City & Hackney Carers Centre aims to operate equality of opportunity in all areas of its work. In order for this to be monitored you are asked to answer the following questions. The information given will not be taken into consideration when selecting candidates for interview or appointment. All of the information will be kept strictly in confidence, and it is our policy; to keep the application form and equal opportunities monitoring form separate.
Date: ------------------------------------------------------------------
Post applied for: Carers Coordination Service Manager
Where did you see the post advertised: -------------------------------------
1. Are you Male__ Female__
2. Are you aged 16-25__ 25-35__ 35-50__ 50+__
3. Do you consider yourself to be disabled? Yes__ No__
4. To which ethnic group would you say you most belong?
African __ Mainland Greek __
Asian __ Turkish __
Caribbean __ Turkish Cypriot __
Greek Cypriot __ UK Black __
Irish __ White __
Jewish __ Prefer not to say __
Kurdish __ Other* __
*Please tell us, in your own words, how you would like to describe your ethnic background:
Thank you for completing this form, please return this it with your completed application form.