Visual Web Development Team Contract

Tutor :

Date :

Team Name :

Team Members

1 Name :

Mob no :

DMU E-Mail :

MSN / Yahoo :

2 Name :

Mob no :

DMU E-Mail :

MSN / Yahoo :

3 Name :

Mob no :

DMU E-Mail :

MSN / Yahoo :

4 Name :

Mob no :

DMU E-Mail :

MSN / Yahoo :

5 Name :

Mob no :

DMU E-Mail :

MSN / Yahoo :

This team will be disbanded as soon as we have achieved the following target(s)

Team Rules

What will the team do when members?

Achieve a target.

(e.g. buy them a drink, or a meal.)

Work really hard to ensure the success of other members.

(e.g. buy them a drink, or a meal.)

Hinder the progress of the team.

Need throwing out of the team.

(A team member simply struggling and failing an assessment is not an acceptable reason for eviction!)

Break rules (e.g. poor time keeping, non attendance, cheating)

Each member of your team must take a copy of the team rules (email is a good means of distribution).