Gender and urban economy 1400-1800, power, prosperity and poverty
Wednesday 10:15 -12:00,Rom 300Niels Henrik Abels hus
Women’s work in early modern European town,
What type of work did women do?
Clark, Alice, “Crafts and trades”, Working life of women in the seventeenth century, (London 1919,) 1982 or later reprints.
Davis, Natalie Zemon, "Women in the Crafts in Sixteenth Century Lyon", Feminist Studies 8-1982, 47-80
Hufton, Olwen, "Women in the French Family Economy in Eighteenth Century France", French Historical Studies 9, 1975, 1-22
Monter, E. William, "Women in Calvinist Geneva 1550-1800", Signs 6, 1980-81, 189-209
Ogilvie, Sheilagh, A bitter living. Women, markets, and social capital in early modern Germany,Oxford 2003, 1-38 206-352, 190s.
Wiesner, Merry E., Working Women in Renaissance Germany, New Brunswick 1986, 263
Bladh, Christine, Månglerskor.Att sälja från korg och bod i Stockholm 1819-1846, Stockholm 1992
26. April
The politics of guilds,
Wiesner, Merry E., "Guilds, male bonding and women's work in early modern Germany", La donna nell' economia secc XIII-XVIII,Prato 1990, 655-669
Hill, Bridget, “Female Apprenticeship”, Women work and sexual politics ineighteenth century England, London 1994, 85-102
Sandvik, Hilde, "Umyndige" kvinner i handel og håndverk. Kvinner i bynæringer i Christiania i siste halvdel av 1700-talle", (1985) Oslo 1992
3. May
Family economy and the distribution of property
Bull, Ida, Inheritance in Family Business. The "Long" Merchant Family: Problems Concerning Generation Change,Scandinavian Journal of History, 2002 Volum: 27:4
Davis, Natalie Zemon, “Arguing with God, Glikel Bas Judah Leib”, Women on the Margins. Three Seventeenth Century Lives, Cambridge 1997, 5-62
Bull, Ida, "Kvinners dagligliv i borgerskapet ca. 1780-1830", Historisk tidsskrift 4:1990
Bull, Ida, De trondhjemske handelshusene på 1700-tallet : slekt, hushold og forretning, Trondheim 1998
Pool, Lotte v.d. “ The lure of the big city. Female migration to the Amsterdam,” 1994
Roper, Lyndal, Prostitution and Moral Order, The Holy household. Women and Morals in Reformation Augsburg,Oxford 1989
Week 20 – date not decided yet
Gender, power and authority in public and private,
Howell Martha, Women, Production and Patriarchy in Late Medieval Cities, 1986
Howell, Martha, "Citizenship and Gender: Women's Political Status in Northern Medieval
Cities", Mary Erler and Maryanne Kowaleski (ed) Women & power in the middle ages,London 1988, 37-60
Karlsson, Åsa B., "Hustruens rättsliga ställning i svenska städer under stormaktstiden",
i B.Gullikstad og K. Heitmann (red), Kjønn, makt, samfunn i Norden i et historisk perspektiv, bind 1. konferanserapport fra det 5. nordiske kvinnehistorikermøtet, Trondheim 1997, 254-255
Bull (both Bull's textes), Karlsson and Sandvik.
Trial lectures 30. May
The topic for the prøveforelesning/lecture will be handed out at the reception desk May 22. between 12.30-14.30.