Public Health Agency
(Southern Office)
Closing Date: Friday 7th October 2011 @ 4pm
Public Health Agency
(Southern Office)
Tower Hill
BT61 9DR
Telephone: (028) 3741 4640 / 4557
September 2010 (version 1)Appendix 3b – Guidance for Applicants
Glossary of Terms/Definitions
HSCB / Health & Social Care BoardPHA / Public Health Agency
HSS Trusts / Trusts / Health & Social Care Trusts
Acronym / An abbreviation of the name of the organization
LCG / Local Commissioning Group
NISRA / Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
NINIS / Northern Ireland Neighbourhood Information Service
Outcomes / Outcome measurement is the continuous measurement of the improvement in health or social well-being of the population targeted by the service.
Outputs / Outputs are the measure of the work produced or service delivered by an individual in a period of time.
Impacts / Impact studies aim to measure the longer term evaluation /assessment of the project effectiveness.
AGM / Annual General Meeting
VAT / Value Added Tax
IT / Information Technology
September 2010 (version 1)Appendix 3b – Guidance for Applicants
The Public Health Agency Health & Social Care Board are committed to making information as accessible and equitable as possible and to promoting positive and meaningful dialogue with local people.
In an effort to make information as accessible as possible, the guidance has been produced in Arial 14 pt.
The guidance can also be made available in the following alternative formats:
Large Print (size as required)
Computer Disk
Audio tape
For an alternative format or ADDITIONAL COPIESplease contact:
Mrs Alice Grey or Mrs Joan Porter
Public Health Agency
Tower Hill
BT61 9DR
Telephone: (028) 3741 4640 / 4557
Fax: (028) 3741 4634
September 2010 (version 1)Appendix 3b – Guidance for Applicants
The Public Health Agency and The Health and Social Care Board are committed to supporting a wide range of organisations that can effectively make a contribution to delivering on the key priorities ofreducing health inequalities and promoting the long term health and social well-being of the population.
These guidance notes explain to organisations, interested in making an application for funding, the following:
- Aims of the funding available;
- Criteria against which applications will be assessed;
- Scale of funding available and the time period for allocation;
- Eligibility criteria for applications; and,
- Guidance on the type of information that should be provided under each question.
Aim of the Funding Available
The Public Health Agency will focus on improving health and social well being and reducing inequalities in health in the Southern area. All of this work is underpinned by four key themes –
- Give every child and young person the best start in life;
- Ensure a decent standard of living for all;
- Build sustainable communities;
4. Make healthy choices easier.
The Public Health Agency (Southern Office) is inviting applications from community/voluntary groups based and working within the five district Council areas of Armagh, Banbridge, Craigavon, Dungannon & South Tyrone and Newry & Mourne.
Applications must clearly demonstrate how they will address health and social well being in those most in need.
Criteria for Assessing Applications
Each application will be considered, marked and scored against specific criteria i.e.:
Applications should focus on one or more of the following:
- Giving every child/ young person the best start in life - for example supporting parenting initiatives, promoting and supporting breastfeeding;
- Ensure a decent standard of living for all - for example addressing food or fuel poverty and maximising income initiatives;
- Building sustainable communities - for example community allotments, community gardens, neighbourhood improvement projects;
- Making healthier choices easier - for example programmes to promote healthy eating & nutrition, physical activity, obesity prevention, stop smoking initiatives, emotional health and well being initiatives.
In addition applications should clearly demonstrate how they will:
- Addresses local need
- Demonstrates how people will benefit
- Provide evidence that beneficiaries have been consulted
- Demonstrates outputs / outcomes that are measurable
- Outlines key activities
- Demonstrates howthe project addresses health inequalities and social inclusion
Specific scoring will be allocated to the financial information provided in relation to your organisation and how the grant will be used. Costs must appear reasonable, demonstrate value for money and be directly linked to the objectives of the proposal.
The maximum award for any single application under scheme 1is £1,000.
Project should be complete by 31st March 2012.
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible for this funding, your group must:
- Have a constitution or set of rules which are dated and signed as adopted;
- Be able to enclose your most recent annual accounts (or, for new groups, a statement of income and expenditure). These must be signed as approved by an office holder; and
- Have approved financial controls in place as detailed in question9 on the application form.
We will not fund:
- General running costs which are not related to the specific project for which funding is sought;
- Applications from individuals;
- Endowments;
- Loan payments;
- Activities promoting political beliefs;
- Activities promoting religious beliefs, this does not preclude Faith Community Groups applying for activities related to the aims of the scheme;
- Costs already incurred (retrospective funding);
- Donations (to individuals, groups or charities);
- Fundraising events or activities;
- Building programmes;
- Affiliation or membership fees; and,
- Unreasonable costs.
[Please note that the above list is not exhaustive. Additional exclusions can be added to the list, if deemed to be appropriate by the person responsible for overseeing the funding allocation. Any additional exclusion should, however, be notified to the appropriate Director]
Guidance on Completing Questionnaire
The application form is in two parts: Part A is about the Organisation or Group, its governance, procedures and size (questions 1 -9); PART B is about your project/proposal and the funding sought (questions 10-33).
Please note under scheme 1 do not answer questions 23,26 and 28
September 2010 (version 1)Appendix 3b – Guidance for Applicants
Part A - Your Organisation or Group, its governance, procedures and size
Question 1
/Details of your Organisation / Group
Please provide the name in full of the organisation or group applying for the funding. (Put any acronym [abbreviation] used for your organisation in brackets after the full name)Contact Person
Please provide the name of the main contact person in the organisation or group who will be responsible for the management of the proposed project and who will be most familiar with it and their address and contact details if different from the organisation.Contact Address
Please provide the contact details for the organisation. Ensure that the full postcode is included. If you have a website please detail the address.Questions 2 – 6 are intended to provide to the funder with some Organisational history including type of organisation and size
Question 2
/ How long has the applicant organisation/Group been established?Please detail when the organisation/group was constituted / set up.
Question 3
/Umbrella bodies
If the applicant organisation is a branch of a larger organisation, please include the name of the parent/umbrella group. (eg Women’s Aid Federation is the umbrella group for various individual Women’s Aid Groups)Question 4
/Type of Group
Please refer to the categories detailed and indicate all those, which apply to your organisation:A statutory organisation;
Unregistered Charity, club, society or association, community based group or organisation;
Organisation recognised by HM Revenue & Customs (previously known as the Inland Revenue) as Charitable for tax purposes;
Charity registered in England or Scotland or Wales; or
Charity registered with Charity Commission in NI.
Confirm whether the organisation is registered for VAT and provide the charity/tax/registration number if applicable.
Question 5
/Scale of Organisation
Please provide the numbers of employees and volunteers in your organisation.Question 6
/Aims and activities of the organisation
Detail in no more than 250 words the main aims and activities of the organisation including the general services the organisation provides. Specific detail about the proposal for which you are seeking funding is requested in Question 14of the application form.Questions 7-9 need to be answered fully. These provide the funder with assurance regarding your organisations management, governance and financial control practices and procedures.
Question 7
/ Financial InformationA current bank account is an essential pre-requisite to progress the application. Please provide details of the bank account through which you intend to operate this project if you are successful.
Question 8
/ Authorised signatories within your organisationPlease detail the authorised financial signatories for your project. If any personal relationship between the signatories exists, please declare it.
Question 9
/ Organisation Policies and Procedures9a outlines all necessary Financial Procedures required before funding can be provided. You may have these requirements in a single financial procedures document.
It is crucial that you state whether you have these adequate financial controls as outlined in question 32a, in place to allow for the appropriate financial management of the project. If you answer No, and your application is successful, funding will not be awarded until these systems and procedures are in place. (See further guidance note regarding financial controls in Appendix 1 attached).
9B tell us how often you review these controls
9C is about IT security procedures
9D is a checklist of other organisational policies or statements that must be in place prior to any funding being issued. These will be a requirement in the terms and conditions of the contract that your organisation will be required to sign.
September 2010 (version 1)Appendix 3b – Guidance for Applicants
PART B – About your Project & the Costs
Question 10a and10b
/10a Project Name
Provide the name of the project to be funded and specifyWhat the focus of your project is by ticking the appropriate boxes.
10bindicatethe amount of funding your organisation is applying for. (Maximum amount £1,000)
Question 11
/ Project location and geographic coverageThe PHA & HSCB are responsible for ensuring equity of access to services and therefore will need to understand where the services it funds are delivered. There are a number of geographic units which are routinely used in Health and Social Care. Northern Ireland is divided into 5 locality commissioning groups which are co-terminus with a number of district councils. It would be helpful if you could use these geographical units to locate the service and describe what population it is intended to serve.
State where the project is based and try to profile the area you will cover with the project as clearly as possible. Identify the Local Commissioning Group area(s) (Southern LCG, Northern LCG, Western LCG, Belfast LCG, South Eastern LCG), the district council area(s) and ward(s). NISRA website can help to you to identify the locality profile, ward/district areas ( – click into NISRA information areas, then click Neighbourhood stats NINIS)- see attached map.
Question 12
/ Within a 300 word limit please tell us about the people who will benefit from your projectThe PHAis responsible for targeting funding to specific population needs groups. Please indicate to which target population the service is aimed. Try where possible to profile your target population into the categories, male, female, age ranges, religious belief, disabled, those targeted in anti-poverty strategy, economically inactive (includes; retired people, unemployed people, students, people receiving sickness and/or other benefits and who are not working), Economically active (refers to people who are in employment) and / or target groups of people.
Examples of Measurement Tools can include registration list, questionnaires, comments book, photographs.
Question 13
/Provide evidence that your project will address a local need (word limit of300)
How has the need for this project been identified? What evidence base is there for the project?
Please detail the process involved in identifying and establishing this need. What evidence do you have that this project is required? Have you carried out surveys or interviews for instance? Has the need emerged from research or from public meetings?
Question 14
/About this project/proposal
Please remain within the word limit of 300 and within the space provided please summarise the project, clearly setting out the strategic aims and specific objectives of the initiative. Aims and objectives should be ‘SMART’:Specific
Remember, these aims and objectives, and information from the actions and timescales in question 17 will be utilised to form the basis of performance indicators, to be set out in contracts/letters of offer for successful projects. Therefore, it is important that you are confident that you can deliver on them. While longer-term outcomes should be stated, outputs achievable within the one-year operation of the project should be clearly identified and tied into these.
Question 15
/ How does your project correspond to the priorities / targets or specification for funding?Please advise us of which priority or theme(s) you are applying under. Please refer to the criteria or service specification below in respect of this funding.
In the space provided, you should clearly demonstrate why, how and the extent to which your proposal fits within the themed priorities / targets for the current year i.e.
- Giving every child/ young person the best start in life
- Ensure a decent standard of living for all - for example
- Building sustainable communities - for example
- Making healthier choices easier - for example
If your proposal does not clearly fit within the criteria and/or meet the service specification issued for this funding, then it will be ineligible for funding under this programme. It is important that your project is seen to add value to this area of work, and that it brings tangible benefits and targets those most in need.
Question 16
/ Detail the outcomes you hope to achieve through your project and how these will be measuredWhat specificoutcomes do you believe your project will achieve? (i.e. what effect will the project have, the end result or consequences. Against these outcomes, please detail how you will collect evidence that these are being achieved.
Question 17
/ Describe the service you will deliver, detail the actionsDetail the actions your organisation will undertake to achieve the aims/objectives and indicate the proposed timescale. Complete the table of activities with the output, for example [50 people participated in a 8 week physical activity programme]. Please remember that the actions/activities you outline here need to relate to your project aims and objectives and as with question 14, will contribute to the formulation of your performance indicators
Question 18
/ Start and Finish dates for the projectProjects must be able to deliver within the funding timeframe specified i.e. 31st March 2012. Please ensure that you provide realistic start and end dates for the project.
Question 19
/ Impacts beyond the funding award periodOutline the legacy the project is expected to have beyond the funding period, information here can include community capacity building
Question 20
/ How will this project avoid duplication(a) Other similar Services
What other similar services, projects and opportunities exist for your proposed target group? Have you ensured that the need is not being addressed, tackled by other groups or initiatives? Detail the added value this project will provide?
(b) What will you do to make contact with providers of related services and ensure referrals to and from other providers? Outline your plans to connect with other providers of related services? Will they refer clients to your service and will you refer clients to other services?
Question 21
/ How will you address inequalities in health and social exclusion?In this answer, applicants need to clearly demonstrate what steps they will take to address these issues. It is not sufficient to say that the project is open to everyone. What elements/factors will be built into the project to ensure that it is open and accessible? What extra effort is, or will be made to promote the project or initiative, to those hard to reach groups who may experience social exclusion? Will such individuals/groups have input into the project rather than possibly just being incidental beneficiaries?
Question 22
/ How have beneficiaries, or local people been (or will be) involved in the design, implementation, management and delivery of the project?Outline the role that the beneficiaries, that is those receiving the services of the proposed project, or the wider community for that matter, have played in the development of this proposal. Did they articulate (clearly expressed) the need for the project? Did they have (or will have) a say in the design of the initiative? Are they, or will they be involved in the management or delivery of the project? How will their views on this project be taken into account?
Under scheme 1 – do not answer questions 23, 26, and 28
Question 23
/ Have you addressed the sustainability of the project, or developed an exit strategy? If so, please detail, if not explain why.Given that funding is time-bound, you need to demonstrate what happens to the project at the end of the funding period. Is it a specific initiative aimed at a particular need that can be fully addressed in the time period supported by the funding? Will it generate revenue and become self-sustaining? If so, tell us how this will work. Are there future sources of funding to maintain, or develop the initiative beyond the time period supported by this funding?Question 24