Youth Time Table - 2017
For further information in regards to the time table below you can contact:
Steve Tudberry – Youth Officer in the North on: Mob: 07795302911
Sandy Rushton – Youth Officer in the South on; Work: 01302 735704 Mob: 07776164705
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridaySouth
Tom Hill
MyPlace / LDD 4-6pm
Working with young people with additional needs, learning difficulties. Working around life skills and social inclusion.
11-25 years
Open session
Working with young people around social informal learning 11-19 years / LDD 4-6pm
Working with young people with additional needs, learning difficulties. Working around life skills and social inclusion.
11-25 years / Junior 4-00-6.00pm
Working with young people around social informal learning 8-11 years
Open session
Working with young people around social informal learning 11-19 years
Rossington / Open session
Working with young people around social informal learning 11-19 years / LDD 6-8.30pm
Working with young people with additional needs, learning difficulties. Working around life skills and social inclusion.
11-25 years
Conisbrough / Volunteer led session Ivanhoe Centre
open session
9-17 years
Mexborough / Volunteer run Youth Provision
Stainforth / Open session
Working with young people around social informal learning 11-19 years / LDD 4-6pm
Working with young people with additional needs, learning difficulties. Working around life skills and social inclusion.
11-25 years
Junior 6.00-8.30pm
Working with young people around social informal learning 8-11 years
Thorne/Moorends / 6.00-8.00pm
Open provision Miners Welfare
Working with young people around social informal learning
11-19 years
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
MyPlace / LGBTQ 4-6pm
Working with young people from the gay/lesbian community
Open provision 6-8:30pm
Working with young people around social informal learning 11-19 years / Open provision 6-8:30pm
Working with young people around social informal learning 11-19 years
Woodlands / Open provision 6-8:30pm Library
Working with young people around social informal learning 11-19 years
Wheatley / Open provision 6-8:30pm
Working with young people around social informal learning 11-19 years
Central CC / Open provision 6-8:30pm
Working with young people around social informal learning 11-19 years / LDD 6-8.30pm
Working with young in the community with learning difficulties or disabilities.