“The Mantle of Elijah” part 3 Sun July 8, 2012
•II Kings 2:1-2
•Understanding submission through relationship
•Several times in the last 2 weeks, I have mentioned the need for someone to pick up the mantle of Elijah just as Elisha did, but I have not declared to you the means in which you are able to do this.
•To be able to walk in this mantle of power, one must understand true submission that can only come through relationship…
•The Armor Bearer
•Elijah and Elisha – This was more than a master/servant – teacher/student relationship…This was about Father/Son relationship.
•II Kings 2:2,4,6 “I will not leave you!” This is the true heart of the armor bearer – Nothing can separate you when you understand the God-kind of submission.
•II Kings 2:12“My father, My father…”
•Saul and David – I Samuel 16:21 / the armor bearer is the most loyal and trusted man to the king. He is the protector of the king at all times, especially in battle! This is why David refused to touch Saul – I Samuel 26:9
•There are very few armor bearers in the body of Christ today. Let me explain: there are very few Christians who live for the purpose to serve each other rather than themselves. Now you can better understand what Malachi 4:6 is saying “He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers…” The Lord is looking for armor bearers that refuse to move from their position of authority!
•Interesting note: Elijah placed his mantle upon Elisha (I Kings 19:19 – Elisha was a working man) and Saul placed his armor upon David (I Samuel 17:38)
•James 4:6-8
•Christians are afraid of this word submission
•Submit – To obey; to put under; to be in subjection to.
•True Submission is a Response rather than a command!
•Understanding true submission is the only way to take up the mantle!
•I Peter 5:5-6
•Ephesians 5:21“Submit yourselves one to another in the fear of God!” Why is all this necessary? Selflessness is the key to God’s mantle of power!
•Acts 2:1-2, Acts 2:42-44, Acts 4:31-33 (They had all things common! –Message Bible reads “And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony, holding everything in common.” They were not concerned with their own agendas, what they were getting out of it, what’s in it for me?)
•John 17:20-23 – The Mantle of Glory abides in agreement! This is why Satan is fighting so hard, first in marriage, second in the church (denominations, jezebel, religious spirits, and controlling spirits). Satan knows the only way to conquer is to first divide! Matthew 18:18