October 2016
Call to Order at 6:10 pm
Present- Jason, President, Herschel VP, Jill Treasurer, Traci Web/Registar, Susan Tournament, Tom for Audra Fundraising, Christine and Brett Johnson, Merle new coach
President- introduced Merle a new PeeWee B coach this year
- Herschel, Traci, Susan and Jason attended the District Meeting last night in Eveleth
- Locker Room Monitors- have to follow the guidelines according to Safe Sport, so we an association need to come up with a plan to get Locker Room monitors—no cell phones in the locker room either-- male over 18 can do safe sport and pass the background check—or we need to look at hiring- Tom brought up the kids to need know who the locker room monitor is before they even step on the ice-- discussion was had about putting in place rules and consequences for misbehaving in the locker room and become strict about these rule--
Right now it is ok to have the locker room monitor outside of the room
- Background screens- coaches, board members, officials,
- Safe Sport- mandatory for any volunteers that are in contact with the kids Traci is working on getting a District Safe Sport even at the arena—10 or more people need to be signed up in order to make that happen
- Olehesier was re-elected to be our District 12 Director again this year
VP- nothing to report
Secretary—Advertising letter is ready and am working on mailing those out to potential supporters, Jerseys – Kim and mom Ruth have put identification tags on jerseys to identify each team, and mended the torn jerseys to make it through this season
Treasurer- reports should be ready for November meeting
97 registered
34 mini
19 mites
14 Squirt
16 PeeWee
14- Bantam
Tournament- all tournaments are booked and Susan is working on hotels—Payments for tournament need to be made in full before they are able to book hotels
Treasurer- statements and reports next meeting hopefully
Fundraising- Christmas wreath fundraising now, pizza sales in January, pallets and paint fundraising-on October 25,
Old Business—
Golf tournament amount still has not been decided
Mandatory Meeting - it has been decided that either Herschel or Jason will attend the first practice of each level to give them the Locker Room Behaviors and Expectations overview for this year and to let them know the consequences for misbehaving
Let’s Play Hockey ads are $50 per listing on the calendar. Jason motioned to approve Susan to place these ads in Let’s Play Hockey; Herschel 2nd the motion; motion passed.
Appreciation Gift for Rock will be tabled until November Meeting.
Susan has spoken with Lauren Larson of Tourism Bureau and they will be donating drawstring bags with coupons and etc to the association!
Use of Nashwauk rink is still in discussion as now they want to charge hourly fee vs the flat rate they have charged in the past.
Meeting adjourned