AN ACT relating to recycling and making an appropriation therefor.

WHEREAS, House Bill 371, introduced for consideration by the 1998 General Assembly and known as the "container deposit bill," presented an approach to the management of litter and the encouragement of recycling not considered by a legislative study group since the Task Force on Container Deposits created by Senate Bill 2 of the 1991 Extraordinary Session; and

WHEREAS, since the 1991 special session on solid waste, the state has made significant progress in the management of solid waste disposal and the encouragement of recycling; and

WHEREAS, House Bill 371 presents an approach to solid waste management that may, if carefully structured to fit into the state's present system of solid waste management, achieve even more progress in eliminating road and creekside litter while leading to greater reuse of discarded materials;


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

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Section 1. The House Bill 371 Task Force is created and shall be composed of the following: the primary sponsor of House Bill 371; four (4) members of the General Assembly selected by the Legislative Research Commission, two (2) of whom shall be members of the Interim Joint Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources; a student representative of the Estill County High School; a representative of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet; a representative of the Department of Local Government; a representative of the Kentucky League of Cities; a representative of the Kentucky Association of Counties; a representative of the Kentucky Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America; a representative of the Kentuckians for the Commonwealth; a representative of the Kentucky Resources Council; a representative of the Beverage Industry Recycling Program; a representative of the Kentucky Retail Federation; a representative of the Food Service and Packaging Industry; a representative of the Kentucky Beer Wholesalers Association; two (2) members selected by the Legislative Research Commission to represent nonalcoholic beverage bottlers; a representative of the Kentucky Farm Bureau; a representative of the League of Kentucky Sportsmen; a representative of the Kentucky Grocers Association; and a representative of the Kentucky Scrap Processors and Recyclers Association. The Legislative Research Commission shall appoint a legislative member to serve as chairperson of the task force.

Section 2. The House Bill 371 Task Force shall review House Bill 371, introduced for consideration by the 1998 General Assembly, and any amendments or committee substitutes to the bill. The goal of the review shall be to determine in what ways the approach to solid waste management presented by the bill may improve the present structure of solid waste management in Kentucky and achieve that improvement with the least disruption of the present structure. The task force shall conclude its review by issuing a report to the Legislative Research Commission no later than September 30, 1999. The report may contain recommendations for legislative proposals to strengthen the state's waste management programs based upon its review of House Bill 371.

Section 3. The members of the task force shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred to attend task force meetings.

Section 4. Staff services to be utilized in completing this study are estimated to cost $25,000. These staff services shall be provided from the regular commission budget and are subject to the limitations and other research responsibilities of the Commission.

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