Kindergarten Newsletter
KNEWS 19 2017-2018 January 8, 2018
This week we will work in Chapter 8:
God Made All People. The children will learn that God made all people good and that
God loves all people. All he asks of us is that we love Him in return.
God’s love is given freely, as His act of creation. So, too, is our love is to be given freely. This is a challenging task, one worthy of those who are made in the image of God.
To ensure that the children have a firm foundation with math facts to 10, we will begin to do some worksheets to help the children practice and become more fluent with addition to 10. You will see them coming home in your child’s folder on Friday.
High-Frequency Words
you, look
Look at You! Here are activities to hep your child learn the words you and look:
n Read each word together as your child points to it. Then write the words on your child’s palm, or have your child write them on your palm.
n Give your child a clue about each word. (For example, “This word rhymes with book.”) have your chld point to and read th word.
n Ask your child to read one of the words. Together, think of rhyming words.
Everyday Writing
Exclamations help your child recall an exciting storm or a perfect day that he or she has experienced. Ask your child to describe it using many senses: How did the storm look? How did it sound? How did te storm make you feel?
Review with your child that an exclamation shows strong feeling. It always ends with an eclamation mark. Together, think of an
exclamation about the storm to write. If available, give your child special materials, such as glitter, for a picture. Your child can write sound words in the picture, too.
Watch out for lightning!
Let’s Talk About …
Weather Use these discussion starters with your child to talk about big ideas from the theme “Whatever the Weather.”
n My favorite weather is ______, because ______. My favorite season is ______, because ______. How about you?
n What are some things we do in hot weather? In rainy weather? What do we do on cold days? How do we dress for different kinds of weather.
January ushers in our LifeSkills Program.
LifeSkills is a list of words/ideas which the children will learn, one a day, to help with character formation. The words, when you look at the list, seem to be a little over the top when you think of a 5-6 year old but, when explained, modeled, and practiced they become part of their understanding and everyday life. We affirm the children when they practice these skills and ask you to do
the same at home. The words we hope to introduce this week are listed below. Please know that if a word is not understood or remembered, we stay with that word for another day or so before introducing
another. The definitions as we present them are included also:
INTEGRITY: To do the right thing because
it’s the right thing to do.
INITIATIVE: To do something because it
needs to be done.
Dates to Remember …
January 2018
11 Mini Course: American History
15 Martin Luther King Day,
School closed for a Day of Service
. (additional info to follow)
25 Mini Course: Penguins
28 to February 2 Catholic Schools Week
Sunday – Theme: Thanks
Focus: Parish
Monday -- Theme: Learn
Focus: Community
Tuesday -- Theme: Service
Focus: Students
Wednesday – Theme: Lead
Focus: Nation/Family
Thursday -- Theme: Succeed
Focus: Volunteers
Friday -- Theme: Vocations
Focus: Spiritual Life
February 2018
01 Kindergarten Information Night
Volunteers needed. Room parents will be in touch.
02 Faculty Meeting, Noon Dismissal