Biodata of Prof. L. M. Waghmare, Director, SGGSIET – Nanded (MS)
1. / Name / : / First name / Middle name / SurnameLaxman / Madhavrao / Waghmare
2. / Present position / : / Director,
Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of
Engineering and Technology, Vishnupuri,
Nanded -431 606 (MS)
3. / Postal address / : / Prof. L. M. Waghmare
SGGS Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Nanded -431 606 (MS)
4. / E-mail address / : /
5. / Phone number (Mobile & Landline) / : / Mobile No:9822663185
Telephone No:
02462- 229234, 02462-269102 (PA)
Fax No:02462-229236
6. / (a) Caste / : / Hatkar (NT2)
(b) Date of Birth / : / 02/05/1963
(c) Tenure of five years as a director of the institute / : / Upto June 21, 2017
(d) Accreditation of Courses / : / We have applied for the reaccreditation of the eligible UG and PG courses (Third time)
7. Educational Qualifications (Graduation onwards):
Sr. No. / Degree / Institute/ University / Year of Passing / Marks/ Remarks / Specialization1. / B.E. (Instrumentation) / SGGS Collage of Engineering and Technology, Nanded, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad / 1986 / 64.80 / Instrumentation and control
2. / M.E. (Instrumentation) / SGGS Collage of Engineering and Technology, Nanded, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad / 1990 / 71.00
3. / Ph.D. / Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee / 2001
8.Details of Employment in descending order:
Sr. No. / Designation / Name of Institution/Organization / Start Date / End Date / Duration (Years) / Nature of Duties and responsibilities
1 / Professor / SGGS Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nanded (Department of Instrumentation Engineering) / 15-01-2001 / Till date / 16+ yrs / Teaching, Research and Administration
2 / Assistant Professor / 16-07-1993 / 14-01-2014 / 7 & 1/2 yrs
3 / Lecturer / 08-12-1986 / 15-07-1993 / 6 & 1/2 yrs
9.Details of administrative experience:
Sr. No. / Designation / Period / DurationFrom / to
1. / Director, SGGSIE&T, Nanded / 21.06.2012 / Till date / 4 yrs 10 month
2. / I/c Director, SGGSIET, Nanded / 15.05.2012 / 21.06.2012 / 1 month
3. / Dean (Faculty of Engineering and Technology), SRTMU, Nanded / Academic year 2013-14 / Academic year 2014-15 / 2 yrs
4. / Dean (Academics) / 07.10.2011 / 21.06-2012 / 8 and ½ months
5. / Dean (R&D) / 01.03.2009 / 06.10.2011 / 2 and ½ years
6. / Head of the Department (Instrumentation) / 07.07.2006 / 28.02.2009 / 2 and ½ years
7. / Chairman, Purchase Committee of the institute / 14.02.2005 / 17.05.2012 / 7+ years
Nature of Duties: Provide educational and academic leadership for excellence in teaching, learning, and research.Administration, strategic planning, it’s implementation and monitoring.
- Nodal Officer (Procurement) for TEQIP project of the institute funded by World Bank, a GOI Project.
- Custodian at SRT Marathwada University, Nanded, from January 02, 2004 till the declaration of results of the semester examination.
- Chief Superintendent of University Examination. May/June, 2005, May/June, 1993, Dec./Jan. 1993-94, Dec./Jan.1994-95
- Administrative involvement and participation in the meetings of the Board of Governors/ Board of Management of the institute.
- Member of flying squad for Dec/Jan. 2001-2002 examination of SRT Marathwada University examination.
- Member, NBA Peer Committee. Committee: Constituted by the AICTE for the accreditation of the technical institutes in India
- Member of appellate committee constituted by AICTE.
- Pragyaa - 2010: Faculty coordinator for National level technical event
- Alumni meet 2010: Faculty Coordinator for second silver jubilee alumni meet (1986 batch) on December 25-26, 2010 at Nanded
- Alumni meet 2008: Faculty coordinator and Head of the Department, organized second alumni meet on Jan. 27, 2008 (Sunday) at VJTI Auditorium, VJTI, Matunga, Mumbai.
- Alumni meet 2007: Faculty coordinator and Head of the department, organized first ever alumni meet on Jan. 21, 2007 at Pune.
- ICON2007: Faculty coordinator for two day 4th national students conference on “Instrumentation and Control (ICON2007)” held during February 17-18, 2007 and Head of the department
- UTSAV 2000: Faculty in-charge, student annual social gathering in the academic year 2000-2001
10. Present scale of pay: 75,000/- (Basic Pay) + 40,000/- (Special Pay)
11. Total experience:30yrs
12. Number and Names of reputed Awards/Recognitions:
- K S Krishnan Award instituted by Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (IETE), (2004)
- Certificate of Excellent Performance is awarded by the Regional office of Director of Technical Education, Aurangabad (dated 07.11.2007)
- Member, Board of Management (BoM), SGGS Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nanded
- Vice-President of Registered Charitable trust named SGGS Engineers Alumni Association
- Member, RRC, Dr. Babasaheb Ambetkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad
- Member, RRC, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
- Member, Board of studies (Instrumentation), University of Pune.
- Member, CSR CELL (State level) formed by the Directorate of Technical Education , Mumbai
- Divisional Authority for MHT-CET-2017 formed by Commissioner, CET-Maharashtra state.
- Member advisory board, MCED, Aurangabad
- Chairman, Board of Studies (BOS) of Instrumentation/Electrical Engineering at SRT Marathwada University, Nanded in the year 2004-2005
- Member, Board of Studies (BOS) in the subject of Instrumentation Engineering by the vice-chancellor of SRTMU, Nanded (1995 onwards)
- Member, Faculty of Engineering and Technology of Dr. Babasahab Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (2001-2005).
- Member, Board of Studies (BOS), Instrumentation Engineering at Dr. Babasahab Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (2001 onwards)
- Member, Faculty of Engineering & Technology of Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University (SRTMU) Nanded (1995)
13. Number of Ph.D. guided (completed/in progress):
Role / Completed / In progress / TotalGuide / 08 / 05 / 13
Co-Guide / 05 / 03 / 08
Total / 13 / 08 / 21
(a) Guidance to Ph.D. students as a Guide: Completed 08, and in progress 05
Sr. No. / Name of the Research scholar / Title of the thesis / Year1. / Dipali Uddhavrao Shinde / Developments In Model Predictive Controllers For Process Control Applications / Awarded on 05-03-2016
2. / Kailas Shankarrao Holkar / Investigation of Some Predictive control Strategies for Improved Process Performance / Awarded on 07-12-2015
3. / Dilip Damodar Choudhary / Delay Analysis in Wireless sensor networks / Awarded on 02-04-2016
4. / Gajanan M. Malwatkar / Design of PID Controllers for Improved Performance of Higher Order Systems / Awarded on 24-07-2011
5. / Kalpana Chokhoba Jondhale / Human Face Recognition using FSVD and RBF Neural Network or Biometric Systems: A Face RecognitionApproach / Awarded on 30-10-2012
6. / Sandipann P. Narote / Iris Recognition Based New Technique for Person Identification / Awarded on 13-07-2010
7. / Rajendra Daguba Kokate / Some Studies on Model predictive control Strategies for Improved Process Performance / Awarded on 02-07-2012
8. / Sanjay Arjun Deokar / Analysis of Power Quality Disturbances in Distribution Network and its Mitigation Measures / Awarded on 13-09-2013
9. / Usha Ramdas Kamble / Iris recognition for personal identification using texture based analysis / In progress
10. / Santosh Prabhakar Agnihotri / Iterative and Nature Inspired Algorithm for Tuning PID Controller with Higher Order Time Delay System / Thesis submitted
11. / Abhilasha Sandipan Narote / Personal Authentication Based on Color Iris Images / In progress
12. / Girish Vithalrao Lakhekar / An Investigation of Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for Underwater Vehicles / In progress
13. / Sangita Bapu Patil / Intelligent energy management strategies for renewable energy sources / In progress
(b) Guidance to Ph.D. students as Co-guide : Completed 05; In progress03
Sr. No. / Name of the Research scholar / Title of the thesis / Year01. / Nitin Jagannath Patil / Adaptive Fuzzy Controllers (fuzzy - Neuro Based Expert Controllers For Process Control Applications Embedded Systems)
(joint guidance with Dr. R. H. Chile ) / Awarded on
1-04- 2013
02. / Madhukar Jagannath Lengare / Genetic algorithms and its applications OR Design of PID controllers for Single and multivariable systems
(joint guidance with Dr. R. H. Chile ) / Awarded on
03. / Sangita Vishwas Kurundkar / Quality Of Service In Routing
(joint guidance with Dr. S. M. Joshi ) / Awarded on 25-02-2017
04. / Channappa Bhyri / Use of Disease Coding and Scoring Patterns for Diagnosis of Heart Diseases
(joint guidance with Dr. S. T. Hamde ) / Awarded on 20-12-2013
05. / Kalpana Kashappa Vanjerkhede / Study of Effect of Diabetes on ECG
(joint guidance with Dr. S. T. Hamde ) / Awarded on 22-08-2015
06. / Pandurang Shahaji Londhe / Some Studies on Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
(joint guidance with Dr. B. M. Patre ) / In progress
07. / Gajanan Madhavrao Galshetwar / Content Based Biomedical Image Retrieval System(joint guidance with Dr. A. B. Gonde) / In progress
08. / Nilima Balaji Mohite / Content Based Image Retrieval for Medical Applications
(joint guidance with Dr. A. B. Gonde) / In progress
14A. Number of Publications (National /International):
Publications Summary
1 / International Journal / 502 / National Journal / 07
3 / International Conference / 61
4 / National Conference / 12
Total / 130
See Appendix – A - for details of publications (on Page No.17)
14B.Patent granted by: Australian Government (Innovation Patent):
Name of Patentee(s): Sangita Kurundkar, Laxman Waghmare, Sangeeta Joshi
Title of Invention: AD-HOC Wireless network and a method for reducing energy need of the ADHOC wireless network
Term of Patent: Eight years from 11 July 2016
15. Number of Books published/under publication:
S. P. Narote, R. S. Holambe, L. M. Waghmare, “Iris Recognition Based New Technique for Person Identification”, VDM Verlag Publisher UK, April 2011 (ISBN:9783639312928)
Book Chapter:
- G. V. Lakhekar, L. M. Waghmare, “Dynamic fuzzy sliding mode control of underwater vehicles Springer book chapter: Advances and Applications in Sliding Mode Control systems series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 576, pp. 279-304, 2014..
- G. V. Lakhekar, L. M. Waghmare ans Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan, “Diving autopilot design for underwater vehicles using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy sliding mode controller” Springer book chapter: Advances and Applications in Nonlinear Control systems series :Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 635, pp. 477 - 503, 2016
- S. K. Chidrawar, B. M. Patre, and L. M. Waghmare “Neural Generalized Predictive Control for Industrial Processes”, book Automation and Control-Theory and Practice, (ISBN 978-953-7619-39-8), In-Tech Publishers, Vienna, Austria, pp. 199-230, 2009.
16.Number of Projects (completed/in progress):
Principle Investigator (PI)/Coordinator: 4;
Co-investigator/Co-coordinator: 1
1. / Design of Intelligent Controllers for Under Water Vehicles (Research project) / 08.00 / NRB
(DRDO) / 2012-13
2. / Modernization of PLC/DCS and Automation Laboratory (MODROB) / 10.00 / AICTE / 2007-08
3. / Design and development of ANN based controllers for on line process control application (RPS) / 05.00 / AICTE / 2007-08
4. / Design of Fuzzy Logic controller for control of core and plant parameters in the Advanced Heavy Water Reactor
(Co-PI)(Research Project) / 10.15 / BARC / 2006-07
5. / Development of systems and control Laboratory for computer process control (TAPTEC) / 06.00 / AICTE / 2002-03
17.Details of experience of working with international bodies or international exposure through participation in workshops, seminars or conferences held outside the country
01. / Singapore: To participate in the Temasek Foundation - National University Singapore program for Leadership in University Management during September 23-25, 2014 at NUS, Singapore as Temasek Foundation - NUS Senior Fellow02. / Malaysia: To participate in a workshop on “Statistical Inference and Practice” during August 23-24, 2013 at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malasiya
03. / China: To participate in Educon-12, ‘The 8th International conference of Vice-Chancellors and policy makers of India’, which was scheduled during Sept.28, 2012 to Oct.02, 2012 at Shanghai, China.
04. / Austria: To present research in 4th IASTED International Conference on, “Modeling, Identification, and control (MIC 2005)” during Feb. 16-18, 2005 at Innsburg, Austria
Networking and Collaborative wok
01. / USA : Travelled along with a team of faculty members during July 08 -July 23, 2015(1) To address the alumni meets held at New Jersey (East Coast) and San Jose (West Coast)
(2) To sign MoU with
(a)City College, University New York,
(b)Oakland University, Michigan and
(c)San Jose State University, California
(3) Visited University of California, Santa Barbara, companies namely Auto Desk Inc, Sunnyvale and Gloom Energy Sunnyvale to explore the academic collaborations
02. / Malaysia : To sign MoU with Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia during August 23-28, 2013 to pursue collaborative research in the field of signal and image processing, student and faculty exchange, joint research projects and other areas of mutual interest.
03. / Dubai: Travelled during May 05- May 09, 2015
(1)To address the alumni meetheld at Dubai on May06, 2016.
(2) To visit theinstitutesnamely the Petroleum Institute,Abu Dhabi,United Arab Emirates and the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology,Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emiratesto explore the academic collaborative activities.
18.Experience of organizing events such as workshops, seminars, conference at an international level within the country in the field of higher education
- National Advisory Committee, International conference on communication, computing and visualization (ICCCV-2017) organised by Thakur College of Engineering & Technology, Mumbai, India held during Feb.24-25, 2017
- Advisory Committee, International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology (CIET-2016) organised by SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering, Korti, Pandharpur in association with Solapur University held during Dec.30-31, 2016
- Patrons, International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (IConSIP-2016) (Jointly with IIT, Mumbai, CoE, Pune, S. V. University College of Engineering, Tirupati and IEEE Bombay Section) held at SGGS institute of Engineering and technology, Nanded during Oct. 06-08, 2016
- Patrons, International conference on “Advanced & Agile Manufacturing and Agile Software Development 2016 (ICAM – ASD 2016)” In collaboration with International Society for Productivity Enhancement (USA), Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE), International Society of Agile Manufacturing (USA), Sheet Metal Forming Research Association SMFRA) held at SGGS institute of Engineering and technology, Nanded during Oct. 06-08, 2016
- Patrons, International conference on Technological Advances in Climate- Smart Agriculture and Sustainability (TACSAS 2017) jointly with School of Earth Sciences, SRTMU- Nanded, CUNY-CREST Institute,-The city University of New York- USA, Institute of Global Agriculture and Technology Transfer (IGATT), Colorando, USA and Crave Info Tech, New Jersey, USA held at SGGSIET, Nanded during January 16-18, 2017
19.Demonstrated experience in leadership
(19a) The leadership skills like (i) Exceptional ability to motivate a diverse group of stakeholders, (ii) Keen desire to further the mission and goals of the organization, (iii) Ability to think strategically and innovatively and maintain a broad perspective and (iv) Ability to lead by personal example with openness to new ideas and a consultative approach in implementation of the same have been demonstrated by providing educational and academic leadership for excellence in teaching, learning, research,administration, strategic planning, it’s implementation and monitoring through
- Academic reforms, restructuring and continuous improvement in academics
- Infrastructure development: Building, Laboratories, Library, Internet facilities/sports facilities
- Extension activities/ Consultancy/ IRG/Entrepreneurial and start-up activities
- Networking with premier institution/ organization/ industry in India and abroad
- Interaction with Alumni and domain experts
- All round personality development and growth of students
- Capacity building of faculty trough higher education, trainings etc.
- Support systems and overall ambiance
during the tenure of (a) Head of the department (b) Dean (R&D) (c) Dean (Academic) and (d) Director of the institute.
In short, I have contributed through my leadership to take forward the institute profile on various fronts such as conducive academic environment and ambience, execute professionally various state and Government initiatives, industry and alumni connect, outreach with premier institutions in India and abroad, infrastructural development and campus face-lifting etc.
(19b)Following task/responsibilities have been carried out which shows the insight of understanding of financial management etc.
- Director, SGGS institute of Engineering and Technology, Vishnupuri, Nanded for five years
- Chairman, Purchase Committee at institute from 14.01.2005 to 17.05.2012
- Nodal Officer (Procurement) for TEQIP project of the institute funded by World Bank, a GOI Project
- Completed a TEQIP – II, and the Centre of excellence in signal and image processing, world bank funded projects of central government, NPIU, New Delhi (12.5crore + 5.0 Crore)
- Initiated and completed the infrastructural development projects like Institute entrance gate, Boys hotel, Departmental buildings, campus face-lifting etc.
- Received the funding for the research projects from the various organisation, Scholarships, awards etc have been installed with the support from Alumni of the institute
- Faculty and staff are encouraged to take up the more consultancy activities for revenue generation.
- Executed professionally various state and Government initiatives
20.Number of Memberships in Societies & their names:
1 / Member of Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), UK2 / Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA, (92248150)
3 / Member of Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi (LM 8548 in 1991)
4 / Member of Institution of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers (IETE)
5 / Life member of Instrument Society of India (LM-1275)
6 / Fellow of IE (India) (F-1122084-4 (Reg. No. 070200834890) dated May 02, 2007
21.Any other information:
(21 A)Courses/Workshops/ Events attended:
Sr. No. / Name of theCourse/Workshop/Event / Name of Organizing Institute / Date/
Duration / Duration
/ Place / Academic Year
01 / Seminar on World University Ranking, Ratings & Other strategies / MIT Arts, Design & Technology University, Pune / March 09, 2017 / 01 day / Pune / 2016-17
02 / Good Governance Workshops / NPIU, New Delhi / Oct. 14-15, 2014 / 2 days / Delhi / 2014-15
03 / Temasek Foundation - National University Singapore program for Leadership in University Management / NUS, Singapore / Sept. 23-25, 2014 / 3 days / Singapore / 2014-15
04 / Statistical Inference and Practice / Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malasiya / Aug. 23-24, 2013 / 2 days / Malaysia / 2012-13
05 / MIS: Web-based Management Information System for TEQIP-II / Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai / April 18-19, 2012 / 2 days / Mumbai / 2011-12
06 / One day Workshop on "Opportunities in DRDO Research Projects" Lead College Activity of Shivaji University, Kolhapur / Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli / July 02, 2011 / 1 day / Sangli / 2011-12
07 / SCILAB and its applications to Global Optimization and Fractional Differential Equations. / SGGSIE&T, Nanded in collaboration with IIT, Bombay / April 23-25, 2010 / 3 days / Mumbai / 2009-10
08 / Recent Trends in Instrumentation and control / SGGS IET, Nanded / Jan. 27-29, 2006 / 3 days / Nanded / 2005-06
09 / Management capacity and vision development / Welingkar IMD&R, Mumbai / Jan. 19 -21, 2006 / 3 days / Mumbai / 2005-06
10 / Strategic Planning for Institutional Development / University of Roorkee, Roorkee / Sept. 05 -07, 1996 / 3 days / Roorkee / 1996-97
11 / Teaching with MATLAB and Simulink (STTP) / Organized by IUCEE, at Infosys Campus, Mysore / June 22 – 26, 2009 / One Week / Mysore / 2008-09
12 / Training on Industrial Automation (STTP) / Prolific Systems and Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Pune / June 18 – 30, 2007 / Two weeks / Pune / 2006-07
13 / Advanced Digital Signal Processing (STTP) / Government College of Engineering, Pune / June 24 –July 05, 2004 / Three weeks / Pune / 2004-05
14 / World bank procurement procedure (STTP) / N I F M, Faridabad / March 08 -13, 2004 / One week / Faridabad / 2003-04
15 / World bank procurement procedure (STTP) / N I F M, Faridabad / July 21-26, 2003 / One week / Faridabad / 2003-04
16 / Mobilization of financial resources in technical institute (STTP) / MGM College of Engineering, Nanded / Jan. 07 -18, 2002 / Two weeks / Nanded / 2001-02
17 / Java Programming (core and advanced) (STTP) / SGGS IET, Nanded / Jan.10 – March 05, 2001 / Nanded / 2000-01
18 / Digital Signal and Image Processing (STTP) / SGGS IET, Nanded / June 05 -17, 2000 / Two weeks / Nanded / 1999-2000
19 / Biomedical Instrumentation (STTP) / University of Roorkee, Roorkee / March 08 -12, 1999 / One week / Roorkee / 1999-2000
20 / Recent Trends in Digital Communications (STTP) / National Institute of Engineering, Mysore / Sept.30 – Oct. 14, 1998 / Two weeks / Mysore / 1988-89
21 / Microprocessors in Instrumentation (STTP) / SGGS IET, Nanded / June 17-28, 1996 / Two weeks / Nanded / 1995-96
22 / Recent Trends in Instrumentation (STTP) / University of Roorkee, Roorkee / Nov. 22- Dec. 09, 1994 / Two weeks / Roorkee / 1993-94
23 / Artificial Neural Networks & Their Applications (STTP) / Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai / Jan. 24 -28, 1994 / One week / Mumbai / 1993-94
24 / Microcontroller Based System Design (STTP) / Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi / Jan. 17 -21, 1994 / One week / Delhi / 1993-94
25 / Process control and DCS Overview (STTP) / Tata Honeywell Ltd, Pune and SGGS CE&T, Nanded / April 26 -30, 1993 / One week / Nanded / 1992-93
26 / Induction Training for Teachers (STTP) / SGGS IET, Nanded / Feb. 25 -28, 1993 / One Week / Nanded / 1992-93
27 / Robotic System Design and Applications (STTP) / Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur / August 02 -6, 1989 / One week / Kharagpur / 1989-90
28 / Microprocessor Instrumentation (STTP) / MMM College of Engineering, Gorakhpur / Dec. 16 -30, 1988 / Two weeks / Gorakhpur / 1988-89
29 / EHV AC/DC Transmission (STTP) / M A C T (Recgional College), Bhopal / June 15 -28, 1987 / Two weeks / Bhopal / 1986-87
30 / Action Research in Technical Education (STTP) / NITTTR, Bhopal / One Week / Pune / 2008-09
31 / Sangam - 2016: Meeting of Minds at Hotel Novatel, Hyderabad (Event) / Tata Consultancy Services / Dec. 02-03, 2016 / 2 days / Hyderabad / 2016-17
32 / Sangam - 2015: Meeting of Minds with theme"Sustainability in the Digital Era" at Hotel Marriott, Kochi Event) / Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) / Dec. 18 -19, 2015 / 2 days / Kochi / 2015-16
33 / Sangam - 2013: Meeting of Minds on" Annual Convergence of heads of theAcademic Institutes at Hotel Trident, Hyderabad(Event) / Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) / Nov. 22-23, 2013 / 2 days / Hyderabad / 2013-14
34 / Sangam - 2012: Meeting of Minds on" Annual Convergence of heads of the Academic Institutes at Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Mumbai (Event) / Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) / Dec. 12-13, 2012 / 2 days / Mumbai / 2012-2013
(21 B) Conferences Attended