EDMS No.: 1724530 1
EDMS No.: 1724530LHC-TCTPM-CS-0001
HL-LHC project / Group Code : EN-MME
Market Survey
Technical Questionnaire
Supply of absorber copper-diamondcomposite material for HL-LHC collimators
Firms interested in tendering shall return a completed questionnaire in duplicate.
In case of a combination of firms, the questionnaire shall be completed individually by each member of the combination of firms and returned in duplicate to CERN in the same envelope.
Firm compiling the questionnaire
Name: ......
Should you be qualified, are you interested in receiving the invitation to tender following this market survey?
Yes / NoIf not, are you interested in being kept in the CERN supplier database?
Yes / NoIf yes, please state your main activities which could be of interest to CERN with the name of the person to be contacted.
Main activities / Person to be contacted......
...... / ......
EDMS No.: 1724530 1
Table of contents
1.general information about the firm compiling the questionnaire
10.Qualification SAMPLES
EDMS No.: 17245301
1.general information about the firm compiling the questionnaire
1.1Contact Persons for Technical Matters:
Name / Tel / EmailMr. Mrs.
...... / Tel:
...... / ......
In case of absence:
Mr. Mrs......
...... / Tel:
...... / ......
1.2Contact Persons for Commercial Matters:
Name / Tel / EmailMr. Mrs.
...... / Tel:
...... / ......
In case of absence:
Mr. Mrs.
...... / Tel:
...... / ......
2.1Country of Origin of Supplies Proposed by the Firm Compiling the Questionnaire
The term “country of origin” shall mean the country where the supplies, including their components and sub-assemblies, are manufactured or undergo the last major transformation by the contractor or his suppliers/subcontractor(s). This should be within the CERN Member States, and under certain conditions as stipulated in the Qualification Criteria, from Associate Member States.
The firm compiling this questionnaire shall indicate the distribution of the country(ies) of origin in percentage terms in the table below.
Name / address of the firm compiling the questionnaire / Country of origin......
...... / ......
2.2Country of Origin of the Supplies in Case of a Combination of Firms
In case of a combination of firms, the questionnaire shall be completed individually by each member of the combination of firms and returned in duplicate to CERN in the same envelope.
In case of a combination of firms, please indicate below the organisation of the combination of firms, providing the information requested for each member of the combination of firms and defining the distribution of the contract among the members of the combination of firms in percentage terms?
Name and address / Supplies / Country of originLead Firm
...... / ......
...... / ......
Member of Combination of Firms
...... / ......
...... / ......
Member of Combination of Firms
...... / ......
...... / ......
Would the firm,or any member(s) of the combination of firms, subcontract any part of the contract?
Yes / NoIf yes, please specify which part of the contract would be subcontracted, and indicate the name and address of the potential subcontractors. Please provide the information requested below, including the distribution of the country (ies) of origin in percentage terms for each proposed subcontractor in the table below.
Name and address / Supplies / Country of origin......
...... / ......
...... / ......
...... / ......
...... / ......
Is the firm, or any member(s) of the combination of firms, or any subcontractor, been involved in bankruptcy proceedings, prosecution for debt, sequestration or any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in law?
Yes / NoHas the firm, or any member(s) of the combination of firms, or any subcontractor,made arrangements of any kind with creditors for their benefit?
Yes / NoHas the firm, or any member(s) of the combination of firms, or subcontractor, been subject of a judgement for fraud, corruption or any other illegal activity?
4.1 Does your firm,or the combination of firms, have the requested years of experience and the required competences in:
- Powdermetallurgy (as described in §4.1 of the Qualification Criteria)?
Yes / No
If no, please explain which criteria are not fulfilled.
If yes,please detail the years of experience your firm,or the combination of firms, has and demonstrate what aspects of it would be most relevant to this supply.
- Pressure-assisted sintering at temperatures in excess of 1050 ˚C as requested in §4.1 of the Qualification Criteria?
Yes / No
If no, please explain which criteria are not fulfilled.
If yes,please describe specifically the years of experience your firm,or the combination of firms, has and detail what aspects of it would be most relevant to this supply.
Please giveat least three examples of typical pressure-assisted sintering processesand the corresponding parameters your firm has used.
4.3 Experience (Firm, member firms or subcontractors)
4.3.1Does your firm, or the combination of firms, have the requested years of experience and the required competences in dry precision machining and cutting of hard materials compatible with dimensions and precision described in §3.3and § 7 of the Technical Description as requested in §4.3.1 of the Qualification Criteria?
Yes / NoIf no, please explain which criteria are not fulfilled.
If yes,please describe specifically the years of experience your firm,or the combination of firms, has and detail what aspects of it would be most relevant to this supply.
Would your firm subcontract this part?
Yes / NoIf yes, please indicate the name and address of the proposed subcontractor:
What are the infrastructures and procedures your firm,or the combination of firms, would use for dry machining of hard materials?
What are the precision and dimensions your firm,or the combination of firms, reaches on parts produced using dry machining (please give details on the materials used)?
4.3.2Does your firm, or the combination of firms, have the requested years of experience and the required competences in 3D measurementsas requested in §4.3.2 of the Qualification Criteria?
Yes / NoIf no, please explain which criteria are not fulfilled.
If yes,please describe specifically years of experience and detail what aspects of it would be most relevant to this supply.
Would your firm, or the combination of firms, subcontract this part?
Yes / NoIf yes, please indicate the name and address of the proposed subcontractor:
Please describe the procedures your firm, or the combination of firms, would use to keep record of the metrology measurements results.
4.4 References
Please provide at least three references of similar supply as requested in § 4of the Qualification Criteria. References should be related to recent contracts comparable in scope complexity and volume of the supply required at CERN, during the last three years.
Please duplicate and completethe “Reference1” and “Reference 2” forms provided in the Annex of this document.
5.1Number of Employees
2013 / 2014 / 2015Number of employees:
In all activities
Employees specialised in powder metallurgy
Employees specialised in pressure-assisted sintering
Employees specialised in dimensional inspections
Employees specialised in dry precision machining and cutting of hard materials / ......
...... / ......
...... / ......
5.2Annual Turnoverof the firm
2013 / 2014 / 2015Turnover
In all activities / ...... / ...... / ......
In the field of powder metallurgy / ...... / ...... / ......
In the field of pressure-assisted sintering / ...... / ...... / ......
In the field of dry precision machining / ...... / ...... / ......
In the field of dimensional inspections / ...... / ...... / ......
6.1Production capacity (firm or member firms in case of a combination of firms)
6.1.1Does your firm,or the combination of firms,have in-house dedicated equipment for vacuum or atmosphere-controlled pressure-assisted sintering as requested in §6.1.1 of the Qualification Criteria?
Yes / NoPlease provide a description of your firm’sor the combination of firms’vacuum or atmosphere-controlled pressure-assisted sintering capabilities. Please provide a detailed list of all the equipment your firmor the combination of firmswill use for the contract, and provide for each machine the present percentage of time for which the machine is loaded with recurrent production.
Equipment Model / UsableDimensions / Production site / % of present use / % of use for recurrent production
...... Please provide details of the vacuum and atmosphere control system (e.g. type of gases and its mixtures) of the equipment described in § 6.1.1.
...... Please provide details of the maximum pressures, temperatures and dwell times your firm,or the combination of firms,can sustain with the equipment described in § 6.1.1.
...... Please provide details of the maximum plate sizes your firm,or the combination of firms, can produce with the equipment described in § 6.1.1.
6.1.2Does your firm,or the combination of firms,have dedicated equipment for vacuum or atmosphere-controlled heat treatments as requested in §6.1.2 of the Qualification Criteria?
Yes / NoPlease provide a description of your firm’s or the combination of firms’ vacuum or atmosphere-controlled heat treatment equipment. Please provide a detailed list of all the equipment your firmor the combination of firmswill use for the contract, and provide for each machine the present percentage of time for which the machine is loaded with recurrent production.
Equipment Model / UsableDimensions / Production site / % of present use / % of use for recurrent production
...... Please provide details of the vacuum and atmosphere control system (e.g. type of gases and its mixtures) of the equipment described in § 6.1.2.
...... Please provide details of the maximum temperatures and the dwell times your firm,or the combination of firms,can sustain with the equipment described in § 6.1.2.
...... Please provide details of the maximum plate sizes your firm,or the combination of firms,can heat treat with the equipment described in § 6.1.2.
6.1.3Is your firm,or the combination of firms,able to accommodate blocks of 150×100×30 mm and, in any case, sizes and shapes as those defined in the Annex of the Technical Description?
Yes / NoPlease provide any further details you may consider relevant.
6.2Production capacity (Firm, member firms or subcontractors)
6.2.1Does your firm,the combination of firms, or the subcontractors,have in-house dedicated equipment for dry machining and cutting hard materials as requested in §6.2.1 of the Qualification Criteria?
Yes / NoPlease provide a description of your firm’s or the combination of firms’ or the subcontractors’ capabilities in the domain of dry machining carbonaceous materials. Please provide a detailed list of all the equipment your firmor the combination of firms or the subcontractorswill use for the contract, and provide for each machine the present percentage of time for which the machine is loaded with recurrent production.
Equipment Model / UsableDimensions / Production site / % of present use / % of use for recurrent production
...... Please provide details of the tool materials your firm,or the combination of firms,would use.
...... Please provide details of the maximum plate sizes your firm,or the combination of firms, or the subcontractors,can machine with the equipment described in § 6.2.1 and the precision theyfirm could achieve.
6.2.2 Does your firm, the combination of firms or the subcontractors have an in-house metrology workshop stabilised at ±1°C compatible withthe dimensions of the blocks to be provided?
Yes / NoCan your firmor the combination of firms or the subcontractors verify dimensions with an accuracy of ±2.5µm over the block’s largest dimension?
Yes / NoPlease provide a description of your firm’s or the combination of firms’ or the subcontractors’ metrology capabilities. Please provide a detailed list of all the equipment your firmor the combination of firms’ or the subcontractors’ will use for the contract, and provide for each machine the present percentage of time for which the machine is loaded with recurrent production.
Equipment Model / Dimensions / Production site / % of present use / % of use for recurrent production......
6.3Does your firm, the combination of firms or the subcontractors have a clean space for storage of the blocks as requested in §6.3 of the Qualification Criteria?
Yes / NoPlease give a detailed description including pictures of the site
Arethe firm, the member firms in case of combination of firms and the subcontractors ISO 9001:2008 certified in areas relevant to the scope of the technical specification?
Yes / NoIf yes, please specify which and attach a copy of the relevant certificate which clearly shows the certification authority and date of certification.
If not, please indicate details of your internal quality assurance system and how you would set up an equivalent quality assurance procedure. Use a separate page if necessary.
Will your firm,or the combination of firms,be able to respect the provisional schedulestated in §4.1 of the Technical Description?
Yes / NoPlease provide a preliminary description of the production strategy for the supply of an estimated quantity of 100 blocks including scheduling information
9.1Will your firm,or the combination of firms, make at least one commercial contact person and one technical contact person available for the entire duration of the contract?
Yes / NoIf not, please explain the exceptions:
9.2Are the contact persons concerned able to communicate in English or French?
Yes / No10.Qualification SAMPLES
Could your firm,or the combination of firms,provide the qualification samples and corresponding documentation as described in § 5 of the Technical Description, if requested?
Yes / NoIf no, please explain.
Could your firm,or the combination of firms,supply the samples within eight weeks following CERN’s request, as statedin § 10 of the Qualification Criteria?
Yes / NoIf no, please explain.
Does your firm,or the combination of firms,have means to perform outgassing and/or residual gas analyses on its premises? If yes, please describe:
Does your firm,or the combination of firms,have experience in Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) and related cleaning procedures?If yes, please describe:
Please describe in detail the process your firm,or the combination of firms,would follow to produce the heat-treated sintered plates, if different to the one described in §3.1 of the Technical Description.
Does your firm,or the combination of firms,comply with all the qualification criteria as stipulated in this market survey?
Yes / NoIf no, please explain which criteria are not fulfilled.
Indicate any other information that may be relevant to this market survey.
Date / Signature and stamp of firm(To be signed by each member in case of a combination of firms)
REFERENCE 1 - Competence and Experience
Name of the customer
Full address
Name of the person to be contacted
in customer organisation
Scope of the contract
Level of responsibility taken over by the firm
Contract value (Please specify the currency)
Duration (start and end dates) and approximate contract value
Number and qualifications of personnel performing the contract
Organisational structure (e.g. single contractor, role in the case of a combination of firms, organisational flow chart).
Give a brief technical description of the nature of the materials supplied.
In particular in the area of:
-Powder metallurgy
-Pressure-assisted sintering at temperatures in excess of 1050˚C
-Precision dry machining
-3D metrology assessment
Other relevant details
Continue on separate sheet of paper if necessary.
REFERENCE 2 –Production CapacityName of the customer
Full address
Name of the person to be contacted
in customer organisation
Scope of the contract
Level of responsibility taken over by the firm
Contract value (Please specify the currency)
Duration (start and end dates) and approximate contract value
Number and qualifications of personnel performing the contract
Organisational structure (e.g. single contractor, role in the case of a combination of firms, organisational flow chart).
Give a brief technical description of the production capacity.
In particular specifying:
-Maximum pressure
-Maximum temperatures
-Dwell times
-Maximum usable sizes
Other relevant details
Continue on separate sheet of paper if necessary.