Service user feedback for Social Work students

(To be completed by supervisor/assessor with service user)

How many times have you met this student (approx)?
Was it clear why you were meeting with the student?
Did the student always turn up on time? If not, did s/he apologise or re-arrange the appointment with you?
How well were you able to talk to/communicate with the student? (Please comment)
If interpreters/signers were needed/used in your meetings, did this work well?
Do you feel the student understood your needs? (Including cultural needs)
If the student gave you information/options, how useful was this?
If the student offered to arrange a service or take any action, did this happen?
If the student couldn’t provide what you wanted, did they explain why?
How satisfied were you overall with the contact/service you had from the student?
Have you got any advice for the student as to how they might deal in future with somebody in a similar situation to yourself?

Questionnaire for Carers

(To be completed by carer)

Name: Date:
1. Who do you care for now and what does that involve?
2. Do you receive any services from health, social services, or from a voluntary agency like Age Concern?
3. How did you become involved with Age Concern?
4. What further help do you think you need if it was available?
5. Do you have any other questions?

Feedback/Comments to Students

(To be filled in by people who use services and carers)

Please circle

1. How well did the student introduce him/herself to you? / excellent / good / alright / not very good / unacceptable
2. How comfortable did you feel talking to the student? / excellent / good / alright / not very good / unacceptable
3. How well did you feel they listened to you? / excellent / good / alright / not very good / unacceptable
4. How well did they comprehend what you said? / excellent / good / alright / not very good / unacceptable
5. How well did you consider they understood your circumstances? / excellent / good / alright / not very good / unacceptable
6. What did they do well and what not so well?
7. If you have a disability was the student sensitive to this? / excellent / good / alright / not very good / unacceptable
8. Did you feel you were treated fairly and respectfully? / excellent / good / alright / not very good / unacceptable
9. If the student gave you information, was this clear? / excellent / good / alright / not very good / unacceptable
10. Any further comments you would like to make?
11. Having seen the written casenote, are you satisfied that the information you gave, and your views have been clearly recorded? / excellent / good / alright / not very good / unacceptable
Name: Date: