Acquiring Images

1. Go to Google Maps (

2. Select the New Labs button in the top right part of the screen.

3. In the screen the pops (shown below) up scroll down and select the Enable radio button next to the “LatLng Marker” lab. Close this window.

4. In the search box type “Poza Rica, MX” and find Poza Rica.

5. Once you have found Poza Rica, right click in the top left portion of the map. From the drop down menu that appears select “Drop LatLng Marker.” A marker with the latitude and longitude will show up on the map. Repeat this twice more to make a total of three markers as shown below.

6. Now zoom out and make sure all the markers are visible as shown above. Not press the “Print Screen” button on your keyboard.

7. Open Paint or another image editing program like it.

8. In Paint, right click and select paste. You will see a picture of your desktop including the image on Google Maps.

9. Use the selection tool to draw a selection box around the image you wish to use. Be sure all three markers are included in selection box. Select the crop option.

10. No select File|Save As… Name the image and put it in the folder you wish to find it. From the drop down menu below the file name field select the JPEG format. Select Save.

11. You should have something like what I have shown below as your final image. Now that it is in the JPEG format, it is ready to read into WMS and register. Use the markers as your three points and enter the corresponding coordinates.