Bedford Street
Trevor Powell (Chair), Dr H Ullah, Roger Bradbury, John Chapman, Ann Chapman, Laura Lucas
Jenny Haynes, Reg Haynes, Brenda Kesterton
Frank Newberry
1. Apologies
Caroline Pearson, Terry Dawes
2.Practice Update
LL informed the group that the Minor Injuries Clinic at Furzton was going well and the new GP had started and settled in.
FN raised the issueof the parking outside the surgery. LL stated the Bletchley and Fenny Council are responsible for the parking bays. Letter to the Council.
The blood pressure machine has been ordered by the Nurse.
The group asked if it would be possible to book appointments for the nurse online. LL will look into this. She stated that it would not be possible to book other appointments for the Nurse as some appointments take longer than others for various reasons and it would be difficult for patients to judge how long their appointment should be for.
Some time agowe had a very interesting talk from the Service Delivery Manager for the Clinical Commissioning Group and the group asked if it would be possible for someone to attend one of our meetings and give us some insight into services MKCCG have put in place. LL will make approach to the CCG.
3. Minutes of the meeting held on 10 May 2016
The minutes were accepted as an accurate record.
Proposed:John Chapman
Seconded:Roger Bradbury
4. Matters Arising from Minutes
5. Community Car Service
LL had circulated a poster recruiting volunteer drivers to take patients to hospital visits. It was agreed it would be an item in the next Newsletter and on the notice board
The meeting had discussed the Review which had been released. The general feeling as that Milton Keynes needs its own A & E and Maternity as the area is developing very quickly.
Patient Congress
RB had attended the meeting and MK Commissioning had given a talk “Planning your Care in Advance”. The group were very interested in this and RB agreed to send a link to members of the group
RB also reported that one surgery had stopped “Urgent” prescriptions and The Red House surgery was having a PPG Awareness Week 6 – 11 June.
7. Sensory Disabilities in Practice
As CP was not able to attend the meeting, she had informed BK of a couple of items.
It becomes law in July that patients with sensory impairment should be provided with information in the right format, i.e. large print or audio. CP thought this might be a good item for the next Patients Voice. If FN agrees, perhaps he could contact her.
Friday 10 June at the Guildhall at Cornerstone Churchthere is an equipment exhibition for people with visual impairment. 10.00 – 3.00
Friday 24 June at the Sensory Advice Resource Centre, 275 Witan Gate, Upper 4th Street, CMK, there is a Drop In open day displaying equipment for people with hearing and sight impairment. 10.00 – 3.00
Could FN check CPs email address as she did not receive the Patients Voice. BK had emailed it to her
8. Newsletter
Dr. Bashi is the next GP to be in the Practice profile.
Another item would be a description of how the Message Board works; perhaps it would be more appropriately called the Advice Line
TP suggested that there should be an item on “Falls Prevention”; RB has some useful information on this.
Nurse had ordered a blood pressure machine for patient’s use at home
10.Any Other Business
11. Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday12th July 2016
Bedford Street Surgery at 1 pm