Has your company launched an innovative technology in the environmental sector?
And do you wish to share it with the rest of Europe?
If so, you deserve to present your initiative or project to the European Environmental Press Award 2008, in recognition of your efforts and your know-how.
Participate now to the…
European Environmental Press Award 2008“Environmental Innovation for Europe”
The Environmental European Press (EEP) Award 2008 - Innovation for Europe is being organized in collaboration with the French environmental fair Pollutec and, endorsed by the EFAEP association.
The purpose of the Award is to recognise the efforts of European companies that are improving the environment with their innovative environmental technologies.
The EEP: the Environmental European Press is a Europe-wide association of 17 environmental magazines, with a readership of over 450,000 environmental professionals throughout Europe, in both public and private sectors. Website:
Pollutec is the leading environmental French trade-show. Every two year, the exhibition takes place in Paris and the next in Lyon. The 2008 edition will be held 2 – 5 December, in Lyon, France. The EEP Award ceremony will be held at this occasion. Website:
The EFAEP: the European Federation of Associations of Environmental Professionals. This organization aims to link national platforms set up by environmental professionals through trade, industry and services and, by doing so, raise the visibility and the influence of environmental professionals on the European level. Members of the EFAEP will be in the jury of the EEP Award. Website:
National (pre-) EEP Award nominees/ EEP Award
The 17 EEP members will each sent three-four nominees to the European Jury. Like in previous editions, these nominees are the winners of the national EEP Award schemes that will be organised this spring in EEP member countries. If your company is based in a European country with no EEP member, you are welcome to apply as well directly to the EEP-secretariat: . The EEP Awards 2008 will be presented in Lyon on 03 December 2008.
Benefits of participating
Several benefits will follow from participating to the EEP Award 2008:
you will be able to highlight your company’s commitment to the environment.
you will attain European recognition for your project or business.
you can use the Award as a key tool to motivate other companies to follow in your footsteps.
nominated candidates will derive advantage from articles in the 17 EEP magazines, in the fortnightly electronic EEP Newsletter and on the EEP website, echoing their company and their innovation
Furthermore, the 3 winners will receive:
The Award itself
Article mentioning their innovation in all the 17 EEP member-magazines
(Examples of the 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 and 2003 editions can be seen on
Attention in the fortnightly electronic EEP Newsletter
mentioning on the Environmental European Press website (
Free stand during Pollutec in Lyon (2–5 December 2008). Indeed, each of the EEP-Award 2008 winners will be allowed a fully equipped booth of 9 square metres, (under the condition the winners aren’t already exhibiting on Pollutec 2008) to promote the innovation.
Awards & Criteria
in the end, three awards will be presented: gold, silver and bronze.
Selection criteria will be as follows:
- Innovation and progress
- Environmental problem and European impact
- The product-technology of the innovation should be available on the market for 3rd parties to be able to profit from.
- Liability, quality and efficiency
- Bonus: originality
Terms required to participate
Companies must:
be European
present an innovation launched on the market after 1 January 2006
The product-technology of the innovation should be available on the market for 3rd parties to be able to profit from. The focus is business-to-business innovation.
How to apply to the National Pre-EEP Award 2008
The fully completed application form
should be written in common -not too technical- English, as it is a tender for the EEP Award.
It should give a clear description of the technology, preferably compared to an already existing technology. The application is confidential, so you can explain this.
delivered in Acrobat Reader. PDF
enabling the jury to give a decision, the application form should be accompanied with
a clear diagram of the innovation, sketches, drawings/pictures in the same file
one or several pictures (72 dpi. minimum) in the same file.
And, if availablea one minute film on DVD or CD.
note that the application should consist of only one file with no separate attachments, except the film
keep the amount of pages compact, keep to the maximum amount of words mentioned.
Deadline for the application form to be at the local magazine / EEP secretariat: 11 April 2008.
Note: locally the deadlines can differ. Please contact your local member for the exact deadline.
Then it should be send by e-mail to your local magazines contact person:
Magazine / ContactEcotec, Greece /
Ekoloji, Turkey /
EkoPartner, Poland /
Environnement Magazine, France /
Hi-Tech Ambiente, Italy /
Industria e Ambiente, Portugal /
Keskkonnatehnika,Estonia /
Környezetvédelem,Hungary /
milieuDirect, Belgium /
MilieuMagazine, the Netherlands /
Miljø Horisont, Denmark /
Miljo Strategi, Norway /
Residuos, Spain /
UmweltJournal, Austria /
Umwelt Magazin, Germany /
UmweltPerspektiven, Switzerland /
Uusiouutiset, Finland /
Orsend itby post on CD-Rom to the address of your local magazine (check with the contact person or visit If there is no EEP member magazine in your country, mail it to the EEP secretariat:
Mail/send the “Application Form 2008 /Call for participation form” only e.g.: page 4 and further (and not pages 1, 2 and 3) together with at least one drawing or picture.
Please write the form in common –not too technical- English.
It should give aclear description of the technology, preferably compared to an already existing technology. The application is confidential, so you can explain this.
Keep the amount of pages compact, keep to the maximum amount of words mentioned.
11 April 2008: deadline for the entries to be at the local members / EEP secretariat.
Deadline may differ locally. Please consult your local magazine for the exact deadline.
Nominated candidates will be notified by the end of September 2008
The 3 winners will be notified by beginning November 2008 the latest.
a first article on the nominated candidates will be published in the 17 EEP magazines before the beginning of Pollutec environmental fair
The EEP Award Ceremony will be held in Paris on 3 December 2008 during Pollutec.
a second article on the 3 winners will be published in the 17 EEP magazines, by January/February 2009
the EEP Awards jury will consist of members of the EFAEP and journalists of the EEP.
the decision of the jury cannot be contested
Application Form /Call for Participation
Contact information
Your name: _____
Organisation: ______
Address: ______
City: ______
Country: ______
Phone and Fax: ______
Internet address, where the information on the innovation can be found in english:
Name of innovation:
Short description of the innovation and its benefit, in maximum 100 words: Please give a clear description of the technology in not too technical english.
This Application form was mailed to: ______(e-mail address) /
send by post to ______(magazine) on ______Date (d/m/y)
I. Innovation & Progress
Is your innovation a new technology or a transfer of technology?
If it is an already existing technology, give details: name / company. What is the progress of your innovation compared to this existing technology? Please give a clear comparison.
How long did your company work on it?
When was it put on the market? (After 1st January 2006)
What is the break-through of your innovation?
Please, describe precisely what impact your innovation could have on the environment?
And, what is the benefit compared to already existing technologies?
What benefits will your innovation bring to the environment?
(Please, don’t tick the boxes but, shade in greys each of your answers: example, Noisereduction)
Waste reduction Less water pollution
Less resources consumption Less air pollution
Energy saving Noise reduction
Less emission of greenhouse gases Other:………………………
- Environmental Problem and European Influence
How important is the environmental problem your innovation can solve?
Which is the European influence of your innovation and why?
Which European countries could be interested in the use your innovation?
(Please, don’t tick the boxes but, shade in greys each of your answers: example, Belgium)
Albania / Georgia / PolandAndorra / Germany / Romania
Austria / Greece / Russia
Azerbaijan / Hungary / Spain
Belgium / Iceland / Sweden
BosniaHerzegovina / Ireland / Switzerland
Bulgaria / Italy / Turkey
Croatia / Luxembourg / Ukraine
CzechRepublic / Malta / United Kingdom, precise:
Denmark / Monaco
Estonia / The Netherlands / Yugoslavia
Finland / Norway
France / Portugal
- Costs and Liability
How much would it cost to purchase your product / process / innovation?
Give us an estimation of the operating and technical maintenance costs of your innovation.
What would be the value-price ratio of such a purchase?
What economical or financial profits, could a company or any purchaser make from your product / process / innovation?
Could you quote existing references, which would prove that your product is already on the market?
Which firm or country is already trying out your innovation?
What are the results?
How old is your company?
(Please, don’t tick the boxes but, shade in greys each of your answers: example, 5-10 years)
Less than 5 years
5-10 years
10-20 years
20-50 years
50-75 years
75-100 years
More than 100 years
What is the turnover of your company? (including your plants, branches, divisions and subsidiaries, all over Europe):
(Please, don’t tick the boxes but, shade in grey each of your answers: example, Less than €250,000)
€10 million - €24.9 million
Less than €250,000
€250,000 - €499,999
€500,000 - €999,999
€1 million - €4.9 million
€5 million - €9.9 million
€10 million - €24.9 million
€25 million - €99.9 million
€100 million and over
Is your company located in any other European country? If so, which one(s)?
(Please, don’t tick the boxes but, shade in greys each of your answers: example, Portugal)
Albania / Georgia / PortugalAndorra / Germany / Poland
Austria / Greece / Romania
Azerbaijan / Hungary / Russia
Belgium / Iceland / Spain
BosniaHerzegovina / Ireland / Sweden
Bulgaria / Italy / Switzerland
Croatia / Luxembourg / Turkey
CzechRepublic / Malta / Ukraine
Denmark / Monaco / United Kingdom, precise:
Estonia / The Netherlands / -
Finland / Norway / Yugoslavia
Deadline the fully completed application form should be at the local magazine/EEP:
11 April 2008
(please note: deadlines may differ locally, contact your local member for the exact deadline)
The EEP reserves the right to expel participants from the Award 2008, should they provide wrongful and/or misleading information. The Jury’s deliberations will of course remain confidential.
The EEP may want to use the information provided on this application form, for informative purposes about the Award and the innovations. Should you not approve, please, shade the box in grey:
For more information:
European Environmental Press
– EEP Award 2008 –