Minutes of a Regular Council meeting for the Town of South River,
held in Reid Chambers, South River, WednesdayOctober 1st, 2014 at 7:00p.m.
Members Present:Mayor:Arthur Petten
Councilors:Joyce Petten
Melissa Heirlihy
Beverley Wells
Darrell Percy
David McLean
Late arrival:Deputy Mayor:Scott Rose (7:25 p.m.)
Also Present:Clerk:Terrie Lynn Hussey-Aisien
Call to Order:
Mayor Petten called meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.
Council was advised that Deputy Mayor Rose was going to be running a few minutes late.
Add to agenda the minutes of a special meeting held September 8th, 2014
Adoption of Minutes:
Motion # 14-093Minutes of September 3rdmeetingAccepted and Approved as written and circulated.
In favour: Mayor:Arthur Petten
Councilors:Joyce Petten
Melissa Heirlihy
Beverley Wells
Darrell Percy
David McLean
Opposed: 0Motion Carried
BE IT RESOLVED that the minutes are approved as written and circulated.
Motion # 14-094Minutes of September 8th special meeting Accepted and Approved as written and circulated.
Moved/SecondedWells/J. Petten
In favour: Mayor:Arthur Petten
Councilors:Joyce Petten
Melissa Heirlihy
Beverley Wells
Darrell Percy
David McLean
Opposed: 0Motion Carried
BE IT RESOLVED that the minutes are approved as written and circulated.
Delegations: N/A
Business arising from minutes:
a)Quote for Guardrail repairs
Motion # 14-095Council accepts quote received from John Power for 58 posts for guardrails total cost $9,026.49.
Moved/SecondedMcLean/J. Petten
In favour: Mayor:Arthur Petten
Councilors:Joyce Petten
Melissa Heirlihy
Beverley Wells
Darrell Percy
David McLean
Opposed: 0Motion Carried
BE IT RESOLVED that the quote of $9,0263.49 submitted by John Power is accepted by Council.
b)Foley’s Hill
Clerk updated Council that 2nd letter was sent to Christian Morris in response to a letter dated August 14th, 2014 and also copied to Garry Spencer - Regional Director, Terry Mercer -Bay Roberts unit, MHA Hon. Tom Hedderson , and Minister of Transportation & Works Hon. Nick McGrath since the letter was sent Nick McGrath resigned as minister.
c)Security Cameras
Clerk will get 3 prices for the purchase of 4 cameras and a monitor to be installed by Council.
Committee Reports:
a)South River Recreation Committee
As per Motion # 14-082 Council will purchase 40 chairs and 10 tables for the basement at a maximum cost of $1500, let the minutes reflect that all Council is in agreement. The committee finalized a rental agreement for the basement and presented to Council for approval. Committee Chair Councilor Hierlihy gave Council an update including upcoming events.
*Mayor suggested that Council get the water to hall tested and that Council consider connecting to the Town water. *
b)Bay de Grave Regional Municipal Services Board
Board requests that the Town provide them with a copy of the Town’s emergency plan and also a list of businesses in Town that are not home based.
c)CMNS War Memorial Committee - N/A
d)Finance Committee
To prepare 2015 budget Councilor Hierlihy committee chair will send Clerk a list of documents for committee to prepare a draft budget to be presented to council for input and approval. Councilor Hierlihy would like for council to start preparing for 2015 projects.
Finance committee to meet on Wednesday Oct 15th 7:30
a)Brigus - BioMaxx Wastewater Quote
Council will keep this in file and review any information provided but do not see a need for this at this time.
b)RNC Association - Donation
Motion # 14-096Council will make a charitable donation of $50.00 to the RNC Association.
Moved/SecondedMcLean/J. Petten
In favour: Mayor:Arthur Petten
Deputy Mayor:Scott Rose
Councilors:Melissa Hierlihy
Joyce Petten
Beverley Wells
David McLean
Darrell Percy
Opposed: 0Motion Carried
BE IT RESOLVED that Council will make a charitable donation of $50.00.
c)Cupids - Pump house Repairs
The council would like to know if this new upgrading will be something that is automatic or will it be the same as now and require to be turned on? More specifically when there is a fire will a pump automatically "kick" in when the pressure goes downor will it continue to need to be turned on each time?
The Council will have to budget for this if the project is approved by Government, the Town of South River is in agreement for Cupidsto apply for Government funding.
a)Accounts Payable
Motion # 14-097Payment for invoice from WP Internet to be deferred until the requested website updates and accessibility is completed as requested.
Moved/SecondedMcLean/J. Petten
In favour: Mayor:Arthur Petten
Deputy Mayor:Scott Rose
Councilors:Melissa Hierlihy
Joyce Petten
Beverley Wells
David McLean
Darrell Percy
Opposed: 0Motion Carried
BE IT RESOLVED that Payment for invoice from WP Internet to be deferred until the requested website updates and accessibility is completed as requested
Motion # 14-098Accounts payable approved to be PAID as written and distributed omitting invoice from Motion #14-097.
Moved/SecondedMcLean/J. Petten
In favour: Mayor:Arthur Petten
Deputy Mayor:Scott Rose
Councilors:Melissa Hierlihy
Joyce Petten
Beverley Wells
David McLean
Darrell Percy
Opposed: 0Motion Carried
BE IT RESOLVED thatAccounts payable are approved to be PAID as written and distributedomitting invoice from Motion #14-097.
b)Financial Summary
- Cash Inflow Outflow Reports ~ Reviewed by Council
- Comparative Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, & Bank Balance ~ Reviewed by Council
Minutes of a Regular Council meeting for the Town of South River,
held in Reid Chambers, South River, WednesdayOctober 1st, 2014 at 7:00p.m
a)Development Applications
- Wells & Lynch - lot 4 Jacksonville Estates
Motion # 14-099Approval in principal has been given to Jillian Wells & Paul Lynch to construct a single family residential dwelling 3320 square foot located at 4 Jacksonville Estates
as per the submitted application.
In favour: Mayor:Arthur Petten
Deputy Mayor:Scott Rose
Councilors:Melissa Hierlihy
Joyce Petten
Beverley Wells
David McLean
Darrell Percy
Opposed: 0Motion Carried
BE IT RESOLVED that Approval in principal has been given to Jillian Wells & Paul Lynch.
- Cutler & Dale-2 Neville’s Place
Motion # 14-100Approval has been given to Blair Cutler & Michelle Dale to construct a residential Garage (18 ft high, 36 ft long, and 28 ft wide) located at 2 Neville’s Place
as per the submitted application with the exception that the dwelling is the correct distance from the River as per regulations.
In favour: Mayor:Arthur Petten
Deputy Mayor:Scott Rose
Councilors:Melissa Hierlihy
Joyce Petten
Beverley Wells
David McLean
Darrell Percy
Opposed: 0Motion Carried
BE IT RESOLVED that Approval has been given to Blair Cutler & Michelle Dale.
- Barnes/ Pike - 123-125 Con. Bay Highway
Motion # 14-101Approval in Principle subject to applicant submitting a signed letter from owner stating permission given to construct a residential garage 9ft. high, 23 ft long and 12 ft wide located at 123-125 CBH
as per submitted application.
In favour: Mayor:Arthur Petten
Deputy Mayor:Scott Rose
Councilors:Melissa Hierlihy
Joyce Petten
Beverley Wells
David McLean
Darrell Percy
Opposed: 0Motion Carried
BE IT RESOLVED that Approval in Principle subject has been given to Scott Barnes subject to condition as outlined.
- John Butler - 1 Forest Road
Motion # 14-102Approval has been given to John Butler to construct a residential garage (32 ft. by 24 ft, peak 18 ft) located at 1 Forest Road
as per the submitted application.
In favour: Mayor:Arthur Petten
Deputy Mayor:Scott Rose
Councilors:Melissa Hierlihy
Joyce Petten
Beverley Wells
David McLean
Darrell Percy
Opposed: 0Motion Carried
BE IT RESOLVED that Approval has been given to John Butler.
d)Business Request - 10 Taylor’s Road (Roxann George)
Motion # 14-103Approval has been given to Roxann George to operate a home based hair salon at 10 Taylor’s Road, Business tax will be prorated for the remaining 3 months of 2014.
In favour: Mayor:Arthur Petten
Deputy Mayor:Scott Rose
Councilors:Melissa Hierlihy
Joyce Petten
Beverley Wells
David McLean
Darrell Percy
Opposed: 0Motion Carried
BE IT RESOLVED that Approval has been given to Roxann George Business tax will be prorated for the remaining 3 months of 2014.
Complaint Log:
Reviewed by Council
* Contact will be made with environment and service NL to inquire if Dawe’s is following and abiding by regulations.
* Provide Deputy Mayor Rose with the land owners name and address and he will ask permission to place a bus shelter in front of his vacant land on Springfield Road across from Manning’s Hill.
General Business:
a)Councilor conflict of Interest
Councilor Percy left chambers at 8:48 p.m. for Council discussion
Motion # 14-104Council agrees that Councilor Percy was and is still in a conflict of interest.
Moved/SecondedA. Petten/Rose
In favour: Mayor:Arthur Petten
Councilors:Joyce Petten
David McLean
Opposed: Deputy Mayor:Scott Rose
Councilors:Melissa Hierlihy
Beverley WellsMotion Defeated
There is a tie vote on a motion or resolution, that motion or resolution shall be considered to be defeated.
Councilor Percyreturned to Chambers at 9:01 p.m.
b)Scrap Metal – Garbage
Reconsider this option when budgeting for 2015
c)Garbage Contract
Motion # 14-105Council to sign garbage contract for 2 years and to keep bulk garbage collection as is (weekly).
In favour: Mayor:Arthur Petten
Deputy Mayor:Scott Rose
Councilors:Melissa Hierlihy
Joyce Petten
Beverley Wells
David McLean
Opposed: Councilor:Darrell PercyMotion Carried
BE IT RESOLVED that contact will be for 2 years with bulk collection continuing on weekly.
d)Snow Clearing/Ice Control Contract
Motion # 14-106Council to sign contract and approve Riverside to bring up 100 ton of sand/salt mixture to prepare for start of winter season.
In favour: Mayor:Arthur Petten
Deputy Mayor:Scott Rose
Councilors:Melissa Hierlihy
Joyce Petten
Beverley Wells
David McLean
Darrell Percy
Opposed: 0Motion Carried
BE IT RESOLVED that contract will be singed and 100 t sand/salt mixture brought up.
General Business:
e)2014 MNL Convention - Corner Brook
Mayor Petten and Councilor Petten registered to attend. Discussion regarding who should attend sessions and what sessions should be attended. Deputy Mayor Rose stated that Council should be more mindful of the Budget regarding conventions and training.
Mayor stated that he will be withdrawing his registration effective immediately.
Mayor called order to meeting, discussion continued, and mayor called order again.
Mayor called meeting adjourned, Councilor McLean seconded it -adjournedat 9:31 p.m.
f)A Permanent solutions for potholes
g)Salmon Cove Road
h)General Permit - List of what falls under General
Meeting adjourned at ____9:31 p.m.______.
Council resolved to meet again on Wednesday November 5th, 2014
These minutes are approved by the South River Town Council at South RiverTown Hall, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, this ______day of ______, 2014.
Recorded & Typed by;Approved by Council & Witnessed by;
Terrie Lynn Hussey-AisienScott Rose
Town ClerkDeputy Mayor/Presiding officer
(for) the Town of South River(for) the Town of South River