(Moscow, Central Tourist House, November 2527, 1997)
Mikhail SHMAKOV / President of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR)Evgeni OSSINKINE / Vice President of the FNPR
Konstantine KRYLOV / Secretary of the FNPR
Serguei POPELLO / Secretary of the FNPR
Gailina STRELA / Secretary of the F NPR
Vassili VORONINE / President, Federation of Trade Unions (TU) of the Rostov Region, FNPR
Anatoly GOVOROV / President, TU Council of the Riazan Region, FNPR
Akexei IVASHOUROV / President, TU Council of the Kaluga Region, FNPR
Alik KARRDANOV / President, TU Council of the Republic of Karachaevo-Cherkessia, FNPR
Evgueni MAKAROV / President, Federation of TU of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, FNPR
Guennadi NIKANOROV / President, TU Association of the Vladimir Region, FNPR
Yuri SYNKINE / President, TU Council of the Smolensk Region, FNPR
Vladimir CHUBAI / President, Federation of TU of the Primorsk Territory, FNPR
Tatiana SOSNtNA / President, Textile and Light Industries Workers' Union, FNPR
Mikhail KOUZMENKO / President, Medical Workers' Union, FNPR
Lev MIRONOV / President, Oil, Gas and Construction Workers' Union, FNPR
Anatoly SHEENKOV / President, Independent Union of Army Forces Employees, FNPR
Ivan MOKHNACHUK / VicePresident, Russian Independent Coalminers' Union, FNPR
Evgenia ESSENINA / VicePresident, Interregional Association of Plant Level Unions of Chemical Workers, FNPR
Anatoly BOUNAREV / Secretary, Civil Aviation Workers' Union, FNPR
Igor OSSADCHY / VicePresident, Innovation and Small Enterprises Workers', Uniap, FNPR
Anatoly GRINCHENKO / President, Vladimir Region Council of Radio and Electronic Industry Workers' Unions, FNPR
Alexandre KOZLOV / President, Novosibirsk Region Council of Defense Industry Workers' Unions, FNPR
Victor MALESHKO / President, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Committee of Communication Workers' Union, FNPR
Anatoly MOROZOV / President, Moscow Region Committee of the Education Workers' Union, FNPR
Valery NIKITINE / President, Moscow Territory Committee of the Anti-Aircraft Defense Workers and Employees' Union, FNPR
Olga PISSAREVA / President, Tula Region Committee of Food Industry Workers' Union FNPR
Viacheslav SAFONOV / President, Moscow Territory of the Geological Survey Workers' Union, FNPR
Liubov BEREZINA / Chairperson, Council of Chairpersons of TU Committees of Health Establishments, Prokopievsk, Kemerovo Region
Victor YUSH1NE / Chairperson, Council of Chairpersons of TU Committees of Defense Industry Plants, Cheliabinsk
Linbov SOTSKOVA / Chairperson, TU Committee of "Khimlabopribor" Company, Klin, Moscow Region, FNPR
Alexandre TIKHONOV / Chairperson, TU Committee of the Nakhodka Sea Port, Nakhodka, Primorsk Territory, FNPR
Victor PCHELK1NE / Chairperson, TU Committee of "Riazan Stankozavod" Company, Riazan, FNPR
Alexandre SERGUEEV / President, AllRussian Confederation of Labour (VKT)
Dmitri SEMENOV / General Secretary of the VKT
Alexei CHERNYKH / Chairman of the VKT Council, President of the Confederation of Labour of the Perm Region
Andrei EFREMENKO / President, Public Services Workers' Union, VKT
Nina SEMENENKO / President. Medical Workers' Union, VKT
Mikhail VOROSHILOV / President, Metalworkers' Union, VKT
Nicolai SHTYRKOV / First VicePresident, Independent Mining Workers' Union of Russia, VKT
Alexandre MARKELOV / CoPresident of the VKT Organization of the Cheliabinsk Region
Vladimir KOZLENKOV / Chairperson, TU Organization of Public Transport Workers, Tula, VKT
Victor KOMAROV / VicePresident, Confederation of Labour of Kuzbass, VKT
Fedor KHLEBNIKOV / President, Confederation of Labour of the Rostov Region, VKT
Vladimir KONOUSSENKO / President of the Confederation of Labour of Russia (KTR)
Alexandre SHEPEL / VicePresident, Russian Union of Dockers, KTR
Nicolai DROBAKHlNE / President, Territory Association of the Federation of Seafarers' Unions, Astrakhan, KTR
Natalia BOLOGOVA / Senior Expert on Legal Issues, KTR
Valery NEFEDOV / Senior Expert on Legal Issues, KTR
Natalia BOURASHNIKOVA / Chairperson, Coordinating Council of Tambov Region Association of Free Trade Unions 'Workers' Unity", KTR
Valery KOUROCHKINE / Chairman of the KTR Council, President of the Russian Locomotive Machinists' Brigades Union
Anatoly KOCHUR / President, Russian Association of Flight Personal, KTR
Georghi DERIAGUINE / Head of the Department for Economical Protection, Russian Confederation of Free Trade Unions, KTR
Lidia LEDENEVA / VicePresident, Mine and Steel Workers' Union of Russia
Erikh LICHMAN / Head of the International Department, Mine and Steel Workers' Union of Russia
Bill JORDAN / General Secretary of the ICFTU
Stephen PURSEY / Head, Economic & Social Department, ICFTU
Anna OULATAR / Head, Coordinating Unit for Central & Eastern Europe, ICFTU
Daphne DAVIS / Press and Publication Department, ICFTU
Amir Andreas BOTSCH / Senior Policy Adviser, TUACOECD
Bjorgulv FROYN / General Secretary, NFS
Sten PETERSEN / Secretary, IFBWW
Ron OSWALD / General Secretary, IUF
Wolfgang WEINZ / Coordinator for Eastern and Central Europe, IUF
Harald WIEDENHOFER / General Secretary, European Confederation of Food, UIF
Kirill BOUKETOV / UIF Representative in the CIS
Victor THORPE / General Secretary, ICEM
Peter SCHMITT / Coordinator for Eastern and Central Europe, ICEM
Andrei MROST / Adviser for Eastern Europe. ICEM
Alan LEATHER / Deputy General Secretary, PSI
Svetla CHEKERDJIEVA / Representative of the IMF Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe
Eiichi ITO / Representative for South-Eastern Asia, PTTI
Mikhail LIAKHOV / ITF Representative in Moscow, Head of the International Department, Independent Railroad and Transport Construction Workers' Union of Russia
Alexandre DENISSOV / FIET Representative in the CIS
Pavel TRETIAKOV / Representative of the World Diamond Alliance
Nicolai KOLOBASHKINE / Representative of the EI, Secretary of Education and Science Workers' Union
Thomas POESE / International Department, DGB, Germany
Ren1y AUFRERE / Assistant to the General Secretary, COT FO, France
Turo BERGMAN / International Secretary, SAK, Finland
Pirkko NIKULA / International Secretary, SAK, Finland
Susanna FLORID / International Department, COIL, Italia
Giuseppe IULIANO / Responsible for Central and Eastern Europe, International Department, CISL, Italia
Pietro MERLI BRANDINI / Adviser, CISL, Italia
Irene STEPHENSON / Executive Director, FTUI Moscow Of rice, AFLCIO, USA
Marina KOKANOVIC / Economic Adviser, UATUC, Croatia
Algirdas ZVICEVICIUS / LTUU, Lithuania
Kari TAPIOLA / Deputy Director General, ILO
Ottokar HAHN / Head of the European Commission Delegation in Moscow
Thomas RICHARDSON / Resident Representative in Moscow, International Monetary Fund
Michael CARTER / Country Director for the Russian Federation, World Bank
Andrei MARKOV / Head of the Human Resources Unit in Resident Mission in Moscow, World Bank
Jeremy MOAKES / Team Leader in Moscow, TACIS
Simon CLARKE / Professor, Warwick University, Great Britain
Vadim BORISOV / Organizing Committee, ICFTU and Director Institute for Comparative Labour Relations Research (ISITO)
Evgeni SIDOROV / Organizing Committee, FNPR
Boris KRAVCHENKO / Organizing Comrmttee, VKT
Valentine SIROTIUK / Organizing Committee, KTR
Irina KOZINA / Expert, Institute for Comparative Labour Relations Research (ISITO), Samara
Arkadi PAZOVSKI / Expert, ISITO, Novosibirsk
Gennadi KHODAKOV / Head of the Conference PressCentre, FNPR
Vladimir TORLOPOV / Chairperson of the Committee on social policy, Council of the Federation
Serguei KALASHNIKOV / Chairperson of the Committee on Labour and Social Policy, State Duma
Vladimir PONIZOV / Head of the Department of Labour, Employment and Social Development of the Ministry of Economy
Vladimir VAROV / First Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Development, Head of the Rostrudinspektsia
Alexandre RODIONOV / StateSecretary, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Development, Coordinator of Government Side of the Russian Tripartite Commission
Valery YANVAREV / Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Development
Vladimir KOLMOGOROV / Chairman, Coordinative Council of the Employers' Associations of Russia
Observers, Guests
Evgeni DAVYDOV / Director, ILO Office in Moscow
James W1NDELL / DeputyDirector, ILO Office in Moscow
Viking HUSBERG / Specialist, ILO Office in Moscow
Peter SCHULZE / Head of the Moscow Office of the F. Ebert Foundation
Grigori OSOVYI / VicePresident of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine
Victor BABAED / President of the Independent Trade Union of Belarus
Thomas SBLEY / Executive Secretary, ICTUR
Gennadi TRUDOV / President, Machinery Workers' Union, FNPR
Mikhail ABRAMOV / President, Automobile and Agricultural Machinery Workers' Union, FNPR
Valery KRAVTSOV / Head of the International Department, GCTU
Tatiana CHETVERN1NA / Head of the Centre for Labour Market Studies, Institute of Economics, RAS
Liana LAKOUNINA / Senior Researcher, Centre for Labour Market Studies, Institute of Economics, RAS
Timur TIMOFEEV / Director, Institute of Comparative Politology, RAS
Vladimir PAVLIKHINE / VicePresident, Education and Science Workers' Union
Igor FOMICHEV / President, Nuclear Energy and Industry Workers Union
Tatiana KHOKHLOVA / Head, Department of Social Protection, Automobile Transport and Road Workers' Union
Viacheslav SINIAEV / Deputy Head, FNPR Information Centre
Vladimir KORNEEV / FNPR Information Centre
Albert KOUBAREY / FNPR Information Centre
Pavel CHEBOTAREV / Head, Information Service "PROFINFORM"
Boris STOLPOVSKI / Head, Press Service, Institute of Comparative Politology, RAS
Alexandre ZHELENINE / Nezavissimaya Gazeta ("Independent Gazette")
Vladimir KORABLEV / Radio "Mayak" Broadcasting Company
Andrei VORONINE / Radio "Rossia" Broadcasting Company
Svetlana SACHKOVA . / Head, PressCentre of the Nuclear Energy and Industry Workers' Union
James MEEK / Guardian, London
John THORNHILL / Financial Times, London