at TUI, 2012-Present.
- Computer Science Assessment Examination Council for the Institute for the Certification of Computing Professionals (ICCP) 2013-present.
- Conferece Chair of the ACM Computer Personnel Research conference, Singapore, 20145.
- Program Chair of the ACM Computer Personnel Research conference, Singapore, 2014.
- Member of NCWIT and founder of the Women in computing group at TUI.
- Chair of the Latin American Track for AMCIS 2014.
- Minitrackco-Chair with Dr. Kaarst-Brown of the AMCIS 2008-2014Minitrack: IT Culture and Values: Occupational, Organizational and Societal. Track: Social Aspects of Information Systems.
- Reviewer for: Communications of the AIS (CAIS), 2011, MIS Quarterly (2010), Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (2006-Present); Human Resource Management Journal (2006-Present); The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems (2009-Present); Academy of Management (OCIS & TIM)(since 2006); ACM-SIGMIS-CPR(since 2005); ICIS (2006-present); AMCIS (2003-present); IRMA (2005)
- Associate Editor, APJLIS (Asia Pacific Journal of Library and Information Science), Information Management Systems (2011).
- Faculty Representative of the TUI Academic Council/Leadership Team(ALT) (2008-Present).
- Treasurer for the ACM-SIGMIS CPR Conference 2008 to 2013.
- Program Committee Member (2005), PhD Consortium Mentor (2006-2009) ACM-SIGMIS-CPR.
- Spanish Editor of Central New York Latino (2004)
- President, Bolivian Association Cultural Activities in Russia and Sweden, 1986-1991.
- Spanish - native speaker.
- Russian - advanced proficiency in all skill areas.
- English - advanced proficiency in all skill areas.