Your Fourth Choice
Killing Cancer Cells with PawPaw—that Little-Known Treatment that Grows on Trees

By John Clifton
Publisher: Foley Square Books, NY
Softcover 5.25’ x 8’ – 138 pages
Publication Date: April, 2015 - Price: $18.95 US
ISBN 978-0-9760846-9-3

S A M P L E R E V I E W: Uncopyrighted. While the following is an example, intended to generate ideas for reviews and articles about this book, it may be copied freely and reprinted either in whole or in part.

Can Treating Cancer Be This Simple?

Cancer is very much in the news these days, with new promising treatments being announced seemingly every other day. While the conventional “big three” treatments–chemotherapy, radiology and surgery–remain firmly in place as the most relied upon methods employed by the medical establishment, we’re hearing about innovations such as gene therapy, immunotherapy, and vaccine therapy to name just a few.

It seems that we regularly hear news about clinical trials of promising new cancer treatments, but somehow we seldom see the new medicines actually entering the everyday practiceof cancer professionals.

John Clifton’s new book makes a case for natural treatments that have shown excellent results over time yet are being ignored, mainly because they are not patentable and therefore don’t generate the profits of patented drugs and therapies,

The star of the book–“pawpaw”–is an extract of a tree native to the eastern United States. Pawpaw, it turns out, has been studied for over thirty years, and the book chronicles its successes in treating cancer of all types.

Clifton, not a doctor himself, came uponpawpaw quite by accident. His wife was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer in December of 2012. She was put on chemotherapy with no promise of a cure. Clifton began frantically researching natural remedies, but none seemed to meet his criterion–they had to be tested and shown scientifically to work. After filling “two big fat ring-binders” with research on natural cancer remedies he, quite by accident, stumbled upon pawpaw. His wife, having nothing to lose, began taking it alongside her chemo and radiation treatments. However she became so highly toxic that the conventional treatments were terminated. She continued, taking only the pawpaw.

In less than a year his wife was cancer-free. Being an experienced researcher and author, Clifton decided to write a book about both their personal experience and the history and powers of this amazing remedy. He provides all the scientific evidence on the efficacy of the extract, case histories, and animal and human studies. Clifton has a knack of explaining science in everyday understandable language. He describes just how the compounds in pawpaw destroy even cells which have become resistant to chemotherapy.

He insists that pawpaw is not a miracle cure, but an essential tool for anyone fighting cancer. And for the skeptical, he lists 79 scientific papers in the Reference section. Pretty convincing stuff!