Agenda Student Council Meeting 10/26/2016

At 8:35

Committee Reports

DASH – project papers new see me after give ideas during open forum

P and P – break out session remind 101 for the committee set up to you respond back, project papers new happening talk to us in the meting or the open forum

E and E – save the world ideas, clean up the football game

Community Service – Constructive criticism and we need help with clean-up after the football game

Officer Reports

Historian – no report

Parli – who can vote

Treasurer – we have 9,300 in the account but still paying Ho Co bills, new shirts $20 Riders

Secretary – Make sure you follow us on twitter, sign in, and buy a shirt from the store lunches

VP – make sure you have something to say what you want to talk say in something be able to speak come up and say something

President – any complaints what goes on around you officer or committee heads

New Business

Johnny O. motioning to change out the Stu Co elected lack of leadership

Seconded by – Taylor

Johnathan – as good as it sounds on paper writing realistic, not to great, stress of each leadership part, read the constitution until you do it you don’t understand

Corine – what leadership we haven’t been doing why we aren’t in good leadership right now

Johnny O – cancelled meeting because we have no leadership

Dillon – very communicative a whole new election very hard to instantly connect see the results you want to see. Change class in leadership class more effective ironic time right as we are trying to change, my thing is I don’t think we should have a releciton because we are trying

Madison – reelection set leadership in the 9th week of school we are working on our council as of now and new set of skills to work on to improve the council, realizing is yes is a possibility board what you don’t realize a lot of things could change but I feel stressful, could change

Taylor – like you said their should be work and should be room for improvement, it should aready good enough this wouldn’t if their wasn’t a problem that people could see, people aren’t there cleaning up, HoCo, not set up, because I don’t see why as the people are coming but a lot of the leaders are coming but a lot of the leaders

Thomas – day of HoCo 5 p.m. Hamilton wife cafeteria table people don’t overlooked if you are not in the class hard to pass judgement when you don’t see what we do

Madison – leadership class has been it’s not suppose to be all about Stu Co in the class we don’t

Johnathan – new representaives out of the student council same spot siz weeks down the road starts end up like it is now same place are now or worse

Fingar – what do you want to see that we are not seeing

Tyalor – day 1 doing their jobs like someone said yesterday trunk or treat half don’t know we don’t we know what we are doing on our job we read over the constitution should have been doing in Tulsa why should you be doing the job

Lorenzo – do you know what jobs they should be doing?

Taylor – I think Thomas is a great president and Iwill tell him what to work on him I don’t know is not an answer

Corinne – only chance to do this, if we re-elect a new board everybody replaced new leadership same thing happens – Wed. declaration trying to learn more

Charles – lack of involvement of the officers “behind the scene” HoCo get food, leave the dance early

Karla – I don’t know how cleaning up leadership

Fingar – mom’s perspective

Vote record – 58

Yes – 12

No - 46

Motion – fails and we keep the leadership in place

Open Forum

J. Chandler – go to individual people, if you can’t try and talk to another leaders

Yetta – you could really speak up left out – some of the events suppose to clean up

Devin -

Committee Meetings – Not enough time

Motion to adjourn – Karla

Thomas 2nd
